View Full Version : from an Agentinian

04-02-2013, 03:32 PM

04-02-2013, 04:24 PM
"They try to convince us that it’s “normal” for markets, sectors and entire countries to go up, down, sideways, even dive into mega-collapses."

This is accurate of those nations that employ fiat currency or debt instruments. Debt instruments such as a federal reserve note are the opposite of wealth. Like the opposite of health. The ups and downs are created and controlled by those who create the debt instrument. Their next big thing will (probably) be the derivatives collapse. It's all based on nothing as debt notes are made out of thin air and backed by nothing more than perception.

04-03-2013, 06:10 AM
It's a good article. It simply reinforces how I think of banks and Governments, corrupt!

04-03-2013, 08:23 AM
Yep...corrupted and rotten to the core.

04-03-2013, 09:14 AM
I have a feeling if there's ever another Great Depression like in the 30s here in the US, things will get extremely violent fast. Right now there's a run on bullets. Wait until there's a run on food. Ever divide the population in your city by the number of grocery stores? Pretty scary. If we all ran to the store to stock up, there would be bare shelves and rioting day 1.

04-03-2013, 01:00 PM
Heard it before, we're only three meals away from chaos. Or some similar dribble. A happenstance such as this will separate the real Americans from the residue. The grocery stores (and many other businesses involved in selling needfull items) practice "kanban", wich is Japanese for "just in time", meaning where the items on the shelf are the only ones in the store. The stockroom is merely a very temporary waiting area, you see. Visit any walmart late at night or early in the morning to see the poor workers get the goods out onto the shelves as fast as they can. All of this is well hidden from the sheeple who never consider that all of this can go away in an instant, and then where will they be?

04-03-2013, 01:08 PM
"Public money are the dollar, euro, peso and pound bills circulating in different parts of the world issued by public banking authorities, normally a national central bank having monopoly issuance rights. Any private citizen doing the same will, if caught, end up in jail. And rightly so because counterfeiting currency adds money to the system but no work is added to the Real Economy. The message to the people is clear: You want money? Work for it! "

I could not disagree more. This is the root of all our problems. Each nation has handed the authority to create "money" out of thin air to what is most accurately described as an international banking cartel. The cartel issues the debt notes out of thin air yet the host government agrees to pay back face value (in labor or materials - wich has intrinsic value) plus interest and costs. So what this means is all who use the debt money scheme are slaves since the cartel creates the "money" out of thin air, debt notes have no intrinsic value, they are entries in a ledger or ink on paper. Don't you wish you could just print up "money" and everyone would have to take it? That is precisely what the cartel does. Also, all inflation and deflation can only be caused by the cartel. Inflation and deflation is scientifically controlled by the cartel to obtain the cartel objective(s), wich is pretty much a world dictatorship where no one can buy or sell unless they have the cartel mark.