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Thread: Solution To Confederate Display Controversy

  1. #1
    Team Guns Network Silver 04/2013 alismith's Avatar

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    44th "Free" State

    Solution To Confederate Display Controversy

    I was thinking about this last night (scary thought, but it happened) and came up with the perfect solution.

    Since all references to slavery are offensive to liberals, blacks, and Communists, they need to focus on the real problem here.

    When the Confederacy was formed, certain states aligned with the South and certain ones aligned with the North. Some states remained uncommitted (mainly those located in the western part of America).

    Well, to get away from all references to the Confederacy, those who are offended need to pack up and move to those states that aligned with the North. And, those living in the Northern states who are not offended by references to the Confederacy, should move South.

    That way, those offended will have removed themselves from ANY influence living in a Southern State might inflict on them.

    For a general idea of geographics, any states South of the Mason-Dixon Line is to be considered a Southern State (except for WV) and any state north of that line is a Northern State.

    Those states who remained uncommitted, or formed since the Civil War, are free to opt out of this arrangement and can offer living spaces to anyone.

    Those liberals, blacks, and Communists who continue to live in a Southern State can no longer piss and moan, or riot, about anything Confederate, including flags, statues, names, or monuments, etc.

    Always remember, in the South you are walking on the same ground that slaves and slave owners walked on....

    As in real estate, everything hinges on location, location, location.

    So, the solution simple: if you live in a Southern State, and are offended by any references to the Confederacy, then get the hell out and move North!
    "Valar morghulis; valar dohaeris."

    Commucrats are most efficient at converting sins and crimes to accidents or misunderstandings.-Oswald Bastable

    Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless.

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    "Attitude is the paintbrush that colors our world." TV Series, Haven.

    My Spirit Animal has rabies.

    I'd rather be an American than a Democrat.

    "If you can make a man afraid, you can control him" Netflix Series, The Irregulars

  2. #2
    Senior Member BISHOP's Avatar

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    Sounds great, but it's too hot down there for me , and too cold for those people of "slavery decent" up here.


  3. #3
    Senior Member

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    Within the heart of Hell. Michigan.
    Send them to an Arab nation, so they may be enslaved and or killed. Motherfuckers don't realize how good they have it here, and don't realize how bad it is everywhere else. Don't like America, then leave. We seriously need to just permanently get rid of stupid.

  4. #4
    Team GunsNet Bronze 10/2014

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    Mar 2011
    first the public square, then the libraries, then then churches, then your home, then it's over. a simple solution might be stop naming anything taxpayer funded for anyone.

  5. #5
    Team Guns Network Silver 04/2013 alismith's Avatar

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    44th "Free" State
    Quote Originally Posted by kuntryboy View Post
    first the public square, then the libraries, then then churches, then your home, then it's over. a simple solution might be stop naming anything taxpayer funded for anyone.
    An even simpler solution isn't legal at this time....
    "Valar morghulis; valar dohaeris."

    Commucrats are most efficient at converting sins and crimes to accidents or misunderstandings.-Oswald Bastable

    Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless.

    Freedom isn't free.

    "Attitude is the paintbrush that colors our world." TV Series, Haven.

    My Spirit Animal has rabies.

    I'd rather be an American than a Democrat.

    "If you can make a man afraid, you can control him" Netflix Series, The Irregulars


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