View Full Version : Walking Dead Mid Season Opener - Possible Spoiler Alerts

02-08-2015, 10:03 PM
Well just damn! I wasn't expecting that so soon after ... well you know Beth.

02-09-2015, 01:09 AM
This episode was bizarre.

First off ....what the hell Noah, carry a freaking weapon!

Why the hell were the bodies like that? Seriously, if I'm in the woods in a situation like that and all the bodies are cut waist high, I'm going to hit the dirt and be looking for some weird boobytrap or something.

Hobe Sound AK
02-09-2015, 05:16 AM
Poor Guy, I guess his Head ain't Cold anymore. He always wore that Radar Cap. You can tell by the way Samurai Girl was Talking, they are burning out. The Show can't go on much longer. They are tired of being Nomad's. If not Season 6, I think 7 would be the Last one. They have to find a large Military Unit soon. Paul

02-09-2015, 07:07 AM
Poor Guy, I guess his Head ain't Cold anymore. He always wore that Radar Cap. You can tell by the way Samurai Girl was Talking, they are burning out. The Show can't go on much longer. They are tired of being Nomad's. If not Season 6, I think 7 would be the Last one. They have to find a large Military Unit soon. Paul

They've been singed to contracts for season 8 already. They've penned plot outlines for 13 seasons. Show is a long way from done.

This episode had a lot of surrealism in it. As to the cut in half bodies, it is a mystery that will be delved into further if one can believe Greg Nicotero.

Richard Simmons
02-09-2015, 08:29 AM
Didn't really care for the way it was filmed with all the jittery, flashback stuff at the beginning. Was surprised they lost another cast member. That's three so far this season. Seems like it used to be one main character at the end of the season. I suspect they are going to be bringing some new cast members onboard and needed to thin the ranks. All in all I'm glad it's back on.

02-09-2015, 11:45 PM
Well, besides all the lower torsos on the ground, which was weird enough, then all the upper torsos spilled out of that truck the group hit with their car. That sorta surprised me.
I liked Beth. Sorry to see her go. And Noah, you remember him from the sit-com, where he played the young Chris Rock?
Is he gonna gimp around all throughout the season?

Richard Simmons
02-10-2015, 08:58 AM
Anyone else notice the back wall of the gated community? The block section at the bottom looked like it was all cracked and shifted like something had been battering it.

02-10-2015, 04:36 PM
Nicotero hinted that this is going to a rough season as the group will constantly be on the move and there will be some bad people out there (the body bisectors).

02-10-2015, 05:03 PM
I heard from the comic book series that there is a group who chops up walkers and uses skins or limbs to hide themselves from other walkers and rob from and raid the living. That gated community looks like it had been raided. The group had just not put all the pieces of the puzzle together yet. But the strange looks were first hints.

02-11-2015, 09:01 AM
OK, first of all, the radio broadcast about "attacks on the Republic" and stuff was a hallucination of Tyreese, right?

Yes, all the cleanly chopped up people and/or zombie parts + burned buildings made it look like a human attack, not a zombie overrun (there were only a handful of zombies around).

Of course, another totally preventable casualty. You KNOW there's a zombie just a few feet away behind a door you didn't even test so...you turn your back and zone out. And as usual zombies can become silent ninja assassins when they want to.

But, like someone on this website said back in season one <paraphrase> "If they made smart decisions, ran tight ops and took zero casualties it wouldn't be much of a show, would it?" - Fair enough, I like the show and keep watching.

Richard Simmons
02-11-2015, 10:32 AM
Was watching the Talking Dead last night and unless I misunderstood them they said it was Rick's voice on the radio only Andrew Lincoln was speaking in his normal British accent to make it seem like a BBC broadcast. I'll have to rewatch this episode and see if I can pick up on the little things I missed on Sunday.

02-17-2015, 11:00 AM
Wow, that last episode was the worst one ever. Even the "back on the farm" episodes were better than that.

they're thirsty and wandering around
everyone's pissy and stressed out
it rains and turns into a hurricane and they sleep in a barn
strange dude turns up at the end asking for Rick
The End

Richard Simmons
02-17-2015, 11:11 AM
I actually liked the last episode but more than anything else because they aren't sitting in one place forever like the farm and the prison. What I found strange was the walkers trying to get in the barn. Something had to lead them there as it's not like they were trying to get out of the storm. I too am curious how the guy at the end knew Rick by name as that he was the leader? He looked awfully clean and didn't see a weapon so he must be from some place close by. If he's the one that left the water in the road he couldn't have carried all that water by himself in one trip so either a vehicle or close by.

02-17-2015, 11:20 AM
The dog attack scene was my favorite, although I wish they would have let it continue a little longer. Having Sasha waste them all with the AR was sort of anti-climactic.

I'd like to see them get dog attacked in the middle of a zombie fight. And show the dog's ability to avoid damage from the slow zombies.

02-17-2015, 11:25 AM
Also, none of the humans have been seen utilizing dogs. Well trained dogs would come in very handy in that universe.

02-17-2015, 12:28 PM
I was thinking Hawkins, err, Morgan had caught up to them when they came across the water in the roadway. I was wrong.

Richard Simmons
02-17-2015, 01:16 PM
I was thinking Hawkins, err, Morgan had caught up to them when they came across the water in the roadway. I was wrong.

That was what my wife thought too but it didn't make sense to me.

02-18-2015, 12:38 AM
I would have let dumbass Eugene drink it to atone for his bullshit earlier. Like he said "quality control."

I thought the whole "walkers attack the barn" thing might have been a dream? I had the same question, why would they do that? It defies the behavior patterns we've seen so far, since they neither saw nor heard the survivors (who were quiet and mostly asleep).

The guy at the end is going to open the next major plot element, I think (whatever that is).

02-18-2015, 06:44 AM
Last episode was one of "Miracles". They were thirsty ... and it rained. They were starving ... and the dogs show up to be dinner. They were attacked by a large herd of walkers ... and a Tornado sweeps through within 1 foot of the corner of the barn scattering and disabling the walker threat. The music box is opened and ... darn it doesn't work until the clean well pressed unarmed "stranger" shows up.

On the dogs, I laughed pretty good when Sasha smoked them. First because they pulled an Indiana Jones like shoot the bad guy instead of have a big assed battle solution. Second because it was Hollywierd quiet for the AR. Unless it was .300 Blackout chambered with subsonics for ammo, it wouldn't of been that quiet. On why would the walker's show up outside the barn. The fire glow attracted them. It's night, it's dark and there's these glowing lights coming through the slats of the old rickety barn and barn door. Remember the door was bouncing open and closed in the storms wind. That would of created both noise and a pulsing of the light coming from the barn. Almost like a strobe going off. Remember they have used fire to attract walkers several times in the past. Glen used a Molotov at the prison to distract walkers when he was trying to get Tara and himself out.

And yes, I too would of let Eugene do Quality Assurance on the water.

Hobe Sound AK
02-18-2015, 07:34 AM
2 Thing's about this new Clean Guy! 1. He may be the Devil? or, 2. He may be part of the Covert Government Agency that released this Zombie Plague Crap onto the World.

02-18-2015, 07:28 PM
2 Thing's about this new Clean Guy! 1. He may be the Devil? or, 2. He may be part of the Covert Government Agency that released this Zombie Plague Crap onto the World.

Or he could be an Angle or an Alien. :dizzy:

02-18-2015, 08:14 PM
Or he could be an Angle or an Alien. :dizzy:

According to Huffington Post, he is the long-awaited homosexual male character.

Hobe Sound AK
02-18-2015, 08:18 PM
You Ruined my Idea man!

Helen Keller
02-18-2015, 08:20 PM

02-19-2015, 01:20 AM

You're right. That does make sense about why the zombies came to the barn. Noise and light.

02-19-2015, 10:35 AM
According to Huffington Post, he is the long-awaited homosexual male character.I hope not. "Ooo zombies! I'm going to throw glitter at them!"

03-03-2015, 01:05 PM
That new blonde chick!

