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Thread: So What's the Deal With This V.A. Bullshit?

  1. #1
    Registered User LAGC's Avatar

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    Question So What's the Deal With This V.A. Bullshit?

    President Obama is mad as hell. The media are mad as hell. The veterans are mad as hell. We’re all mad as hell.

    The journalistic uproar about the VA hospital mess has been loud and forceful, with even such liberal columnists as Dana Milbank and Gene Robinson saying this is a real, genuine, big-deal scandal—and not letting Obama off the hook.

    Once again, we saw the president in reactive mode. Once again, defending an aide who didn’t seem to have control of his department. Once again, saying he didn’t know about some outrage until he heard about it from the media.

    To be sure, the VA health system has been a disaster for decades. The waiting times have been terrible as Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have flooded the hospitals. But it was the media’s discovery of secret waiting lists at the Phoenix hospital, and mounting problems at other facilities, that caused this to explode.

    Seems to be all the buzz on the MSM this morning.

    Veterans being forced on long waiting lists, some dying from their complications before they are even able to be seen...

    This could be the first real Obama Administration scandal that actually has legs and sticks... although it sounds like the root problems with the V.A. have been going on for decades...

    Pretty sad when people who fought for and served this country are being treated worse than the prompt care prisoners receive at GITMO.

    Every Congresscritter that voted to cut the V.A.'s budget needs to be held accountable. And Obama needs to sack his V.A. chief, like stat!
    "That tyranny has all the vices both of democracy and oligarchy is evident. As of oligarchy so of tyranny, the end is wealth; (for by wealth only can the tyrant maintain either his guard or his luxury). Both mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms." -- Aristotle, Book V, 350 B.C.E

  2. #2
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    The 0bamaregim hates vets as well as active service members, any and all patriotic Americans, really, plain and simple. I recon the plan was to off as many old, preferably white, vets as possible by denyng care much like in Canaduh where it takes years to get life saving surgeries, much like 0bamacare will do to all citizens. Shinseki takes the fall, vets die, 0bamaregim takes credit for saving vets while actually killing them. Lol.
    "And how we burned in the camps later thinking, what would things have been like, if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain, whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?"

  3. #3
    Contributor 05/2012

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    Quote Originally Posted by LAGC View Post

    Seems to be all the buzz on the MSM this morning.

    Veterans being forced on long waiting lists, some dying from their complications before they are even able to be seen...

    This could be the first real Obama Administration scandal that actually has legs and sticks... although it sounds like the root problems with the V.A. have been going on for decades...

    Pretty sad when people who fought for and served this country are being treated worse than the prompt care prisoners receive at GITMO.

    Every Congresscritter that voted to cut the V.A.'s budget needs to be held accountable. And Obama needs to sack his V.A. chief, like stat!
    So you, AND the press are all over it? MUST be serious.......<rolleyes>

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by CigarGuy View Post
    So you, AND the press are all over it? MUST be serious.......<rolleyes>

    Don't look over there at Benghazi and fast and furious, look over here at dying vets! Look, dying vets!
    "And how we burned in the camps later thinking, what would things have been like, if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain, whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?"

  5. #5
    Contributor 05/2012

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    Quote Originally Posted by 5.56NATO View Post

    Don't look over there at Benghazi and fast and furious, look over here at dying vets! Look, dying vets!
    It just struck me odd that this story has been out there for over a month(well, for YEARS. But that's another story)
    and both our resident and MSM found out about it, what, yesterday? Today?

  6. #6
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    It pisses me off that politicians are trying to pin this shit on Obama or say that it's been on going since Bush, Bush, Clinton etc..... They should investigate the records of Congressional and Senate Representatives and they would find truck loads of complaints from vets going back for the last 20 years. Every Senator and Congressman has been well aware of this problem for decades. It is only now become useful information to them. They are all guilty and should share the same plight as this regime.

  7. #7
    Gunsnet Contributor 02/14 miketx's Avatar

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    This is to distract from other issues the America hating bastard has going on now.
    "The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it" - George Bernard Shaw

  8. #8
    Senior Member Kadmos's Avatar

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    You guys ever go to a fast food drive through and after you pay they ask you to pull up and they will bring the food out to you? Even if there is no one waiting behind you?

    There is a device that measures how long you sit at the window, and if you sit there too long, the employees get chewed out for taking to long.

    Other times if they are busy they ask you to pull up to the window for your total. It's because there is a device that measures how long from when they ring you up to when you get your order. So they just don't hit the "total" button, or they use a separate computer or write down your order without putting it in the computer.

    These are ways employees game the system in order to not get chewed out.

    And of course the CEO's most of the time never know.

    The problem is, it fucks up the data. Sure you save yourself from being chewed out, which seems nice. But they make decisions based on flawed data and therefore the system never gets fixed. It might be you need one more employee, or it might be that you need to move the ordering speaker thing 10 feet further forward or back. But of course no one knows this, because it appears everything is fine.

    And for a hospital it's even worse. It could be you need another doctor, another nurse, another person in admin, another bed....and you can't even tell where you need what. The doc you need might be a foot doctor and the admins are trying to get a heart doctor.

    You can't plan the budget properly, you can't put resources in the right place.

    And this is all because the employees don't want to get chewed out, and aren't looking at the much bigger picture of what is necessary to fix the problem.

  9. #9
    Site Admin & **Team Gunsnet Silver 12/2012** Richard Simmons's Avatar

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    All I know for sure is my father kept hounding me to get enrolled at the VA. It's all he could talk about, how I earned it as did he and it was there for us, etc. Once he went his tune changed completely. Now the only time I hear about the VA from him is when he says, "What ever you do about your knees stay the hell away from the VA!"
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  10. #10
    Team GunsNet Silver 02/2014

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    This has been there for years. Only experience with VA was 30+ years ago...have gone to Kaiser from then on!

  11. #11
    Guns Network Lifetime Member #2

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    He'll hold them accountable just like Kadmos holds Obama accountable for anything, or Democrats are accountable for upholding the 2nd amendment or Obama will hold those accountable for Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and the IRS for targeting certain groups. Problem is they all lead straight to the Muslim who's claiming he's going to hold people accountable. You can start your talking points straight from your handlers there Kadmos.


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