View Full Version : Whelp, bought a crossbow today.

El Jefe
11-26-2011, 06:30 PM
Ended up going with an Excalibur, just liked everything I read about it. Got it at Bass Pro, in Columbia. Man, that damn place was a fricken mad house! As soon as I figure out what I've done with my blasted camera, I'll post some pics.

Also since I was there, I got a target and a snazzy new base layer set. :lol2:

El Jefe
11-28-2011, 11:48 PM
Okay, ordered some accessories for this thing. Got a couple devices to make it more quiet, plus a deal that will let me change the string easily.

Also, I got the paper work taken to my doctor. All he has to do is sign it, then I mail it in and I'm legal for archery season! Then I can hunt deer from September till toward the end of January! ;)

old Grump
11-29-2011, 01:48 PM
Welcome to the club. May I suggest getting some large bales of straw to put behind your target to begin with. I lost a couple of bolts before I realized how well they can bury themselves in the sand hill I had been using for a backstop. I knew where they went in but digging never got them back. I just figure if I hit a deer I'm getting it back but if I miss it's gone. Arrows are easier to find. In front of the straw I had a large flat cardboard carton that I filled with old rags to slow the bolt down otherwise they went clean through the straw bales. They were the 3 string 2' x 4' bales and the blot barely slowed down going through them.

El Jefe
11-29-2011, 03:22 PM
Yeah, I'm not sure about my target I bought. It's supposedly crossbow friendly, but we'll see. I've got two straw bales on hand from the wife's fall decorations. She's moved on to Christmas stuff, so she doesn't need them now.

One of the things I had to order was a cocking rope. The idiots at Bass Pro didn't remember to keep it with the bow. Hopefully it'll be here Wednesday or Thursday. I'm wanting to get some practice in!

11-29-2011, 08:30 PM
Going all Daryl Dixon on us now! :D

Congrats on the Crossbow, thread needs photos. Those poly foam targets that are sold will stop arrows better than a straw bail so I'd expect them to stop crossbow bolts equally well.

El Jefe
11-29-2011, 09:39 PM
Ha, I had to google the name.

I'm working on some pics.

As soon as I can actually cock this thing I'll find out about the target, should be fun. :)

El Jefe
11-30-2011, 02:17 PM
Okay, found the camera in a zip pocket of a folding stool. :rolleyes1:

I also got my cocking rope in this morning, so I set the target up and let a few bolts fly. I marked off a 20 yard line to start with. Not too bad, but the scope needs adjusted to the left a smidge. Plus this thing is front heavy, It's not hard keeping it in plane top to bottom, but left to right takes some work. So far I'm just shooting it free hand, standing up.

This will require some practice. ;)

http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/5274/crossbow003.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/528/crossbow003.jpg/)

The bow itself.

http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/4473/crossbow007.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/254/crossbow007.jpg/)

http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/6594/crossbow005.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/27/crossbow005.jpg/)

old Grump
11-30-2011, 05:46 PM
I had to adjust my scope several times after I shot it for awhile but it seems to have settled down into a groove or I am just getting used to it. Is that a 4x32 scope you are using? I like that target a little more forgiving of a shot that's a wee bit high or low compared to the deer target we use.

El Jefe
11-30-2011, 06:01 PM
OG, the scope, which came with the bow, is a 2.5 x 32.

Yeah, I like the target too, it was the biggest I could find. ;)

This thing is not too bad to cock really for having a 175 lbs draw weight.

I figure if I practice some each day I'll figure it out.

11-30-2011, 06:29 PM
Don't they make a crank for those things?

Whats the deal with bolts vs arrows? I thought if it came from a crossbow it was called a bolt.

old Grump
11-30-2011, 06:46 PM
Don't they make a crank for those things?

Whats the deal with bolts vs arrows? I thought if it came from a crossbow it was called a bolt.Bolts from a crossbow yes, Arrows were brought into the conversation when I mentioned they were easier to find in the woods than a bolt was. I have only lost 1 arrow but bolts disappear pretty quick.

11-30-2011, 07:06 PM
They usually show putting your foot through that loop and pulling up toward your chest. It's a lot easier if you sit down and put your foot through that loop or you can also put your feet on either side of the stock, grasp the string with one hand on either side then lean back with your arms straight and your back muscles will make it seem easy to cock.

One thing about a recurve lim type cross bow that you are manually cocking. If you pull pack with more pressure on one side over the other it will make the crossbow shoot a curve ball so to speak. Example, more tension on the right limb of the bow will shoot the bolt to the left, opposite effect for opposite side. Pull it straight back so the force on each side of the stock is equal and it will shoot staight.

El Jefe
11-30-2011, 09:21 PM
Which is why I use the cocking rope. It has brass pulleys on the hooks that insure it's centered once cocked. The rope also makes it easier to cock. That said, I'm sure I'll pop for one of the crank gizmos eventually. But at about $140 I thought I'd wait before ordering one.

El Jefe
12-01-2011, 12:47 PM
Damn it!

Woke up during the night with back spasms, and this morning I was pretty stiff in the spine. I have no doubt the crossbow is the culprit. So, I ordered the cranking device for it. Geeze, this is getting kinda spendy. :slap:

old Grump
12-01-2011, 05:30 PM
Yeah and it is extremely slow so it is like a single shot rifle, you take more care with each shot but you can spend an hour shooting without killing yourself. This is why I set myself a 35 yard limit, beyond that I won't take a shot because I know I am not getting a second one. I used to hand cock my old 150 pound crossbow but since my shoulder surgery on my right side and my left going to hell it isn't possible anymore. Crank is the only way to go and it is a pain in the hoo haw but for us codgers it's the price we pay to keep shooting.

El Jefe
12-01-2011, 09:50 PM
Do the winders do a good job, no centering issues?

This thing had best work, it cost $159 :soapbox:

old Grump
12-01-2011, 10:11 PM
I wouldn't know how to make it non center. The hooks are on a bracket that rides in the bolt slot and the hooks are evenly spaced, no way you can mess it up. You crank till it cocks, release the pressure pull the bracket out of the slot, Take the crank off the stock, insert bolt and then you get the 2 seconds of fun as you aim and shoot. It's just as tedious as it sounds but the effort for us somewhat handicapped individuals keep us in the game.

Dr. Gonzo GED
12-02-2011, 02:35 AM
Nice! I've been thinking about building a crossbow for the heck of it. Obviously it would not be as nice as these modern dealies, but it's mideval technology and the old style is not a terribly complex machine. About three or four moving parts for one you draw back with your hand.

There's no shame in using the crank either. That's the thing that really made these a weapon of the people back in the day. Add a crank, and sudenly any child or small woman in the village can do as much damage as a full grown man. It's like the Colt Peacemaker of the 1300's!

Sweet toy man!

El Jefe
12-02-2011, 09:48 AM
My issue is, I've had two fusion procedures, vertebra fused together then supported by rods and screws. They're stable, but the scar tissue around them gives the major nerves coming out of my spinal column some real issues if inflammation is added to the equation.

Anyway, I think with the crank gizmo, I should be set. This damn thing is fast and the bolt goes where you aim it. I wish it wasn't so front heavy, but I'm learning how to deal with that to keep it steady. Yesterday I shot it some, and on one knee I did better than standing. I also put a sling on it, that helped too with steadying my left arm. I think this afternoon I'll move back 10 more yards and give that a go. If I can produce a 3" group at 40 yards consistently, I'm going to head to the deer woods with it. :wildshooter:

Here, with our seasons, I can hunt deer with string and stick till January 15th. I'll still do the muzzle loader deal from Dec 17th till the 27th, but the rest of the time I can pursue them with this! :fighter2:

El Jefe
12-02-2011, 09:49 AM
I wouldn't know how to make it non center. The hooks are on a bracket that rides in the bolt slot and the hooks are evenly spaced, no way you can mess it up. You crank till it cocks, release the pressure pull the bracket out of the slot, Take the crank off the stock, insert bolt and then you get the 2 seconds of fun as you aim and shoot. It's just as tedious as it sounds but the effort for us somewhat handicapped individuals keep us in the game.

A mans gotta do what he's gotta do. ;)

12-23-2011, 06:59 AM
We will conscious a lot of matters, so we will be best and having a best perception so never forget any matters and accomplish a best direction so we will be ready for best brought.

old Grump
12-23-2011, 04:16 PM
We will conscious a lot of matters, so we will be best and having a best perception so never forget any matters and accomplish a best direction so we will be ready for best brought.