so i recently got this fucking kick ass awesome estwing (BEST hammers ever) small (single handed) double bit axe. made in usa, by americans. one piece forged, no welds.


i can use this outdoors. it has a tangible value to me. \

i also noticed that they have a similar tomahawk. amof, i have seen a lot of tomahawks around lately. i dont know why. to me, i think tin foil hatter fucking zombie believing fuktards buy them thinking they will be using them for self defense and they look meaner. thats what i think. a hatchet with a back that can be used as a hammer, or even this double bit axe i will use. i can see no practical use for a tomahawk.

i did notice on the estwing tomahawk tag it mentioned "trenching". idk how or why or what you would have to do to rench with one, or why i would want to.

so, my question is, does the tomahawk actually have any use in an outdoor/wilderness/camping/survival role that i am missing?? do i really need one and just not know it?? or are my current musings correct and they are just toys for the mall ninja?