View Full Version : URGENT: Obama Death Squads Kill Top Gun Activists As New Massacre Fears Rise

01-10-2013, 08:28 PM
A new Federal Security Forces (FSB) report updating their 4 January “urgent action” memorandum to President Putin circulating in the Kremlin, today, states that the “death squads” unleashed upon America by President Obama have claimed their first two victims and warns that “another massacre” in the United States is “much nearer than first believed.”

As we had previously detailed in our 5 January report “Obama Death Squads Fan Out Across America As Rebellion Looms,” Obama, emboldened by recent US Federal Court rulings giving him absolute authority to kill anyone he chooses in secret, and for whatever reason he deems necessary, dispatched at least 800 VIPER Teams (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response Teams) throughout America in a bid to assassinate and neutralize any and all opposition to his planned seizure of his citizens guns.



According to this chilling FSB report, the first two Obama “death squad” victims indentified by Russian intelligence sources were gun rights activists John Noveske [photo 1nd] and Keith Ratliff [photo 2rd], both of whom were hailed as supporters of the US Constitutions Second Amendment which grants Americans the right to bear arms.

Western news sources confirming these assassinations report that Noveske was killed after a mysterious single car accident and that Ratliff was killed by a mysterious single gunshot to his head.

Noveske, this report continues, was the owner of Noveske Rifleworks, one the premier makers of what are called assault-style weapons and equipment in the US, which have been specifically targeted by the Obama regime for confiscation, and had made a recent FACEBOOK posting linking psych drugs to school shooters.

Ratliff, this report says, was a business partner at FPSRussia (FPS-First Person Shooter), YouTube's ninth most popular channel with more than three million active subscribers and a combined half billion views, and sole owner of FPS Industries, which works in customized weaponry and world leader in military technology.

The Obama regimes reason(s) for assassinating two such high profile weapons manufacturers and gun rights activists, this report notes, is based upon the United States successful reign of terror against top scientists, which between the dates of 2004-2012 have seen 119 of some of the worlds leading researchers mysteriously murdered over US government fears of their reporting the truths of what they’ve discovered.

By assassinating Noveske and Ratliff, FSB intelligence analysts in this report say, the Obama regime is sending a “chilling message” to all who oppose their plan to totally disarm the American people that they “will stop at nothing” to see their master plan implemented.

FEMA Coffins

REMEMBER OF: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/11/figures-occupy-miami-protest-leader-led-jews-go-back-to-the-ovens-rally/

Even worse, this report warns, is “new evidence” coming from the United States that the Obama regime is planning another “mass carnage” type event to occur within the next few weeks to bolster their spurious claim that Americans need to be disarmed.

Following in the wake of the 14 December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre, top FSB intelligence social psychologists state in this report, the Obama regime will undoubtedly be able to achieve a critical mass of public opinion advocating for new draconian gun laws that will, in essence, make criminals out of millions of otherwise law abiding American citizens.

Unfortunately for the Obama regime, this report says, and the reason for another “tragic event” needing to happen, is that the “official story” about the Sandy Hook Massacre, like nearly all such events before it, is beginning to break down in the light of critical scrutiny and analysis.

One such analysis that has spread widely among American dissident factions was done by Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy, who in two reports, The Sandy Hook Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information and Sandy Hook School Massacre Part II: Continued Ambiguity and Augmented Realities clearly shows this tragic event more resembling an intelligence agency/military psychological operation than a lone gunman massacre it is be purported to be.

To the American people being allowed to know the truth of these events it appears unlikely as the Obama regime has secured for itself the lapdog services of the powerful American mainstream propaganda media establishment which, to date, continues to spread its venomous lies to an unsuspecting public not really knowing, or even caring, about the abyss they are being led to.

One such example of this was last month when the CIA-backed social media site FACEBOOk suspended an account because they dared to post a quote by the father of Indian independence Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) that said: “Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.”

To if the American people will awaken and realize that the true objective of the Obama regime is to disarm all of their Jewish citizens (and as we had reported on in our 23 December report All Jews Living In US Ordered To Be Disarmed: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1640.htm ) like their corporate-banking counterparts did in Nazi Germany it does not seem likely. But, and as history always show…those who fail to remember the past are doomed to live it once again.


We are in danger of forgetting that the Bill of Rights reflects experience with police excesses. It is not only under Nazi rule that police excesses are inimical to freedom. It is easy to make light of insistence on scrupulous regard for the safeguards of civil liberties when invoked on behalf of the unworthy. It is too easy. History bears testimony that by such disregard are the rights of liberty extinguished, heedlessly at first, then stealthily, and brazenly in the end. --Justice Felix Frankfurter

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. --Adolph Hitler








http://kentuckysip.homestead.com/files/Nazi_Firearms_Law_and_the_Disarming_of_the_German_ Jews.htm

01-11-2013, 12:38 AM
You will be called a kook here because you included Alex Jones. FPS by all reports was tortured, Noveskes death was mysterious in nature also.

01-11-2013, 01:38 AM
You will be called a kook here because you included Alex Jones. FPS by all reports was tortured, Noveskes death was mysterious in nature also.

? huh

01-11-2013, 05:58 AM
I'm just going by some comments on the Alex Jones vs Pierce Morgan thread. When his name comes up the topics tend to be discounted as a tin foil hat event.

01-11-2013, 09:03 AM
(1) According to this chilling FSB report, the first two Obama “death squad” victims indentified by Russian intelligence sources were gun rights activists John Noveske [photo 1nd] and Keith Ratliff [photo 2rd], both of whom were hailed as supporters of the US Constitutions Second Amendment which grants Americans the right to bear arms.

(2) To if the American people will awaken and realize that the true objective of the Obama regime is to disarm all of their Jewish citizens (and as we had reported on in our 23 December report All Jews Living In US Ordered To Be Disarmed: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1640.htm ) like their corporate-banking counterparts did in Nazi Germany it does not seem likely. But, and as history always show…those who fail to remember the past are doomed to live it once again.

(1) We are all "supporters of the US Constitution's Second Amendment". However, the line "which grants Americans the right to bear arms" is totally wrong.

First of all, the Constitution does not "grant" us anything. It simply enumerates our inherent, "God-given" rights that we are born with. We don't need "permission" to protect our families, ourselves or our Country. It's a natural right and the Second Amendment merely SAYS SO.

Secondly, 2A enumerates our right to KEEP and BEAR arms, not just BEAR. Leaving out the "KEEP" part is a common tactic that politicians use to dupe gun owners: "Ah support a hunter's right to bear arms" - yippee I'll vote for him. Sorry, it's KEEP and BEAR. You can't BEAR 'em if you can't KEEP 'em.

(2) Disarming American Jews should be no problem. Aside from the JPFO, it seems like the people yelling the loudest for gun control and gun confiscations are Jews (especially in government and the MSM). Obviously, they didn't learn their lesson the first time around. The JPFO calls them "Gas Chamber Jews", because that's where they will be headed (again) if they surrender their weapons.

01-11-2013, 09:07 AM
I'm just going by some comments on the Alex Jones vs Pierce Morgan thread. When his name comes up the topics tend to be discounted as a tin foil hat event.

So this thread doesn't seem a little hokey to you?

I give Alex Jones credit for supporting the 2A and the constitution, but I think some of the stuff he says is too tin foil. Kind of like picking golden pebbles from a turd, the gold is good but you have to wade through some crap to get it.

01-11-2013, 10:29 PM
This post has K-Files written all over it.

01-12-2013, 02:24 AM
This post has K-Files written all over it.

that fallacy!

01-12-2013, 02:40 AM
You will be called a kook here because you included Alex Jones. FPS by all reports was tortured, Noveskes death was mysterious in nature also.

Well Tiredofit, in the days since the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut false flag, many in the orchestrated media and government have asserted that the only way to prevent such "attacks" in the future is to prohibit persons from being able to purchase guns. So what are we to make of the fact that on Christmas Eve a man attacked a group of students at a middle school in China, injuring 13 -- and that his attack is just the latest in a string of attacks on Chinese schools, some of which have resulted in deaths?

If guns are the cause of such crimes, as American statists would have it, how could that have happened? As the Associated Press observes, the Chinese government has followed the statists' prescription to a T: "China largely prohibits private ownership of guns." How, then, were the attackers able to perpetrate their crimes?

Answer: They simply selected weapons that are not prohibited and that would not, under normal circumstances, even be thought of as weapons. The man who attacked the school on December 24 ran the students down with his car and then tried unsuccessfully to set it on fire, which would most likely have injured or killed many others, since the car was loaded with a gas tank and firecrackers. Previous attackers have mostly used knives: a December 14 kitchen-knife stabbing spree in an elementary school wounded 23 students.

It appears, then, that Beijing will now have to ban cars and knives.

"But," the gun grabbers will argue, "cars and knives are qualitatively different from guns. They have constructive uses: transporting people, slicing food, and so on. They aren't used for evil purposes unless people choose to use them that way."

Of course, the same goes for guns. Guns can be used to hunt wild game for food and clothing. They can be used to stop crimes; one study found that Americans use guns to prevent crimes 2.5 million times a year. And they can be used to protect people from tyrannical governments, which is why authoritarian regimes from the Nazis to the Chinese communists have invariably prohibited ownership of personal firearms.
Only a dictatorship interested in Disarmament of honest people!

01-12-2013, 11:59 AM
I think we will all notice if gun advocates and prominant manufacuturers start dropping like flys from gunshots to the head and such...

And if that starts happening... well then the solution is all to clear.

But at this point saying that this is going on is well, paranoid.

I am, however much more willing to believe in abuses by our govt after the uncovering of "fast and furious".

01-12-2013, 02:40 PM
I think we will all notice if gun advocates and prominant manufacuturers start dropping like flys from gunshots to the head and such...

And if that starts happening... well then the solution is all to clear.

But at this point saying that this is going on is well, paranoid.

I am, however much more willing to believe in abuses by our govt after the uncovering of "fast and furious".
And that's all I really hope any of us will do. Things lately have turned into an Ides of March situation, if someone tells us to beware then There is enough evidence of government tyranny to pay more Attention and not discount warnings.