View Full Version : So Hillary desperately tries to gain traction by being even more tyrannical on Guns. LOL. How pathetic!

10-05-2015, 01:09 AM
Hillary is now trying to attack Bernie Sanders, since though he's damned socialist on nearly everything else, he's apparently SOFT on gun bans, being that his home state is a rural one with lots of guns.

Hillary's NEW and IMPROVED plan for America

1) A ban on the sale of combat assault weapons; (Now she adds "Combat" to the AW term to make it more scary)

2) A requirement that every person who purchases a gun gets a license and is fingerprinted; (A license for a right, now THAT'S forward thinking...... Note that this is NOT a background check but a license that you have to have approved even if you PASS a BC.

3) Using the full power of the federal government—the largest purchaser of firearms in the country—to refuse to buy guns from any company that doesn't use the latest and best safety technology;

4) Making gun trafficking a federal crime. (I wonder what she's going to consider trafficking?)

Hahahaha. THIS is going to help her campaign......

Helen Keller
10-05-2015, 05:46 AM
Pull out gun, aim at foot.

Ask Kerry what happened when he ran his suck about guns, Obongo wants us to be 1 Issue voters in 2016, Well guess who's getting my 1 vote .

10-05-2015, 06:25 AM
"COMBAT" assault weapon? damn, i just peed my pants.... i'm even more scareder than before...mommieee

Helen Keller
10-05-2015, 06:27 AM
all mine are "Sporting" , neener neener dumb cunt.

10-05-2015, 06:56 AM
So, does she mean that if #4 is enforced, she'll arrest, and incarcerate, Obama and Holder for Fast and Furious?

Stupid bitch.

10-05-2015, 07:28 AM
I wonder if selling surface-to-air missiles in Libya would fit into #4?

10-05-2015, 07:31 AM
I am happy when people like Clinton A or B say stupid things that will ruin their chances of getting elected. The second amendment in not just a conservative issue, there are still a decent number of democraps that support the 2A.

10-05-2015, 11:34 AM
This is typical fallback behavior when you are backed in a corner. You will find out who a person really is.

10-05-2015, 08:32 PM
I am happy when people like Clinton A or B say stupid things that will ruin their chances of getting elected. The second amendment in not just a conservative issue, there are still a decent number of democraps that support the 2A.

No, there really aren't. Look at Harry Reid. Pro-gun until he is entrenched enough to virtually guarantee election. Manchin. Pro-gun until he is entrenched enough to virtually guarantee election. If they were pro-gun, they wouldn't belong to the anti-gun party.

The dems play a numbers game with their so-called "pro-gun" elected members. If they introduce an anti-gun measure and it has no chance of passing, the members from more conservative areas are allowed to vote against it. They get a pro-gun voting record they can point to when they go home to run for re-election. Likewise, if an anti-gun measure has enough votes to pass without the votes from the fake pro-gun dems, they are allowed to vote against the measure in order to preserve the lie for the voters back home. This keeps a dem in the seat to vote for other leftist nonsense that will go unnoticed by the folks back home. Look at the voting record of any "pro-gun" dem - if you exclude the gun votes, you will see support for every bit of the commie bullshit the dems push forward. The "pro-gun democrat" is a myth.

10-05-2015, 09:54 PM
For those of you who still cling to the fallacy that there is any such thing as an "assault weapon" (source: https://www.nysrpa.org/files/SAFE/FriedmanISRA_v_Highland_Park_Petition_Certiorari.p df page 17):

The City [Highland Park, Illinois] calls the disparate collection
of semiautomatic firearms it has banned “assault weapons.”
That is an imaginary and pejorative category. “Prior
to 1989, the term ‘assault weapon’ did not exist in the
lexicon of firearms. It is a political term, developed by
anti-gun publicists.” Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S.
1001 n.16 (2000) (Thomas, J., dissenting) (quoting
Bruce H. Kobayashi & Joseph E. Olson, In Re 101
California Street, 8 STAN L. & POL’Y REV. 41, 43
(1997)). Indeed, the anti-gun Violence Policy Center
has candidly acknowledged that the debate over
“assault weapons” exploits “the public’s confusion
over fully automatic machine guns versus semiautomatic
assault weapons.” JOSH SUGARMAN, ASSAULT
http://goo.gl/i9r8Nn. The fact that it took the city
three pages of text even to define the class of firearms
it sought to prohibit – including a list of over 60 types
of firearms that were included by mere fiat, CITY
CODE § 136.001(C)(7) – underscores the extent to
which the gerrymandered category of “assault weapons”
is simply not grounded in the actual design or
functionality of the disfavored firearms.

And, if you somehow think "Sturmgewehr" means "assault rifle" or think that "Hitler came up with the name", I suggest you study some history and maybe take German 101.

Lastly, SHAME on ANY gun owner who willingly perpetuates the insanity of the liberal anti-gun loons by DEFENDING this non-existent "assault weapon" terminology. "Assault" is a verb, not an adjective.