View Full Version : More Gun Control Called For by Gifford

11-09-2012, 08:27 AM
I just watched Mark Gifford this morning on TV and he wants Barry (he has spoken to him about this), Congress, State and local government to address gun violence and bring on more gun control after the shooting of his wife in AZ.

Not a word mentioned about addressing the problem of getting wackos off the street.

Here we go folks!!

11-09-2012, 08:30 AM
It's almost like you are implying that if we have tighter gun control, the bad guys won't have guns.........;)
They have been looking for a sympathetic victim? Fundamentally change, here we continue.

11-09-2012, 08:37 AM
Yup. CNN has been beating the drum all morning about "high-capacity" magazines. Assholes.

What the dumb-fucks don't realize is, it was Loughner's extended Glock mag that jammed, whereas if he was using standard-sized mags he probably wouldn't have experienced the malfunction! The faulty "high-capacity" magazine likely saved lives!

Cho at Virginia Tech killed a shitload more people simply by speed-reloading standard mags.

But those evil 30-round mags are SOOOOO scary-looking. Pathetic.

11-09-2012, 08:43 AM
Now Soledad's talking about universal background checks. Dumb bitch.

Loughner passed his fucking background check and bought from an FFL, just like most of these psychos with no prior records.

11-09-2012, 08:56 AM
Stock up. That's my new slogan I share with everyone in my circle. If you stock up well enough, maybe you can hold out long enough till things get better...if they ever do.

11-09-2012, 12:50 PM
I say bring it. And I hope it's draconian.

This is just the trigger (pun intended) needed to spark a revolt. I would hope for a non-violent revolt to start at least.

I am at the point that I think we need national civil disobedience in order to get things going back in the right direction.

We can deny any efforts to gather up guns and at the same time deny them their tax money - a federal income tax revolt.

Further, if we have armed demonstrations while this is all going on, demanding the downsizing of the government, repeal of all gun laws, repeal of the 16th Amendment, repeal of obamacare, etc. then they will have a choice to make - do what is called for or face armed rebellion.

They will of course call out the NG and even the military to put these down and we will then see what our military is made of... regardless it will start the much needed process of reconstruction.

And after we get things going in the right direction, we need to change the law on who gets to vote - we keep it the same as now and have a federal consupmtion tax (no income tax) so everybody pays or we only allow those paying the federal income tax to vote. Voter ID nationally manditory. Etc.

So much needs fixing.

11-09-2012, 12:54 PM
Somehow I can't imagine that Mark Kelly would call for gun control considering how much his wife enjoyed shooting firearms.


Of course it would be easier to shoot with the safety off. :smiley31:

11-09-2012, 01:09 PM
I really can't see living in a country, (ie Australia, Great Britain) with gun control laws as theirs.
Yeah, there are more things to worry about during these times, but for me, the 2nd is right up there on the top of my list. I've owned guns since I was 14, and have never been without them. I just can't vision life without them.

Richard Simmons
11-09-2012, 01:22 PM
IIRC, it wasn't that long after Giffords was into recovery that she herself said more gun control wasn't something she thought was a good idea?

11-09-2012, 02:01 PM
IIRC, it wasn't that long after Giffords was into recovery that she herself said more gun control wasn't something she thought was a good idea?

Certainly not what her husband is saying. He may be speaking for himself on this.

11-09-2012, 03:59 PM
Because of the possibility of future bans, and ammo restriction laws...I myself am have been re-honing my skills with a Longbow and a Recurve. Trying to learn some Hungarian style shooting....(non-horse)...and I have also made sure both my Bowie's, both Ka-Bars, and my Ontario USAF pilots knife have extremely sharp working edges in case times get bad. Also been working on putting an edge on both my machetes.

Now I need to find my arrow jig as I have a ton of wood arrows to set and fletch!

11-09-2012, 07:07 PM
I heard James Brady didn't want more gun control after he got shot, it was his wife Sarah (who we all know and love) pushing that agenda. Must have changed his thinking later on though, or at least didn't interfere with her?

Helen Keller
11-09-2012, 08:53 PM
It's obviously " I want attention" time....

11-09-2012, 10:19 PM
Do the spokespeople for the Brady Bunch get paid for their "poor pitiful me" endorsements?

11-09-2012, 10:47 PM
You will not cure crazy with more gun control laws.

11-09-2012, 11:10 PM
You will not cure crazy with more gun control laws.

It's easier for them to try and control something they think is the root cause of crimes such as these mass shootings.
It is too costly to treat and house the mentally ill. The Government closed and turned out hundreds, if not thousands from institutions in years past. The REAL cause is not being addressed.

11-10-2012, 06:13 PM
Just a thought that had not been thought by the thoughtless Gifford. I we had even more gun control then the guy that came to everyone's rescue may not have had a gun and the shit bird bad guy could have continued with his rampage and finished off Gifford and more of her fans thus preventing a call for more gun control and if he had enough ammo maybe even an Oboma victory. If they had the gun control like there is in Shitcago the whole bunch may be dead by now. I almost want to go out and donate the the Brady Bunch