View Full Version : Student in Texas gets suspended for saying homosexuality is wrong.

09-27-2011, 04:30 PM

So much for any 1st amendment rights for students, and I mean any. I guess from here on out students should be content to parrot whatever the teacher says without question as we all know questioning and teaching doesn't go together...

El Jefe
09-27-2011, 04:36 PM
Queer, is the new black.

Richard Simmons
09-27-2011, 04:55 PM
Queer, is the new black.

What if you're queer and black?

09-27-2011, 05:08 PM
The kid should contact the ACLU. They've defended Christians who wear shirts with Biblical quotes against homosexuality to school before.

As long as the kid isn't being disruptive, which it doesn't sound like, the teacher has no business in punishing him just for speaking his mind.

09-27-2011, 05:09 PM
two words: law suit

They can not suspend a student for stating an opinion about deviant behavior.

I am sick and tired of seeing nazi school principles forcing their world views onto students and citing BS reasons for doing so. And I am sick and tired of parents and citizens of communities just sitting by and allowing it. They should be stroming the school board and demanding the prinicple's termination and replacement and a review of district policy.

But do we see that? No, they sit by and watch...

09-27-2011, 05:17 PM
Queer, is the new black.

Remember when " queer " meant peculiar ?

And " gay " meant happy ?

Why are these deviants allowed to co opt the English language for their own perverted agenda ?:bs:

09-27-2011, 05:33 PM
Looks like the school, rightfully, backed down.

El Jefe
09-27-2011, 05:48 PM
What if you're queer and black?

You automatically move to the front of the line.

09-27-2011, 05:53 PM
Hmm, looks like there might be more to the story than what the MSM is reporting:

While a Fort Worth, Texas, student — who was briefly suspended by his German teacher for voicing antigay views in class — continues to protest the punishment he received, a local LGBT news source has printed an account alleging that the student and his friends had been harassing the teacher in question for months because they perceived him to be gay.

According to the Dallas Voice, Marvin Vann and members of the group LGBTQ S.A.V.E.S., which strives to protect local LGBT students and teachers from harassment, met with the teacher Friday and heard his side of the incident.

Vann writes that the teacher, who has “a long and distinguished service record,” is currently under investigation by school administrators for “having the temerity to write a disciplinary referral against Dakota Ary, a student whom [he] reports publicly harassed him in class” because Ary and friends perceived him to be gay.

Since both the teacher and the school district are unable to speak publicly while the incident is under investigation, Vann says he is coming forward with details of their Friday conversation because “only the student and his Liberty Institute lawyer’s version of the incident is being reported in the media.”

The teacher’s version of events, which Vann says has been substantiated by several students who witnessed the incident...


If this is true, it would seem that the student may have gone beyond just speaking his mind to actually harassing the teacher because they thought he was "gay." Then cries "persecution" when the teacher calls him on it. What a little bigot.

Focused Gunfire
09-27-2011, 07:01 PM
Who knows what happened, none of us were there. Both parties could hold some responsibility. It is up to the local admin to judge the incident.

If I had to venture a guess, it would be that the student got pissy at the teacher. Teacher had a bad day, and got pissy back. Incident went national and the teacher went into defense mode. Now foreigners loom over the area, looking for a fight. The two original people probably, if they personally are not out for blood, want to go back to the way things were.

09-27-2011, 07:18 PM
Sounds to me like the teacher was intentionally pushing an agenda. Why is it necessary to discuss the sexual activities of Germans in German class? I took Spanish and nothing sexual ever came up one way or the other.

09-27-2011, 07:24 PM
Sounds to me like the teacher was intentionally pushing an agenda. Why is it necessary to discuss the sexual activities of Germans in German class? I took Spanish and nothing sexual ever came up one way or the other.
Yeah, I thik the teacher also had an agenda. I hope they get fired for infringing on the students 1st Amedement rights.

Sergis Bauer
09-27-2011, 07:34 PM
If the teacher has such little control of the climate in his classroom, he dosen't deserve his job. Any competent teacher can allow students to speak their opinions, no matter whether he agrees with them or not, whether they're offensive or not, without allowing things to degenerate into "harassment", least of all of himself.

A teacher who can't handle a disruptive student is like a comedian who can't handle hecklers: They should both look for another job.

After reading all the available articles on this, from BOTH sides, it's clear that the teacher was trying to force acceptance of his views on his students, and that he was too thin-skinned to tolerate anyone taking a stand for THEIR beliefs. It's beyond question that a picture of two men kissing is inappropriate to a high school German classroom-- I would say that a picture of ANYONE kissing is inappropriate to a high school German classroom. Not to say discussions that touch on sexuality in some way need to be banned, but a high school teacher promoting any sort of sexual agenda to high school students is, in my opinion, grossly inappropriate, and I would have to question this teacher's motives in doing so.

American Rage
09-27-2011, 08:13 PM
What's going on is schools these days is insane.


09-27-2011, 08:21 PM
If this is true, it would seem that the student may have gone beyond just speaking his mind to actually harassing the teacher because they thought he was "gay." Then cries "persecution" when the teacher calls him on it. What a little bigot.

You start with "if true" then end with calling him a bigot... Sounds like you've already made up your mind on what the facts are yourself...

09-27-2011, 10:24 PM
It saves time that way.

09-28-2011, 12:17 AM
I've read the link and that is just BULL SCHITTT !!!

That teacher needs a written reprimand to permanently remain in his file.


Focused Gunfire
09-28-2011, 01:08 AM
What ever happened, the teacher should not have pushed his lifestyle like that. After all this, he probably brought up more resentment than anything.

Oswald Bastable
09-28-2011, 01:34 AM
Hmm, looks like there might be more to the story than what the MSM is reporting:


If this is true, it would seem that the student may have gone beyond just speaking his mind to actually harassing the teacher because they thought he was "gay." Then cries "persecution" when the teacher calls him on it. What a little bigot.

If true, one would infer the kid had been sent to the principal or vice principal on several occasions, not for his views, but rather for disrupting the class and acting out. If the teacher can show that is the case, then his current story becomes at least plausible. If not, if he put up with days/weeks, whatever of such antics and took no action until now, he's full of shit and covering his ass.

09-28-2011, 03:23 AM
If true, one would infer the kid had been sent to the principal or vice principal on several occasions, not for his views, but rather for disrupting the class and acting out. If the teacher can show that is the case, then his current story becomes at least plausible. If not, if he put up with days/weeks, whatever of such antics and took no action until now, he's full of shit and covering his ass.

Could be, hopefully the whole story will come out.

El Jefe
09-28-2011, 10:08 AM
Could be, hopefully the whole story will come out.

So uh, I guess you're still upset your mom bought this app for her phone? http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/09/27/google-heavily-criticized-for-its-is-my-son-gay-app-for-android/

09-28-2011, 02:30 PM
Hmm, looks like there might be more to the story than what the MSM is reporting:

Don't you realize that the story isn't from the lame stream media, it's a Fox news story. Fox news is fair and balanced. There is no way they would just tell half of the story to make it look as though "liberals" were trying to quash the first Amendment rights of an upstanding young Christian male. Just as I am sure Fox news had nothing to do with the mother retaining a lawyer over a child's two day suspension.

Sergis Bauer
09-28-2011, 06:28 PM
If true, one would infer the kid had been sent to the principal or vice principal on several occasions, not for his views, but rather for disrupting the class and acting out. If the teacher can show that is the case, then his current story becomes at least plausible. If not, if he put up with days/weeks, whatever of such antics and took no action until now, he's full of shit and covering his ass.

I can almost guarantee you there is no such trail. Teachers go out of their way NOT to send kids to a Principal or Asst. Principal unless they really need to-- it makes them appear unable to control their classroom and tends to limit their advancement opportunities. This kid seems to have been otherwise well behaved and motivated, just not a fan of homosexuality and not looking to have that agenda forced on him. If this was one of the "good" kids in school, but he was riding this teacher over this issue, you can bet the teacher was in no rush to alert administrators that there was any problem at all. The result would be the Principal or AP asking him, "Why do you have a picture of two men kissing on your wall in the first place? Take it down."

This guy had his agenda, and was trying to quietly push it in a classroom where it didn't belong. The kid may have pushed him on it over a period of time, but at the end of the day it's up to the teacher to keep from being baited by his students. This guy failed, completely. Forget the homosexual images on the wall, this guy has no business running a classroom just on the basis of letting his students get the best of him.

09-28-2011, 07:06 PM
Don't you realize that the story isn't from the lame stream media, it's a Fox news story. Fox news is fair and balanced. There is no way they would just tell half of the story to make it look as though "liberals" were trying to quash the first Amendment rights of an upstanding young Christian male. Just as I am sure Fox news had nothing to do with the mother retaining a lawyer over a child's two day suspension.

And Lefty's link is from the Advocate. No bias there, nosireeeee {rolleyes}

09-28-2011, 07:17 PM
And Lefty's link is from the Advocate. No bias there, nosireeeee {rolleyes}

Sad aint it.

It's pretty bad when you basically have to trust the news less than you trust the government.

09-28-2011, 07:22 PM
Sad aint it.

It's pretty bad when you basically have to trust the news less than you trust the government.

And trust public school teachers least of all.

09-28-2011, 07:40 PM
And trust public school teachers least of all.


I tend to think there are still alot of good teachers out there, it would be nice if they stuck to the facts more and didn't try to "raise" the kids so much as stick to just educating them.

I don't know, it's a rough job, especially these days, I guess I still have alot of sympathy for the teachers.

Their unions though are a different story, they get very little of my sympathy.