View Full Version : Final nail in the "most mass murderers are white" lie perpetrated by the left.

Oswald Bastable
06-11-2014, 11:45 PM
A comprehensive list including gender and race, compiled by Mother Jones and covering the time period from 1982 to Aug. 2013 can be found here:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AswaDV9q95oZdG5fVGJTS25GQXhSTDFpZXE0RHhUd kE&richtext=true#gid=0

Of the last 20 mass killings of that period, 9 were perpetrated by non-whites.

That would be 45 percent, which exceeds non-whites’ 37 percent share of the population.

Of the last 30 mass killings, 11 were committed by non-whites — right at the 37 percent mark.

And what if we go all the way back to 1982? We then have 66 mass killings in which the races of the perpetrators were known, and 22 of them, or one-third, were at the hands of non-whites. Note here that America’s demographics have been changing, with non-whites comprising only about 20 percent of the population in 1982; thus, if we consider an approximate average non-white population of 28.5 percent during the 31-year period in question, it appears that, again, mass murderers are slightly disproportionately non-white.

In other words, there is no evidence whatsoever that mass killings are a characteristically white phenomenon.

And there never was.

In fact, the group most disproportionately represented on the Mother Jones chart is Americans of Asian descent. While only 6 percent of the population, they have been 15 percent of the 31-year period’s last 20 mass killers, 13 percent of the last 30, and 9 percent of the last 66. This is quite interesting, too, since Americans of Asian descent have a very low crime rate in general.


06-12-2014, 12:04 AM
And only one of them was committed by a woman.

Chew on that for awhile.

Oswald Bastable
06-12-2014, 12:06 AM
And only one of them was committed by a woman.

Chew on that for awhile.

We must kill all men for the greater good...starting with you.

06-12-2014, 12:13 AM
We must kill all men for the greater good...starting with you.

Alright, if you insist. I guess I better take one for the team.



06-12-2014, 12:22 AM
So what do they call "mass murder"? Here in Indy over the years I remember a 4 person murder, 7 persons murdered, and several 3 people losing their lives to animals parading as humans.

Are two killed at once a mass murder?

To paraphrase that old saying, you can make statistics say anything you want.

06-12-2014, 12:27 AM
numbers don't lie but liars use numbers.

06-12-2014, 12:34 AM
killin 3 people in the usa means your a serial killer, call it mass shooting or whatever you want body count is a body count!

im slowly reading the page links on the wiki usa list its some crazy shit!

Oswald Bastable
06-12-2014, 12:47 AM
So what do they call "mass murder"? Here in Indy over the years I remember a 4 person murder, 7 persons murdered, and several 3 people losing their lives to animals parading as humans.

Are two killed at once a mass murder?

To paraphrase that old saying, you can make statistics say anything you want.

Apparently women who drown multiple children in bathtubs, or by driving them into a body of water, or burning them to death by setting their living space on fire, don't qualify as mass murderers in this study.

06-12-2014, 01:40 AM
Apparently women who drown multiple children in bathtubs, or by driving them into a body of water, or burning them to death by setting their living space on fire, don't qualify as mass murderers in this study.

Well, thanks for showing us this obviously flawed study.

By the way, it seems worth pointing out that Latino isn't a race.

Oswald Bastable
06-12-2014, 02:15 AM
Well, thanks for showing us this obviously flawed study.

By the way, it seems worth pointing out that Latino isn't a race.

Funny, it always is when leftists want to cry "Racist!"

By the by...love the new leftist attempt to deflect...good show old bean.

06-12-2014, 02:38 AM
Funny, it always is when leftists want to cry "Racist!"

By the by...love the new leftist attempt to deflect...good show old bean.

I didn't "cry racist", I simply said that Latino isn't a race.

You're the one who kicked off this thread, and chose to make it about race.

Oswald Bastable
06-12-2014, 02:42 AM
I didn't "cry racist", I simply said that Latino isn't a race.

You're the one who kicked off this thread, and chose to make it about race.

Umm, no...the leftists did in their claim that nearly all mass murderers are white, and both you and lagc chimed in to support that...the facts show otherwise.

But of course it's not about the truth to you, is it? It never is...it's always and only about the agenda and the lies.

06-12-2014, 02:50 AM
Umm, no...the leftists did in their claim that nearly all mass murderers are white, and both you and lagc chimed in to support that...the facts show otherwise.

But of course it's not about the truth to you, is it? It never is...it's always and only about the agenda and the lies.

I didn't chime in to support that idea. I found it a bit funny that you noted the study you posted was obviously flawed, and of course pointed out that Latino isn't a race.

I have no idea what the actual statistics would be, but it's glaringly obvious that Mother Jones maybe used 20 percent of the incidents of mass murder, at best.

Oswald Bastable
06-12-2014, 03:11 AM
I didn't chime in to support that idea. I found it a bit funny that you noted the study you posted was obviously flawed, and of course pointed out that Latino isn't a race.

I have no idea what the actual statistics would be, but it's glaringly obvious that Mother Jones maybe used 20 percent of the incidents of mass murder, at best.

I did not post that the study was flawed, just that they didn't consider women who murder their children to fit the category of the study. That does not constitute a flawed study, it constitutes a study based on select criteria. It is you who attempted to put the "flawed study" words in my mouth.

And you yourself have attempted on previous occasions to claim anything disparaging of latinos constitutes racism, so your denial of them as a race now is both specious and disingenuous...

But then, you excel in all those areas...because it's never about the truth, is it...just the agenda and the lies?

Oswald Bastable
06-12-2014, 03:22 AM
...but it's glaringly obvious that Mother Jones maybe used 20 percent of the incidents of mass murder, at best.

You want to fill us in on the missing 80%?

Since you're so sure, you must have that data...otherwise you just made that up, spur of the moment.

Oswald Bastable
06-12-2014, 03:28 AM
Addendum...Latino is listed 4 times in that list...less than 1% of the total...so a complete obfuscation by our resident leftist shill, and of course why he brought it up.

06-12-2014, 08:14 AM
Regardless, most murders by far are most often criminal-on-criminal performances in inner cities, by non whites.
The majority of mass murderers who are/were white were for the most part registered dems.
I bet Ted Kascynski was a dem.

06-12-2014, 10:45 AM
We must kill all men for the greater good...starting with you.

Sadly there are scary people in academia who have the ears of our so called elites who are very likely calling for that. I am sure the phrase "lets put all the white males in camps" has been uttered more than once.

06-12-2014, 12:16 PM
And you yourself have attempted on previous occasions to claim anything disparaging of latinos constitutes racism, so your denial of them as a race now is both specious and disingenuous...

If I used the term "racist" before, rather than the more accurate xenophobic or bigoted then I apologize.

Latino is listed 4 times in that list...less than 1% of the total...so a complete obfuscation by our resident leftist shill, and of course why he brought it up.

From the article...

Of the last 20 mass killings of that period, 9 were perpetrated by non-whites.

That would be 45 percent, which exceeds non-whites’ 37 percent share of the population.

It likely brings that 45% down to 35% (assuming the Latinos as white)

Of the last 30 mass killings, 11 were committed by non-whites — right at the 37 percent mark.

Same method would clear that up to 30%.

You want to fill us in on the missing 80%?

Since you're so sure, you must have that data...otherwise you just made that up, spur of the moment.

Did you miss how I said "mass murder" not "mass shooting"?

Oswald Bastable
06-13-2014, 12:08 AM
It likely brings that 45% down to 35% (assuming the Latinos as white)

Same method would clear that up to 30%.

The 2010 Census completely separates out latinos, hispanics, mexicans, etc. as an ethnicity, not a race. There is no checkbox in the race section, thus, they cannot be white and the original studies figures stand.

Did you miss how I said "mass murder" not "mass shooting"?

I see, so you knew all along the study was about mass shootings, not mass murders, that my wondering about not including women who drown or burn their children was specious, yet you still tried to put words in my mouth, saying I'd presented a flawed study. You are some piece of duplicitous work.

Still waiting on all those statistics and list you're so sure about...got it?

06-13-2014, 12:54 AM
The 2010 Census completely separates out latinos, hispanics, mexicans, etc. as an ethnicity, not a race. There is no checkbox in the race section, thus, they cannot be white and the original studies figures stand.

The 2010 census first asked if a person was Hispanic or not, and then asked their race. Meaning a person who was Hispanic could check Hispanic and then white, black, Asian, whatever.

Meaning a person can be any race and also Hispanic.

I see, so you knew all along the study was about mass shootings, not mass murders, that my wondering about not including women who drown or burn their children was specious, yet you still tried to put words in my mouth, saying I'd presented a flawed study. You are some piece of duplicitous work.

Yes, because I can read, I knew the study was about mass shootings, not mass murders. I found it amusing that you were complaining that the study you provided us didn't include information you apparently wanted, so I pointed that out.

Sorry if that was unclear for you.

Still waiting on all those statistics and list you're so sure about...got it? I'm sure you can find them here www.google.com

I suggest using the FBI definition of a mass murder, defined as murdering four or more persons during an event with no "cooling-off period" between the murders. You'll probably need to find several lists floating around as a starting point, then you will want to check newspaper reports from across the country, match that against whatever law enforcement databases you can find access to. Let me know how it goes, it's a big project that no one has really tackled before. Once you finish you may want to write a book, it would probably do fairly well if decently written.

Although I think you'll likely find a few basic things. Various types of people kill various other types of people for various reasons or none at all. Men tend to do it about 9 times more than women. A few groups will do it at a larger proportion that statistically expected by percentage of population, but it will far and away be less disproportionate than the male-female divide. All sorts of social theories can be deduced from all of this, none will satisfy everyone, but most theories will likely contain a small bit of truth and a large bit of guessing and likely be able to show the theorists personal feelings much more than reality. Overall you will find the largest segment of the population does not in fact commit murder, and that will be true across the board of subgroups excepting people on death row and murderers of course.

Oswald Bastable
06-13-2014, 02:52 AM
I suggest using the FBI definition of a mass murder, defined as murdering four or more persons during an event with no "cooling-off period" between the murders.

In that case my bet is that the greater portion of them are committed by non-whites, given the general makeup of gangs and gang violence.

06-13-2014, 07:03 AM
In that case my bet is that the greater portion of them are committed by non-whites, given the general makeup of gangs and gang violence.
You open a whole new angle- what percentage of ATTEMPTED mass killings are perpetrated by different groups (In particular drive-by shootings come to mind). And let's not fool ourselves with semantics over the word 'attempted'.

06-13-2014, 08:10 AM
Here's an interesting factoid on this very subject: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/06/12/Sun-News-Far-More-People-Killed-In-Chicago-Than-In-All-Mass-Shootings-Combined