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Thread: Is the GOP Finally Getting Hip to Gay Marriage?

  1. #1
    Registered User LAGC's Avatar

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    Question Is the GOP Finally Getting Hip to Gay Marriage?

    Just as the Nevada GOP drops its opposition to same-sex marriage, a group of young conservatives is launching a campaign to change anti-gay language in the national party platform.

    Conventioneers at the Nevada Republican Party just did a remarkable thing. They decided Republicans should be consistent with their philosophy of more freedom and less government—so they eliminated opposition to gay marriage from their party platform.

    And now there is a move to change anti-gay language in the national GOP platform. A group called Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry, which includes Margaret Hoover (who is married to Daily Beast editor in chief John Avlon), Abby Huntsman, Meghan McCain, and Tyler Deaton, announced Wednesday that they are launching a $1 million campaign to eliminate harsh language and replace it with unifying framing, while still respecting differing views on marriage within the party.
    Gay marriage is the last frontier of civil rights in this country. But the train is at last leaving the station.

    They do make an salient point: Republicans really do have an "image" problem with people under 30. Take away that "wedge issue" from the Democrats, and higher youth turn-out won't be such a bad thing for them to fear.

    "I don’t expect Republicans to be marching in the streets anytime soon in support of gay marriage. But they won’t ever again be marching in the streets against it."

    "That tyranny has all the vices both of democracy and oligarchy is evident. As of oligarchy so of tyranny, the end is wealth; (for by wealth only can the tyrant maintain either his guard or his luxury). Both mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms." -- Aristotle, Book V, 350 B.C.E

  2. #2
    Senior Member

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    harms way
    Gay marriage?
    Haven't gays suffered enough?

    Also, why does anyone want to involve government in their love lives? Marriage is a three party contract; the couple and the nefarious gubmit. Why is gubmit involved at all?
    "And how we burned in the camps later thinking, what would things have been like, if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain, whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?"

  3. #3
    Registered User LAGC's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by 5.56NATO View Post
    Gay marriage?
    Haven't gays suffered enough?

    Also, why does anyone want to involve government in their love lives? Marriage is a three party contract; the couple and the nefarious gubmit. Why is gubmit involved at all?
    Good questions. I've kind of wondered that myself. I figure: if they want to suffer the indignities of spousal abuse and messy divorces and all that entails, so be it. Reap what you sow.

    As for the government being involved, unfortunately, from everything from tax breaks to spousal visits at the hospital, state-sanctioned marriage does have its benefits.

    I doubt the gays would have even cared if "civil unions" really entailed full benefits of marriage, but they don't. So this is what we're left with.
    "That tyranny has all the vices both of democracy and oligarchy is evident. As of oligarchy so of tyranny, the end is wealth; (for by wealth only can the tyrant maintain either his guard or his luxury). Both mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms." -- Aristotle, Book V, 350 B.C.E

  4. #4
    Team GunsNet Silver 04/2014 El Jefe's Avatar

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    . . . Fumbuc!
    Queer males can marry any woman who'll have them. Has your boy friend proposed yet, freak?
    Returns June 3rd.


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