View Full Version : Just curious how people on here are prepping for the summer, and fall......

02-25-2012, 09:19 PM
My wife and I have been talking a lot for the last couple years about what we feel is coming. I am home all summer, as I am a high school teacher, and I have told her if I see on the news that Iran has been attacked, I intend to go buy as much dried and canned food as possible, and try to beat the rush. We already have about 1.5-2 months supply of food in our basement....But, if it happens, I see things going to hell very quickly. Gas prices going up, food prices going up, clothing, everything going up......Currenly I have a lot of canned veggies like corn and green beans, ramen noodles, spam, and things like that. A few MRE's. Plenty of ammo. It would not be GREAT, but we would survive for at least several months, and if we thinned out the food, it might last longer.

Water in 2 liter plastic bottles, but now I fear the chemicals leaching from the plastic. What do you guys think of that? I think glass containers would be crazy expensive to buy, and I figured that 2 liter pop bottles would be essentially free and would hold a fair amount of water. Anyone else use them?

Need a bucket of chlorine for water purification, but still do not know what type to buy.....or how to use it.

Guess just thinking about all of this, as we are talking about this summer, and how bad/ crazy it might end up being.....

02-25-2012, 10:03 PM
Have you looked in the GN survival forum? http://www.gunsnet.net/forumdisplay.php?64-Survival-Forum

02-25-2012, 10:12 PM
I would highly suggest buying whatever supplies you can well before any event happens. We had a huge ice storm come through a few years ago that took out electricity across then entire metro area and the first day it was near impossible to find heaters, batteries, lanterns, flashlights and bottled water.

Anything from a slow coming collapse to a almost immediate natural disaster could happen and when it does the shelves will empty fast.

02-25-2012, 10:13 PM
Yep - check the survival forum. We are transitioning - building a house but hope to have it done and move in by July... we have prepps for probably a year if needed... I don't think an attack on Iran will precipitate a run on food - just for the reason that most people I don't think will react that way. But I do think you should have food stores regardless because we surely could see an "overnight" economic depression triggered by any number of events.

Once we get moved, we'll basically be in our permanent "bug out" location :)

El Laton Caliente
02-25-2012, 10:36 PM
Polyproylene is about the safest of the plastics, tupperware plastic. Food grade.

Cloths washing bleach can be used, IIRC it is about 6 drops per gallon. Opened to air the clorine will evaporate out of the water overnight. There are tablets you can buy.

I also need to pick up more longer shelf life food. Sam's Club has a package deal that is food for four for a year with a fifteen year shelf life for $2900.

02-25-2012, 11:29 PM
Thanks for the heads up on Sams they have everything needed for food survival!

02-26-2012, 01:51 AM
Gas prices going ..................

You will be damn fortunate if/when Israel attacks Iran and gas goes up but is till available. That would be the absolute best case scenario.

Worst case you and the 17th Mahdi will get to know each other up close and personal. Oh....you get to experience the 'rupture' too I would expect.

At any rate good luck.


02-26-2012, 02:24 AM
Prescription medicines are a big concern. I skip my pills one day a week and save 'em for a SHTF situation. Also, on some insurances, you can order them a week early and put away a week's worth.

Look at our forum for ideas on foods, etc. Water is the key ingredient. Look up "WaterBOB" on Google. It's a water storage idea. For $20, you can store 100 gallons in your bathtub.

Get plenty of batteries and candles, plus a generator, if possible.

El Laton Caliente
02-26-2012, 07:19 AM
Thanks for the heads up on Sams they have everything needed for food survival!

It not the best out there but you can add some of the Wise entre' packages from Copes and be pretty well set for a year for four people. The Sam's stuff is made with a lot of soy products, but is quite a bit cheaper.

02-26-2012, 09:05 AM
Pool shock, dry, concentraited, doesn't lose strength. There is a thread in the Survival forum on it. IMO much better than conventional Chlorine Bleech.

02-26-2012, 09:17 AM
You should be fine storing water in 2 liter soda bottles. Lots of people do that and I have never heard of a problem as long as the water is treated when you put it int there. Then there is the obvious of not storing it in sunlight and trying it keep it reletivly cool. Since you mentioned your basement I asume you already have that part covered. You might consider buying some of those 55 gallon drums they make for storing water if you have the room. Just remember to get a pump so you can get the water out. It also couldn't hurt to invest in a water filter that way if for what ever reason some of you water treatment went wrong at least you have the water already on hand to filter.

I also agree with what some one else mentioned, but your stuff now if you can. Don't wait for the crap to hit the fan. There will be so many others who have the same idea and you will be horrified to find out how fast store shelves can empty.

Good luck, I have the feeling that some day we will all need it.

02-26-2012, 09:34 AM
Getting the mower and rear tine tiller ready.
The world may be at war this Summer but the grass and weeds aren't going to stop growing.

Other stuff, water/food, is being worked on.

02-26-2012, 09:35 AM
Is 'Pool Shok' an actual product? I have a pool supply place literally walking distance from my current house.....moving in a few weeks though.

Do any of you store water in soda bottles? What I WAS doing is washing them out with soap and REALLY hot water, then refilling them with hot water, and retightening the cap. Then, I started using only cold water to clean and fill them, as I heard heat was not good for them.....

02-26-2012, 11:44 AM
Prescription medicines are a big concern. I skip my pills one day a week and save 'em for a SHTF situation. Also, on some insurances, you can order them a week early and put away a week's worth.

Look at our forum for ideas on foods, etc. Water is the key ingredient. Look up "WaterBOB" on Google. It's a water storage idea. For $20, you can store 100 gallons in your bathtub.

Get plenty of batteries and candles, plus a generator, if possible.

Just a thought - you might check the shelf life of your medications... might be surprised at just how short it is...

And this thread really does belong in the survival forum. :)

02-26-2012, 12:01 PM
I'll be in my usual warm weather attire, wifebeater and cargo shorts. Can't be too sexy for the pocalypse! Really though, before shtf make sure your friends are friends and not jackals in disguise. If any of them mentions that they'll use their arms to steal what they want or need from other Americans, they're no friend but rather a traitor. This is the kind that will turn on you when it suits them.

02-26-2012, 12:41 PM
My nearest neighbor is 1/3 mile away (house to house) where we're building and then the next is a a cuple miles or more away. From what I know of him and his wife, he'll be a friend. They've already shown themsleves to be - for example, they allowed the power company to run an underground line from their power line to the road so that we could get electricity.

We're going to call them today and offer to come and reseed the line that was dug up by the electric company - they have a nice, weed free grass pasture and it's obvious that they like it - keep it mowed, so I'm sure they're not pleased with the line of disturbed ground. We figure this is the right thing to do given their generosity in allowing the line to be made in the first place.

After we get settled, I am going to see what might be done for some kind of county "coop" club or something inoxuous sounding like that which will be a way to get to know more people and organize, share ideas and such. I'd get the Sheriff(s) involved to come make a presentation on 911 services or something - maybe do a fund-raising BBQ for the Sheriff's department to get equipment or something. From what I understand the local Sheriff is a great guy.

02-26-2012, 01:38 PM
My nearest neighbor is 1/3 mile away (house to house) where we're building and then the next is a a cuple miles or more away. From what I know of him and his wife, he'll be a friend. They've already shown themsleves to be - for example, they allowed the power company to run an underground line from their power line to the road so that we could get electricity.

We're going to call them today and offer to come and reseed the line that was dug up by the electric company - they have a nice, weed free grass pasture and it's obvious that they like it - keep it mowed, so I'm sure they're not pleased with the line of disturbed ground. We figure this is the right thing to do given their generosity in allowing the line to be made in the first place.

After we get settled, I am going to see what might be done for some kind of county "coop" club or something inoxuous sounding like that which will be a way to get to know more people and organize, share ideas and such. I'd get the Sheriff(s) involved to come make a presentation on 911 services or something - maybe do a fund-raising BBQ for the Sheriff's department to get equipment or something. From what I understand the local Sheriff is a great guy.

Good thing you're doing about the grass reseed.

IMO, friends or not, there are some things I would keep secret, ie gun collection, ammo, security aspects, etc. Nice people can turn very nasty when the right situation comes along.

Friends in the country are a good thing especially when the population in the area is low. Things can get monotonous at times, so a fresh face to talk to is nice.
Doing things for the neighbors gets things done for you when in need. I found that to be true where I live. My neighbor grades my driveway and breaks my garden ground, and I help him move and lift stuff because he is in somewhat bad health.

This in mind, I suspect I would be turned away in the event of a SHTF situation.

BTW, the house raising is going great. Congrats.

El Laton Caliente
02-26-2012, 02:54 PM
This in mind, I suspect I would be turned away in the event of a SHTF situation.

Curious, any of the rural neighbors I've meet and talked to in depth are more interested in banding together. The East Texas Disorganized Militia LOL....

The wife is working with the volunteer fire department, that is another way to meet the neighbors. She is doing the door to door surveys to see who might need assistance in an evacuation and passing out "Fire-Wise" information. They also do the fire-wise property clean up for elderly/infirmed.

02-26-2012, 06:36 PM
man y'all in the country make it look easy compared to my cookiecutter suburban now near ghetto home. The further out in the sticks the better by far, no one will have fuel to get out there so if you do have callers they'll be walking. We're short on food, can you have enough with 3 kids, we do have plenty of water and resources. My biz is less than 5 miles from home and could act as second home if needed. Now that I think of it, many of the biz owners in our industrial park would live from work if anything got real bad, a few already do... I have a few friends living on the country and thought about joing them, could have for cheap and still can. Unfortunatly they live in the shadow of a nuke plant, they say its safe but I'd rather be as far away as possible from anykind of NBC facility. Nuke or not the lights are going out in a SHTF situ anyway.

My greatest concern in having to leave house we own for an extened period of time. Leaving would be a completre loss/sacrafic of anything left behind. Hell, its like that around here now!!! Right now, most of our NEW neighbors are happy to living here on assistance, yes you can get assistance to live in florida hoods that just 3 years ago went for
+$300K. This has turned any future prepping to grab and go bugout bags for every man woman and child in this hizome. I'm also considering a goecache of resources in the flowerbeds ;)

El Laton Caliente
02-26-2012, 07:12 PM