Round and round she goes; where it stops, nobody knows.

With new elections in Greece portending a worsening phase in the Greek debt crisis, Greeks can be forgiven for wanting their money in cash versus being held by insolvent institutions, only a phone call away from being used to support the government’s spending. The Syriza party, a leftist, anti-austerity group bent on opening the free-money spickets again in Greece, could possibly win the snap election called when the currency government failed in getting its candidate elected as president. Hence the bank runs.

Zero Hedge reported today that four of the major commercial banks in Greece have asked for help from the government through an emergency liquidity program.
What is relevant is that following yesterday’s report that two Greek banks had suffered sufficiently material deposit withdrawals to force them to apply for the unpopular and highly stigmatizing Emergency Liquidity Assistance program with the ECB, now the other two of Greece’s largest banks have also succumbed to reserve depletion after the Greek bank run appears to have gone viral. As Greek reports, now all four Greek banks have requested ELA assistance from the same ECB president who earlier today is said to have unceremoniously kicked out Greece from the ECB’s QE program.

It is highly likely that Greece will be forced from the Eurozone for not living up to the terms of their past bailouts. I would be angry too if I loaned you three-hundred billion euros and you refused to stop spending recklessly and reform you socialist economy. The major Eurozone powers are loath to set the precedent of cowtowing to newly elected leftist governments.

Report: “Russian Invasion Survival Manual” To Be Issued To Citizens In European Union
Lithuanian Defense Minister Juozas Olekas unveiled the 100-page public information pamphlet last Tuesday at a press conference in Vilnius. The book, “How to act in extreme situations or instances of war” aims to educate the country’s citizens on what to do in the case of an invasion.

The manual instructs Lithuanians how to “act during the organization of civil resistance, but also how to act under battlefield conditions,” in addition to containing information on governmental changes following a declaration of war and procedures for evacuating a building, according to Olekas.

The book suggests demonstrations and strikes or “at least doing your job worse than usual” as means of resisting foreign occupation. It also advises citizens to use social media to organize resistance and promotes staging cyber-attacks against the enemy.

The future is looking brighter and brighter!