View Full Version : Remember the guy in TN that painted the tip of his draco and took a walk in the park?

02-12-2012, 07:56 PM
He has opened a gunshop...
Interesting tag line...

and where the pigs always pay more, because they should

1 Patriot-of-many
02-12-2012, 08:13 PM
Don't remember it. Axe to grind?

02-12-2012, 09:04 PM
Don't remember it. Axe to grind?

Yeah, neither do I. Care to elaborate on what he did?

02-12-2012, 09:51 PM
Painted the tip of his Draco orange (or stuck a plastic tip on), then took a walk through the park and promptly gathered the attention of the LEO's.

This I thought was an interesting page


I really don't care for this,
There are at least ten 01 FFL's that run businesses out of their homes in Williamson County. If the BATFE decides I cannot then I will attempt to shut the other FFL's down.Sort of sounds like if he doesn't get his way with the BATF rather then fight it out in court between him and the BATF he's going to try and hassle other's with FFL's.


02-12-2012, 10:07 PM
Painted the tip of his Draco orange (or stuck a plastic tip on), then took a walk through the park and promptly gathered the attention of the LEO's.

This I thought was an interesting page


I really don't care for this, Sort of sounds like if he doesn't get his way with the BATF rather then fight it out in court between him and the BATF he's going to try and hassle other's with FFL's.


This guy sounds like a total douchebag. Just for being a jerk, I don't want to see his FFL business succeed. And if he fails (which he might since he seems to be intent on pissing off Law Enforcement ... there's standing your ground and there's poking people in the eye with a stick. he is the latter), he will take all other FFLs down with him. Screw him.

02-13-2012, 09:29 AM

Originally I was unaware of all his past shenanigans, so my article when I first reported on the AK-47 incident back in December of 2009 I was very sympathetic. Months later, after reading more and more about him, my opinion did a 180.

What a shame. The guy FOLLOWS THE LAW and that is referred to as "shenanigans"?

02-13-2012, 12:48 PM
This guy has been posting on other gun boards as well.

He's pissed because Alan Gura (the lead litigator in the Heller and McDonald cases) and his SAF (Second Amendment Foundation) peed on his cheerios by filing an amicus brief against him in his current case:

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B4xDZlk5vthcODdkNmEzZWMtYTFkYi00ZWZmLTg3ZDY tZTY4OWQ0Yzk2NzZm

While what he did (open-carrying in a park) is completely legal, he really hurts the pro-gun cause by making an ass out of himself, tempting fate by painting his barrel tip orange to make it look like a toy gun and purposefully trying to get park officers to harass him, so that he can turn around and sue them for violating his rights.

Even though he's well within the law, it's just plain bad P.R. and really hurts the movement to further liberalize and relax gun laws.

02-13-2012, 02:46 PM
This guy sounds like a total douchebag. Just for being a jerk, I don't want to see his FFL business succeed. And if he fails (which he might since he seems to be intent on pissing off Law Enforcement ... there's standing your ground and there's poking people in the eye with a stick. he is the latter), he will take all other FFLs down with him. Screw him.

BIG +1

02-13-2012, 05:44 PM
What a shame. The guy FOLLOWS THE LAW and that is referred to as "shenanigans"?

Are you going to start arguing in all cases just because it's a law it's right?

02-13-2012, 05:52 PM
There are right and good ways to effect positive change in the firearms laws and there are wrong and stupid ways... this guy obviously has a knack for picking the latter...