View Full Version : Chinese & Norinco AK's

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  1. Chinese AK variants ROCK!!!
  2. Info!
  3. Polytech-AKS-7.62 Folder
  4. One of the rarest of rare for sale on Gunbroker!
  5. Another "what's wrong with this picture" lesson for those buying AK variants
  6. Where are some places to buy furniture for my MAK 90?
  7. Norinco Picture Thread
  8. Clayco!
  9. Great Clayco on Gunbroker
  10. Your First ChiCom
  11. Rare Chinese Norinco AK 84S -A3 Black 5.56 Cal NIB
  12. Great deal Here!
  13. Parts kit worth?
  14. Rare Polytechs up for sale
  15. Anyone need a Norinco .223 mag, or two, or... Plus a rare 84S-5A????
  16. The Ultimate Bubba MAK-90!
  17. i seek sage advice about my bwk92
  18. Norinco Hunter 92
  19. Compliance ??? for NHM 91
  20. ared there any "milled" nmh 91's
  21. Newbie Question
  22. Another "special" Norinco on gunbroker!
  23. Removing BWK 92 muzzle???
  24. Clayco on Gunbroker. Are they this rare?
  25. New here with new gun
  26. NHM-91 going through"the change"
  27. Bling alert! Milled Norinco Underfolder
  28. 84s Norinco
  29. Interesting Norinco on Gunbroker
  30. going rate for a Mak 90?
  31. Well I finally made it back to AK-47.net.
  32. Question on the Photo Size
  33. BWK 92 Mag Question
  34. 84s+Mags!
  35. When a AMD meets a Norinco check this %^& out ! omg !
  36. Another Clayco!
  37. Pic request.
  38. HAHA! Guess what is on Gunbroker.com for only 160.00 Dollar's! Mighty Steep for a Mag
  39. Multi caliber Poly Tech!
  40. Price Check
  41. Movie: The Iron Triangle
  42. Star of the Up Comming T.V. Show, Falling Skies, carries a Norinco Type-56-1.
  43. Norinco NHM-91
  44. Need info on preban poly tech stamped sidefolder w/wood furniture.
  45. Explain the Chinese thing to the newbie.
  46. Monsters Movie
  47. Can Norinco BWK-92 take 5.56 Nato?
  48. Here's What I Found For Sale
  49. SloMo AK Firing
  50. Here's What I Found for Sale MAK 90 & Accessories
  51. 922r compliance question, Mak90
  52. Great AK Videos
  53. Chinese Recoil spring guide
  54. Clayco Underfolder on Gunbroker -6/27/11
  55. Will a Romanian Underfolder fit on a Chinese AK with no modification
  56. 922r compliance question, Mak90 RE: threaded barrel and compensator
  57. Norinco Mak 90
  58. mak90 with bayonet and cleaning rod ?
  59. I found a Chinese underfolder - Is it worth it?
  60. No Thumb Holes on Falling Skies.
  61. Not your everyday MAK-90!!!
  64. NHM-91 Muzzel nut
  65. RARE GSAD AK 47 Excellent Condition No Reserve
  66. First AK
  67. Finally got "Red" home!
  68. AK id please
  69. Joined the ranks of AK owners today...
  70. Newbie with question about what I have and what to do with it
  71. MAK-90 Sporter, 922 compliant?
  72. demilled mak 90
  73. Little known news
  74. Shall not be infringed, except as by order of ATF. MAK-90
  75. This one made me go...WTF???
  76. Need info on AK
  77. Could you give me some info on my gun?
  78. New Member check In! Tell me about my Norinco AK-84s
  79. More Eye Candy
  80. Clayco
  81. Looking At A Chinese MaK 90
  83. best scope mount for mak-90?
  84. MAK 90
  85. My Norinco Mak 90
  86. Probably the rarest of the rare - 84S-5A on Gunbroker updated 12/19
  87. New to me NHM-91
  88. FSB Spiker value?
  89. Spring Loaded Firing Pin??????
  90. Threaded Barrel Or ????
  91. Norinco Mak-90 Underfolder
  92. Help With ID of Possible US Manufacturer Marks On MAK 90 Parts
  93. Wanna cry??? Gunbroker listing
  94. New guy checking in.....I Own a Norinco MAK-90
  95. New to AK's Need help with ID
  96. 84s Folder
  97. Somebody doesn't understand what two little letters (SP) mean.
  98. Spiker Installation???
  99. need help with I.D.ing my ak
  100. Does This Poly-Tech Look Correct?
  101. Norico or Polytech?
  102. New NHM-90 owner sayin hi!
  103. Norinco 56 Underfolder "bite"
  104. Underfolder I.D. assistance
  105. Plastic Tapco Mag won't fit MAK90
  106. Sile Imports
  107. This Will Make You Cry
  108. Heads up! 84s Cheap!
  109. Have the Prices Gone Insane?
  110. Polytech magazine proof marks? Anybody know? System problems here...Mods? Help!
  111. 'nuther noob.....
  112. norinco with thumbhole stock blonde good price?
  113. Newbie question....
  114. muzzle brake/flash hider?
  115. Does anyone have a Spare Chicom Leather Sling Keepers?
  116. Horrible Scene on Fox News just now!
  117. Somebody want to break the news to this seller?
  118. just wanted to say hi, from wisconsin
  119. Fun time! Poly Tech odd-ball!
  120. good source for.....
  121. Pre-Ban Norinco AK47 Bolt/Carrier Help
  122. what kind of.....
  123. AK newb looking for assistance with converting my milled MAK-90
  124. What is it and whats it worth?
  125. Source for new Style Type-95 Sling?
  126. Sile AK
  127. Sling question
  128. I need a Photo of an Old Norinco Ammo Box.
  129. Scored a MAK-90 for an unbelievable price
  130. Check out these Underfolder cases!
  131. Chinese Chest Pouches/Mag carriers.
  132. Chinese AK/SKS cases
  133. Hello and Good Morning
  134. Real or Fake Polytech Underfolder
  135. Tomoral 25 Year's of AK's
  136. Got a free Norinco! But it was abused :(
  137. Spikers
  138. Lower handhuard frontband comes loose?
  139. Couple Pics for the hell of it.
  140. noobie checking in with ?'s
  141. Ghetto Africa 56-1 Markings, pics
  142. How do I know if a polytech is truly NIB?
  143. Polytech legend: dark wood or blonde wood?
  144. Company does Modification to AK Rear Sight.
  145. Merging The poly-tech and Norinco forums.
  146. Lets see those side-folders!
  147. Couple of questions about AK rear sights?
  148. Anyone upgrade there AKs sights from the original config?
  149. What company does the best job at modding a Polytech AK?
  150. Spike FSB F/S on Gunbroker!
  151. A warning to people who are new to Chinese AKs!!!
  152. Lessons on Chinese AK variants, thread 2.
  153. Know what you are buying, Chinese AK variant lesson 3
  154. AK/Mak honest accuracy
  155. Polytech Bakelite Sidefolder?
  156. Continuing the Norinco learning experience.
  157. Norinco 1911A1 45acp
  158. Hi , Im new to AK's
  159. New to MAKs
  160. So I got some US wood and a pistol grip for my mak 90
  161. NEWBIE HERE....sorry but indulge me plz !
  162. Norinco NHM 91
  163. Need help with a B-West AK47
  164. price check on a poly tech AK
  165. Clayo AK-47's
  166. co-witness of ultimak rail?
  167. I need a good source for MAK-90 stocks..
  168. Interesting Norinco on Gunbroker (8/31/12)
  169. Got this on a trade, help ID and Value
  170. Clayco!
  171. 1st Post & MAK90 pics
  172. Is it legal?
  173. Nut...as in imanak
  174. Need help from a Paypal Buyer.
  175. I think I get it.I think.
  176. for what's it worth.
  177. I think I win!!
  178. When imanaknut says a cow is going to lay an egg---
  179. A few questions
  180. What kind of MAK-90 do I have??
  181. Rare Type 81
  182. just bought a norinco mak 90
  183. been thinking about this all night
  184. Price Check please
  185. Really need help identifying this AK
  186. looking for underfolder for a mak, or?
  187. MAK 90 Bolt problem?
  188. So I found a Mak 91 National Match
  189. Another gunbroker wow!
  190. Value of Norinco BWK 92 and info.
  191. side rail scope mount?
  192. look at what 300 dollars still gets nowdays
  193. Clayco value (price) help requested.
  194. price check on chinese mags
  195. Question about magazines for 84S
  196. century arms underfolder 500?
  197. what do you think???
  198. New AK Book from Military Book Club!
  199. Cleaning the Inside of the Lower Handguard.
  200. what do you think about this for 295?
  201. OMG! not another one!!!!
  202. in love again with a preban
  203. need info on this rifle
  204. found another keeper!!!
  205. Mak90 but want a new stock
  206. Options on changing the thumbhole stock on my MAK 90.....And pics of those who have
  207. what do you guys think about these???
  208. Getting Mac 90 for Christmas!! Maybe
  209. Why it is important to research first!
  210. problems with my mak90
  211. Poly Tech AKS-762 Spiker Help ?!?!
  212. MAK90 + Tapco magazine = Flop?
  213. Norinco BWK-92
  214. norinco 84s
  215. Need short mag for MAK-90
  216. Clayco on Gunbroker.
  217. New to the forums in need of some help
  218. Price check for 56S1
  219. Norinco mac-90 evil 3rd pin..
  220. WOW! Look what came out of hiding.
  221. does anyone need an a.k for a decent price now a days
  222. Pics of my new 56S1
  223. First timer New Mak 90
  224. Gunbroker - Norinco - Is it or isn't it?
  225. did i get a good deal?
  226. Question about mak 90's and underfolders
  227. preban .223 at a local shop
  228. what model was this mak? long barrel, stamped, had notch on clip, very nice wood w/thumbhole
  229. Reserve not met! ATF waiting.
  230. Norinco 84S-2 (yes an 84S-2) on gunbroker relisted!
  231. Trying to understand a particular 56s-1 underfolder
  232. B-West Norinco Mak 90?
  233. Info.
  234. Mythical Norinco AKS-74 5.45x39mm
  235. Question
  236. ak nut a Clayco question
  237. Type 81???
  238. Just a quick question, can anyone help???
  239. Is this one a good price?
  240. Milled MAK-90 underfolder?
  241. This is what bans do to prices. Norinco pre-Bush1 FSB and gas block.
  242. Mak90s
  243. The New Guy
  244. Which is more RARE ?
  245. Nice Writeup about Eugene Stoner by Mikhail T. Kalashnikov.
  246. Is this really rare?
  247. Another new guy
  248. MAK90 questions
  249. Type 56S-2
  250. Another restamped gun...