I am A 60 year old white male, lately I have been encountering an unbelievable amount of animosity and hostility from some non-whites while in public. I am a “live and let live” type of guy and I never start any shit with people.

This morning I was walking inside a local grocery store and about to walk between two produce display cases. From the other direction a black guy was approaching at the same time.

There was plenty of room for two people to pass simultaneous without hitting each other, but this guy walks right in the middle and I have to stand aside or he would have ran me over.

I was at a farmers market sitting at a taco bar and I hear a voice behind me… Of course he’s racists he’s white.
At the local Walmart two black people walking towards me side by side with no intentions of yielding even a little to allow me to walk by.
Is this just in my head?

One day I am going to stay in my lane and collide. Let the sportiness begin. Privilege.