View Full Version : Ms Obama eating fatty food despite her book and lectures... snorting hypo--- crite

10-26-2011, 10:46 PM
First lady MICHELLE OBAMA fuming as PAULA DEEN dishes on her unhealthy eating habits despite new book “American Grown” PR blitz!

MICHELLE OBAMA is now furious with Southern cooking queen PAULA DEEN for crowing that the first lady, a healthy-eat*ing advocate who’s waging a war against childhood obesity, pigs out on fatten*ing foods.

While plugging her new book, “Paula Deen’s Southern Cooking Bible,” the feisty TV chef took a pot shot at Michelle for gorging herself on greasy french fries, fatty hot chicken wings and sug*ary deep-fried Snickers bars!

“Michelle’s spitting mad,” a source told The ENQUIRER.

“She thinks Paula is trying to smear her and her family just as the 2012 presidential election race swings into gear.”

The trouble first be*gan before Barack Obama was even elected president in 2008, when Michelle made a guest appearance on Deen’s popular “Paula’s Party” show and revealed that fried shrimp was her family’s favorite meal.

Then in an interview af*ter filming the program, Paula quipped that Michelle would be serving high-fat, greasy and sugary foods in the White House if Obama won the elec*tion!

Now Paula is rehashing those at*tacks on Michelle in an attempt to plug her latest cookbook and offset Michelle's new book about eating healthy, noted the source.

“She’s no different than the rest of us,” Paula said about Michelle in a new interview.

Paula added: “She probably ate more than any other guest I ever had on the show! She kept eating even dur*ing commercials. Know what (the Obamas’) favorite foods are? Hot wings. Y’know – those kinds of foods that aren’t necessarily top-of-the-list healthy foods.”

“Michelle now deeply regrets ever being on Paula’s show,” added the source. “There are a lot of digs she would have been able to brush off, but portray*ing her as a high-calorie gorger during her crusade for healthy eating is crossing the line.


Oswald Bastable
10-26-2011, 11:05 PM
It really sucks when them hot chicken wings come home to roost.

old Grump
10-26-2011, 11:21 PM
Hot chicken wings and fried shrimp! I'll be dinged donged there is something the self anointed royal family and I have in common. Except I don't give two hoots in a holler who knows.

10-27-2011, 02:24 AM
If all the Right has to criticize the Obamas is tabloid accounts of their eating habits, they must not be doing too bad a job.

Kind of like how all the right-wing talk radio shows spent most of the time in the run-up to the 2008 election focusing on Obama's past acquaintances. I'm here thinking: "If that's their biggest complaint, not his policies, but who Obama once hung out with in college, they got nothing. He's going to win election for sure."

And he did. And he will again in 2012, if the pattern repeats.

Conservatives seem to be afraid to argue policies, because they know their pamper-the-rich message isn't popular with the 99%.

10-27-2011, 04:28 AM
If all the Right has to criticize the Obamas is tabloid accounts of their eating habits, they must not be doing too bad a job.

Kind of like how all the right-wing talk radio shows spent most of the time in the run-up to the 2008 election focusing on Obama's past acquaintances. I'm here thinking: "If that's their biggest complaint, not his policies, but who Obama once hung out with in college, they got nothing. He's going to win election for sure."

And he did. And he will again in 2012, if the pattern repeats.

Conservatives seem to be afraid to argue policies, because they know their pamper-the-rich message isn't popular with the 99%.

Typical socialism/communism do as I say not as I do.

Sergis Bauer
10-27-2011, 04:54 AM
If all the Right has to criticize the Obamas is tabloid accounts of their eating habits, they must not be doing too bad a job.

Kind of like how all the right-wing talk radio shows spent most of the time in the run-up to the 2008 election focusing on Obama's past acquaintances. I'm here thinking: "If that's their biggest complaint, not his policies, but who Obama once hung out with in college, they got nothing. He's going to win election for sure."

And he did. And he will again in 2012, if the pattern repeats.

Conservatives seem to be afraid to argue policies, because they know their pamper-the-rich message isn't popular with the 99%.

It's not the food, idiot, it's the hypocrisy.

Just as the problem with Clinton was not (so much) the oral, but the perjury.

Honestly, man, are you really that stupid? Not only to mean what you wrote, but to think no one would call you on it?

10-27-2011, 06:03 AM
It really sucks when them hot chicken wings come home to roost.

So that's why her ass is double-wide compared to her shoulders.

old Grump
10-27-2011, 01:42 PM
So that's why her ass is double-wide compared to her shoulders.I was thinking the same thing. I had read someplace after the election but before the inauguration about how she was on a strict and strenuous exercise plan to keep her weight down. I know from experience though that no matter how you work out nature has the last word, some things you just can't change. Her wide load bearing hips and baby making pelvis will never be reduced. I used to envy those body builder types and worked hard at it for several years but never happened. No matter what program I worked I still looked like the football lineman that I was, short legs, beer barrel body and gorilla arms. I kept the short legs, my barrel got bigger but my gorilla arms have shriveled to half of their size and more than that in strength....sigh.

10-27-2011, 01:50 PM
“Michelle’s spitting mad,” a source told The ENQUIRER.

I got to this, the stopped.

ATAK, Inc.
10-27-2011, 03:02 PM
If all the Right has to criticize the Obamas is tabloid accounts of their eating habits, they must not be doing too bad a job.

Kind of like how all the right-wing talk radio shows spent most of the time in the run-up to the 2008 election focusing on Obama's past acquaintances. I'm here thinking: "If that's their biggest complaint, not his policies, but who Obama once hung out with in college, they got nothing. He's going to win election for sure."

And he did. And he will again in 2012, if the pattern repeats.

Conservatives seem to be afraid to argue policies, because they know their pamper-the-rich message isn't popular with the 99%.

Do you really think that this is the only complaint? Along with the rest of your post, you are way out there! What about failed economic policies, no clue about foreign policy, lying to the American public, shoving so many things down our throat, like obamacare, spending trillions, ignoring the constitution, ignoring the general consensus. Even his base is pushing away from the kool ade! He got elected on his charisma and promise of hope and change with the only change leading to a socialist state.

Are you really that naive?

BTW, FUCK this whole 99% bullshit, these OWS(and other cities) movement is sponsered by unions and acorn. Homeless being paid to be there? NYCC raising money under false pretenses? obama saying this will be the most transparent govt, yet everything he does is behind closed doors, and he promised to end partisanship, yet constantly slams those on the right side of the isle because they don't blindly follow his folly! Etc, etc, ad nausium!

10-27-2011, 03:21 PM
Go Paula!

Michelle is a the epitome of the hypocritical elitist. She makes me want to vomit every time I see her.