View Full Version : City Mandates Small Restaurants Hire Armed Guards…or They Must Close Down Early

old Grump
07-24-2011, 04:37 PM
A new Newark, New Jersey, city council law will require small restaurants to have an armed security guard posted at night. The move — which is already yielding controversy — comes after William, Johnson, an off-duty police officer was killed in a drive-by shooting at the Texas Fried Chicken and Pizza restaurant back in May. Mail Online writes (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2012698/Fast-food-places-Newark-armed-guards-9pm.html):

Mr Johnson, 45, a single father raising two daughters, was off-duty and unarmed when a pair of assailants fired into the Lyons Avenue restaurant from a slow-rolling car.
He was apparently caught in the crossfire of a gang dispute.
This new regulation, which passed unanimously, says that any restaurant that serves 15 or fewer people must hire an armed guard after 9 p.m. If they do not comply or if paying someone to stand guard is not a financial possibility, food establishments must close by 10 p.m. each evening.


This is the same state and city that will arrest you and send you to prison with a felony conviction even if your guns are legal but they catch you with them. People control, maybe, Police State for sure.