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Thread: Assault News

  1. #1
    Team Guns Network Silver 04/2013 alismith's Avatar

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    44th "Free" State

    Assault News

    Just thought of a new term for fake news....Assault News.

    It's perfect.

    Since the media can use "Assault weapon" or "assault rifle" for the firearms they deem most dangerous for law-abiding citizens to own, why not use it for the fake news outlets?

    After all, they are attacking (assaulting) a sitting President, they are assaulting Conservatives, they are assaulting Republicans, they are assaulting morality, they are assaulting legitimate religions (while enhancing Satan's true religion), they are assaulting America, they are assaulting White, Anglo-Saxon Males, they are assaulting heterosexuality, they are assaulting our culture, they are assaulting our police officers, they are assaulting the truth and hiding it from those they profess to serve, they are assaulting our rights, they are assaulting the Constitution, they are assaulting our beliefs in our country.

    They are assaulting everything a rational, American stands for and is willing to defend.

    So, they are aptly named, "Assault News." Being an assault news outlet makes them purveyors of fake news all the way, since that is the only news they print/broadcast.
    "Valar morghulis; valar dohaeris."

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  2. #2
    Administrator imanaknut's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Indiana, a state that is trying to remain free.
    I like the idea! Time to start calling news media attacks on the president as they are, assault news!


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