It’s Almost Show Time
January 16, 2015 in OFF Alerts


The 2015 session of the Oregon Legislature begins on Feb.2.

As you well know, we will be dealing with plenty of attacks on our rights. With both houses under the control of anti-gunners and with a vocally anti-gun governor, we can expect to see all manner of anti-gun legislation squeezed in between tax hikes.

So get ready. We have listed the gun related bills that have been introduced so far here. Rest assured there will be plenty more, so keep an eye out for updates and what you can do.

We continue to believe that one of the best ways we can counter the anti-gunners in Portland is by getting sheriffs and county commissioners to stand up and oppose new restrictions. If your county and sheriff have not taken a stand, contact them. Remind them that their first obligation is to protect your rights and that an uncompromising position on their part in defense of your freedom will go along way in putting the brakes on any further infringements.

Numerous counties have already drafted or passed pro-gun resolutions or ordinances. We need more. On January 22, Yamhill County will be hearing a resolution opposing expansion of Oregon’s failed background check system. Please contact your county commissioners and tell them to step up now before anti-gun bills are racing through the legislature.

Meanwhile, be sure to get active yourself. Send a message to the legislature that you will not tolerate the proposed universal gun registration and background checks by using our legislative communication page.

You can also sign a postcard to the Speaker of the House with the message that you expect her to protect your rights and you’ll be entered to win a S&W 9mm Shield. See the details here.