View Full Version : PARIS -- Watch before it's censored

02-01-2015, 08:22 PM
I've seen this before, but I don't remember it here

PARIS -- Watch before it's censored

In the news reporting on Charlie Hebdo, there was significant mention of the No Go Zones in France. It's appalling that the French authorities are too afraid to enforce their own laws in so many areas of their own country (areas that have been taken over by muslim radicals). The French woman is so brave to continue operating her business in a dangerous area enduring rape and acid thrown at her. Several European countries have generously opened their doors to Muslims not knowing that their generosity allowed violent and entitled radicals to slip into their countries. And now these radicals have made their country a dangerous place for their own people. A radical felt righteous when he murdered Theo Van Gogh in the Netherlands. Radicals felt righteous when they murdered 12 people at Charlie Hebdo. Radicals felt righteous when they butchered and kill the young soldier in Britain as he was walking to his barracks. And what about that radicalized Canadian who killed Cirillo as he stood guard in front of the monument on Parliament Hill? And what about the 2 NY policemen that were murdered while sitting in their police cruiser? I hope the gatekeepers in America will learn from what has happened in Britain, France and the Netherlands and be able to better protect Canada and the US from the same fate.

When locals feel like foreigners on their own soil - sad! Many No Go zones in Paris which are dangerous to enter.

Take HEED America and Australia - they are here, the door is being kept open by I wonder by whom…??
Keep this rotating

-- Watch before it's censored
This is unbelievable, interesting and true

02-01-2015, 08:32 PM
Coming to a town near you. Really, it is.

And your government will not support you.