One parent gets upset over an 8th grade assignment that slams Republicans on the Illegal Immigration problem.

It's apparent the teacher wasn't counting on parents catching on to what she assigned.

“She [the teacher] didn’t really understand where I was coming from,” says Radies.

It's interesting that this teacher had no clue why he was upset with the assignment. (Reminds me of a deer in the headlights. Useful, clueless tool...)

Here's the Principal's response to the parent.

"The Neenah Joint School District is aware of concerns related to the use of a political cartoon in an eighth grade social studies class. A mistake was made in this class by using only one cartoon and not showing multiple positions through other examples. The goal of the lesson was to recognize the importance of varied opinions and viewpoints that we believe are essential in the development of our students and their critical thinking. Steps have been taken to ensure that all viewpoints are honored and respected throughout our District."

Yet, knowing the "goal," the teacher still only presented the liberal side of the argument to the class. Nice....

However, I love the response the student made to the teacher when she asked what the problem was with the US not allowing illegal immigration.

To which the student replied, ‘Because those people are criminals by being here illegally.’ Obviously, not the answer she was looking for.

Article and cartoon here: