So i had a pretty frustrating morning. I dropped off my fathers two sets of snow tires to "Star Tire" (Tire shop) today so he could get them put on his two vehicles. He was there waiting for me. My problem started when i backed into the service bay to get the 8 tires out of the back of my truck. I accidentally locked my door with my arm when i got out. So now i have the truck locked up tight and still running and i am blocking the service bay of this shop. So i remember i had a key zap strapped inside the frame. I slide under the truck and start looking for it. I am feeling around with my hands looking or it and i inadvertently knock a clump of road dirt and rust directly into my eyeball. I wiped it out and thought nothing of it. couldn't find the key none the less so i had to call my wife to bring me the spare. took about an hour start to finish. So embarrassing and frustrating, Fast forward a couple hours. I was dropping off the trump hats i ordered to my friends and I noticed my eye fogging over. So i started rubbing it and it just felt weird. So i looked in my rear view mirror and i had creamy shit and a flake of rust on my cheek. Couple hours more has gone by and i can hardly keep it open. It is like i am looking through a smoke filled room and my eyelid is really sore. Anyone got any ideas of what to do? I am military and don't have a family doctor. I need to go to the doctor on base in the morning if i decide to. If it is an emergency i need to go to the regular civilian hospital. Which will destroy a better part of the night in the waiting room. Usually average 5 hours for non life threatening things. (Canadian socialized medical) I am hoping someone has an old time remedy that i could do with the help of my wife. This really bugging me.
