View Full Version : Walstreet protest go global and Rome burns...

10-15-2011, 01:13 PM

"ROME (Reuters) - Demonstrators rallied Saturday across the world to accuse bankers and politicians of wrecking economies, but only in Rome did the global "day of rage" erupt into violence.
Galvanized by the Occupy Wall Street movement, the protests began in New Zealand, rippled east to Europe and were expected to return to their starting point in New York. Demonstrations touched most European capitals and other cities.
They coincided with the Group of 20 meeting in Paris, where finance ministers and central bankers from the major economies were holding crisis talks.
While most rallies were small and barely held up traffic, the Rome event drew tens of thousands of people and snaked through the city center for miles."

Go to the link for more...

Two things come to mind when I read this. One - how long before the slackers here decide to upstage Rome? And if they do, will it grow or be quickly snuffed out?

Aparently, in most areas of the world where this shit is going on, it's pretty peaceful. So maybe it will just ffffuuffaadde away..

Second, what is the goal of this "movement"? They are pissing and moaning about losing their cheese... but what are they suggesting? Communism? Tax the shit out of the rich?

American Rage
10-15-2011, 01:28 PM

Two things come to mind when I read this. One - how long before the slackers here decide to upstage Rome? And if they do, will it grow or be quickly snuffed out?

Aparently, in most areas of the world where this shit is going on, it's pretty peaceful. So maybe it will just ffffuuffaadde away..

Second, what is the goal of this "movement"? They are pissing and moaning about losing their cheese... but what are they suggesting? Communism? Tax the shit out of the rich?

In most countries, you'd get shot for doing that kind of shit.

Yes, their goal is one communist world.


10-15-2011, 01:33 PM
I don't think these sheep have a goal. It appears more that they sense the same problems we have been discussing for years now. I honestly don't think most of them know how to logically process what is happening globally, thus the lack of clear vision and goals. I'm sure the enemy is planning how to take advantage of this to grab more power, with the sheep following blindly. It just would just take a few charismatic leaders to channel this energy for their own design.

10-15-2011, 01:48 PM
Didn't Gerald Celente predict all this shit would start happening this year?


If he's right, food riots will start next year, especially if food prices keep going up like they have been... in many Third World countries most of their household budgets are already spent on food. Pretty soon people won't be able to afford to eat. Then fecal matter will really hit the proverbial propellers.

10-15-2011, 05:17 PM
I don't think these sheep have a goal. It appears more that they sense the same problems we have been discussing for years now. I honestly don't think most of them know how to logically process what is happening globally, thus the lack of clear vision and goals. I'm sure the enemy is planning how to take advantage of this to grab more power, with the sheep following blindly. It just would just take a few charismatic leaders to channel this energy for their own design.

I think you nailed it.

10-15-2011, 05:35 PM
Didn't Gerald Celente predict all this shit would start happening this year?

Many here have been anticipating economic shtf in the next year or two, but due to government insolvency brought about by deficit spending on entitlements.
Visit Gunsnet often?

10-15-2011, 07:12 PM
Unfortunately, he does. However, as you point out, he hears only himself.

10-16-2011, 09:04 AM
Didn't Gerald Celente predict all this shit would start happening this year?


If he's right, food riots will start next year, especially if food prices keep going up like they have been... in many Third World countries most of their household budgets are already spent on food. Pretty soon people won't be able to afford to eat. Then fecal matter will really hit the proverbial propellers.

Pretty sure your pal, Glenn Beck, did too. But, he's a lunatic, so no worries, mate!

American Rage
10-16-2011, 09:10 AM
Actually, all of this was predicting in the 1930s when FDR instituted the raw deal.

The predictions have been made probably at least once every decade since.

And now it is here!