View Full Version : If you're a church goer....

02-25-2015, 11:32 AM
You can have some fun by asking your pastor if they're part of the fema/dhs Clergy Response Team!

The fact that FEMA has recruited up to an estimated 28,000 pastors, as a low end estimate, to as many as 100,000 pastors, as a high end estimate, in order to form the clergy response team is very disturbing, not to mention frightening.

The reports of pastoral betrayal are now coming in from multiple sources and there is no denying where this is headed. Below is an interview that Alex Jones did with my friend Pastor Butch Paugh. I have been on Pastor Butch’s show many times and my experience with him is that he is not only a committed man of God, he is a very serious researcher. In the following video, Pastor Butch tells Alex just how far FEMA’s plot is to use pastors to entice willing self-incarceration into FEMA camps.

Safe to ignore, just another Alex Jones spiracy is all.