View Full Version : Disguisting media bias

08-17-2011, 04:50 PM

Quality isn't the best but its watchable.

08-17-2011, 05:11 PM
I was watching the fox show when it happened and can say they actually touched on Ron Paul coming in second but explained why in their minds (and most pundits) he's not considered a top tier candidate. Which was based on his low polling numbers across the state regardless of the place he came in the straw poll. I would bet every one of those shows the heavily edited clips were taken from talked of RP running a close second to Bachman.

It is wise to remember whenever watching the daily show you are watching a heavily biased show designed for entertainment and not truth.

American Rage
08-17-2011, 06:39 PM
It's only been going on since the inception of TV.

The greatest example of all was Walter Cronkite, "the most trusted man in America," and an admitted "socialist," announced on TV that the Tet Offensive during Vietnam was a victory for the communist. History proves it to be a bold faced lie. Hell, I've actually read former "newsmen" brag about how they've slanted coverage in the past.
Race relations being at the very top of the list, right next to liberalism and socialism.

Hell, virtually every sitcom on TV has been a leftist "morality" story for at least a generation. And the influences of leftism were in Hollywood virtually from its inception too. Ronald Reagan himself blocked the communist takeover of the screen actors guild. It credits that with getting him into big time politics. Well my friends, Reagan blocked them from SAG, but the commies took over anyway.

So what else is new?

Oh, and fuck the left.
