View Full Version : A must read

08-18-2010, 02:27 PM
This is a cut and paste out of my e mail but a Damn good read.
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'Pigford vs Glickman'

This is in response to the WSJ article published July 28, 2010:

"Our Divisive President" by

Cadell & Schoen, two....Democrats, on Obama Dividing America On Race!!

Andrew Breitbart is a media genius!!!

> He proved it originally with his brilliant handling of the ACORN

> ‘hooker’ scandal which he skillfully manipulated so that the

> corrupt media was forced, against its will, to broadcast

> corruption in one of Obama’s most powerful political support

> groups. But Breitbart’s handing of that affair

> is nothing compared to his brilliant manipulation of the Shirley

> Sherrod ‘white farmer’ scandal.


>It all began last Monday, July 22, 2010. As the

>country watched in horror, Breitbart released a snippet of a tape

>on his “Big Government” site which showed an obscure black female

>official of the Dept. of Agriculture laughing to a roomful of

>NAACP members about how she’d discriminated against a destitute

>white farmer and refused to give him the financial aid he desperately



>As she smirked to the room, she’d sent him instead to a white

> lawyer – ‘one of his own kind’ – for help.


> black woman was Shirley Sherrod – and almost immediately she

> became the center of a firestorm of controversy which exploded

> throughout the country.



> a day of the release of that infamous tape, the head of the Dept.

> of Agriculture, spurred on by Obama, demanded – and received –

> Sherrod’s resignation.


>Breitbart had won.


>But then seemingly Breitbart’s actions began to explode in his

> face.


>As Sherrod screamed in protest, FOX News released the entire

>text of her speech last March to the NAACP.


> there on tape Sherrod was shown supposedly repenting of her racism

> against a white farmer and instead championing his fight to win

> funds to keep his farm afloat.



> hours of that entire tape being revealed, the entire world turned

> against Andrew Breitbart.


> throughout the country were enraged that he’d endangered their

> reputations by releasing a ‘doctored’ tape.

>Breitbart, they thundered, had dealt a fatal blow to the conservative



>I confess that I also was horrified at what I saw as the clumsiness

>and stupidity of Breitbart in ‘doctoring’ a tape to make a supposedly

>innocent woman look guilty. But now I discover I have

>been as guilty of haste to judgment of Breitbart as the Dept. of Agriculture

>was of Ms. Sherrod.


>Only now am I realizing the real purpose for Breitbart’s release

>of that tape snippet. It was to allow him to cunningly

>trick the media into exposing one of the most shocking examples of

>corruption in the federal government – a little known legal case called

>“Pigford v. Glickman”.


>Check it yourself at:




> 1997, 400 African-American farmers sued the United States Department

> of Agriculture, alleging that they had been unfairly denied USDA

> loans due to racial discrimination during the period 1983 to

> 1997.”


> case was entitled “Pigford v. Glickman” and in 1999, the black

> farmers won their case.


> government agreed to pay each of them as much as $50,000 to settle

> their claims.



> then on February 23, 2010, something

> shocking happened in relation to that original judgment:

> In total silence, the USDA agreed to release more funds to “Pigford”.


> amount was a staggering...... $1.25

> billion. This

> was because the original number of plaintiffs – 400 black farmers

>– had now.... swollen in a class action suit to include a total

> of 86,000 black farmers throughout America .



> was only one teensy problem:


> United States of America doesn’t have 86,000 black farmers !!!!


> to accurate and totally verifiable Official

> USDA 2007 Census

> census data, the total number of black farmers throughout America is

> only 39,697.


> by the Official USDA

> 1992 Census data the US

> had only 18,816 black farmers !!


> Oops

> !!


> gosh - - how on earth did 39,697 explode into the

> fraudulent 86,000 claims ??


> how did $50,000 explode into $1.25 billion ??


> folks, you’ll just have to ask the woman who not only spearheaded this

> case because of her position in 1997 at the “Rural Development

> Leadership Network” but whose

> family received the highest single payout (approximately $13 million)

> from that action – Shirley Sherrod.


> again !!



> folks. It appears that Ms. Sherrod had just unwittingly

> exposed herself as the perpetrator of one of the biggest fraud claims

> in the United States - - a fraud enabled solely because

> she screamed racism at the government and cowed them into submission.

> And it gets even more interesting.



> Sherrod has also exposed the person who aided and abetted her in this

> race fraud. As it turns out, the original judgment of

> “Pigford v. Glickman” in 1999 only applied to a total of about 16,000 black farmers.


> in 2008, a junior US Senator got a law passed to reopen the case and allow more black farmers to sue for funds. The

> Senator was Barack Hussein Obama.



> this law was passed in dead silence and because the woman responsible

> for spearheading it was an obscure USDA official, American

> taxpayers did not realize that they had just been forced in the midst of a worldwide depression to pay out more

>than $1.25 billion to settle a race

> claim.



> Breitbart knew. And last Monday, July 22, 2010, he cleverly

> laid a trap which Sherrod - - and Obama + his cronies

>- - stumbled headfirst into which has now resulted in the entire

>world discovering the existence of this corrupt financial judgment.


> for Ms. Sherrod?? Well, she’s discovering too late that her

> cry of ‘racism’ to the media which was intended to throw the spotlight

> on Breitbart has instead thrown that spotlight on herself – and the

> huge corruption.


> has vanished from public view. Her ‘pigs’, it seems, have

> come home to roost.

Oink !!!!

But the perpetrator of that law passed in dead silence leading to unlawful

claims & corruption..... is still trying to fool all of US.

Google and read for yourself "Pigford vs. Glickman"

"The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a

fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as

those who made him their president."

Its "WE THE PEOPLE," not "ME" the President.