View Full Version : Shopping for AK's?

  1. We need a new gunshop links thread, let's start here.
  2. One of the rarest of rare for sale on Gunbroker!
  3. Cheap Ak
  4. Need advice on what AK to buy
  5. What not to buy.
  6. Tell me about this and how much you think it is worth
  7. New to AK-47s
  8. Draco Anyone?
  9. Arsenal USA SSR-AKMS question
  10. ATI Milled receiver AK?
  11. Which AK? So many choices!
  12. WASR's Going Up By 6%
  13. New Frontier Armory
  14. Gun Show WASR 10/63 UF Price
  15. Atlantic Firearms-AK-47
  16. siaga underfolder heads up
  17. Would like comments on AK 47 AMD 65 Hungarian Rifle (folder)
  18. Looking to buy a lower priced AK thats not a WASR-10
  19. new to the site..have a few building questions
  20. Most Accurate AK Version?
  21. New to the forum- question about Century Polish M60?
  22. Vector Arms AK-47's ?
  23. What to buy? My First AK-47
  24. IO Sporter?
  25. Good price on a FEG SA85M?
  26. Need some help, am I looking to get the best bang for my buck?
  27. AK questions
  28. EAA Zastava Pap 7.62x39 Anybody Own One
  29. New AK help
  30. Shopping for 1st AK
  31. Also shopping for my 1st AK
  32. Ca. Legal AK47 Milled Polish Rifle - Help
  33. Full / Folding stock
  34. Lost
  35. Saiga or what?
  36. Finally got one!
  37. A buyer's guide
  38. Need Help with Finding an Online Dealer
  39. Saiga Help
  40. Which AK to Buy?? From What Country?? Best for Collecting??
  41. Yugo M70 vs Hungarian AMD 65
  42. Buying a used Vector Arms AK47
  43. New Romanian Cugir Factory GP-WASR 10/63
  44. Looking for some AK advice
  45. Classice Arms Saigas
  46. Opinions Please...
  47. AK Recoil ?
  48. My sons buddy bought one of these...
  49. New Vector Arms Bulgarian Underfolder (pics)
  50. Gun Cases for Folding Stock Rifles
  51. VEPR II
  52. Looking for another fun Ak
  53. Cope's Dist-AK's
  54. CZ VZ 58?
  55. Advice in purchasing an AK
  56. ....all joking aside , if someone really wanted "the best AK" what .....
  57. So, where does one find large quantities of AK rifles stockpiled?
  58. Thinking about buying an Arsenal SGL21. Talk me out of it
  59. Looking at a WASR 10/63 for purchase
  60. Closing in on buying my first AK!
  61. I want an AK!
  62. Help buying an AK
  63. Parts kit or pre-assembled?
  64. Atlantic Firearms Ak's?
  65. M+M Inc. M10 7.62x39 Rifle
  66. New Saiga AK
  67. Cook County
  68. Purchase Opinions
  69. 7.62 vs. 5.45
  70. Shopping For An AK
  71. Current AK crop buyers guide?
  72. WTB a quality CA legal AK-47
  73. ak collection
  74. looking for the best ak for the money
  75. Saiga vs M+M
  76. Help pricing new AK 84S
  77. What's my SGL31 worth? Thinking of selling it.
  78. Whats a guy gotta do to find an AK?
  79. WASR or Saiga?
  80. AK in CA
  81. Single white male seeking Arsenal AK.
  82. Lotus Guns has a Polytech legend?
  83. HELP, I have an AK 47 Type II dated 1952-54 Original Russian!!!!
  84. Arsenal SLG 21
  85. thinking about doing a saiga conversion build
  86. Gun prices! Really?
  87. Decisions, decisions...which is considered better quality?
  88. ak shopping
  89. wasr 10
  90. AMD 65 Question
  91. zastava built yugo
  92. New to forums
  93. Need a great AK in the $700 range.
  94. RRC Firearms-AK's For Sale
  95. AKPAP Zastava PAP Semi-Auto AK-47 Wood Stock 7.62x39 w/2 30rd Mags $645.00
  96. Help me with a choice
  97. new member AK decision making
  98. Need some advice on which ak 74
  99. Hellhound?
  100. Thou shalt not covet...
  101. What is the best Saiga AK-47 type gun that I can get for around $1,000 in 7.62×39mm?
  102. Cartel Style AK...looking for!
  103. Which AK to buy?
  104. arsenal slr101s?
  105. Should I sell this PAP M92?
  106. AK-12 , VZ series? Opinions on both
  107. Polish AK-47 Parts Kit
  108. Hello from Colorado
  109. some more rqts for my first AK
  110. CAI AK-47 Zastava M70 vs. Romanian Wasr 10?
  111. more doubt thrown into my first AK purchase decision.
  112. Where can I get a cpy of The Grim Reaper by Frank I.?
  113. CAI converted Saiga vs. IO Inc Polish import? Decision
  114. zastava m76 wanted - how to buy
  115. Buyers everywhere!
  116. Been absent aawhile from the board, trying to get caught up. Who is selling quality AK Recivers?
  117. New to the group, new to AK's, looking for an AK to shoot at the range
  118. SAM7R–61 or Arsenal SGL26-61 Arsenal SGL26-61 or SLR-107FR Gergana or Sasha???
  119. Help ID This AK 47
  120. newbie looking to buy AK
  121. Buying Frenzy for all things Kalashnikov.
  122. Newbie
  123. New Issue of the Complete Book of the AK 47 is Out
  124. My new M76's youtube video
  125. Stamped receive or milled receiver
  126. Different Look
  127. Any Saiga's in stock anywhere?
  128. Century Arms-American Made
  129. Ak barrel with higher twist rate question?
  130. AR or AK
  131. help identify this setup please
  132. Polytech 223 mags?
  133. Need your help! I need a complete Saiga bolt in .308 or the shell
  134. Is it worth it to buy a x39 AK?
  135. I.O. Inc
  136. New to Forum and AKs
  137. Pioneer Arms Corp Sporter AK 7.62x39 Rifle
  138. AK-47 & AK-74 Rifles For Sale!
  139. Question on Atlantic Firearms AK Builds.
  140. Circle 10 AK Site
  141. AK-47U Stamped Under Fold AK-47 Rifle S/A, 7.62x39 by D.D.I.
  142. For the AK collector who thought he had everything!
  143. Looking at Atlantics AK's and have a $2k budget - Want the DDR and ?????
  144. Very Important Question, regarding Pre-Ban Quality, and todays Maker of AK Rifles!
  145. AK Rifles For Sale On Line
  146. AK47 Pistol Lynx Polish Classic-WBP
  147. Atlantic FireArms AK's
  148. New AK In 22LR
  149. Century Arms BFT47 Core rifle chambered in 762x39
  150. 5 Reasons Why You Need to Own an AK Rifle
  151. AK Buyers Guide