View Full Version : Michele Bachmann State Of The Union Response: Speech Attacks ObamaCare, Stimulus & Mo

old Grump
01-26-2011, 04:21 PM

After the $700 billion bailout, the trillion-dollar stimulus, and the massive budget bill with over 9,000 earmarks that the President signed, many of you implored Washington to please stop spending money we don't have.
But, instead of cutting, we saw an unprecedented explosion of government spending and debt at President Obama's direction; unlike anything we have seen in the history of our country.
For two years President Obama made promises... He claimed that he would find solutions to fix our economy and help create jobs.
Story continues below
Well, here are a few suggestions:
The President could stop the EPA from imposing a job-destroying cap-and-trade system.
The President could agree with House Republicans and commit himself to signing a Balanced Budget Amendment.
The President could also agree to an all-of-the-above energy policy whereby we increase American energy production, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, reduce the price of gas at the pump, and create good-paying jobs in the U.S.
The President could turn back some of the 132 regulations put in place in the last two years that each have an impact of $100-million or more on our economy.
Thanks to all of you, there's reason to hope that real spending cuts are coming. Last November many of you went to the polls and voted out big-spending politicians and you put in their place men and women who have come to Washington with a commitment to follow the Constitution and cut the size of government. And I believe that we are in the early days of a history-making turn here in the House of Representatives.
Last week we voted to repeal ObamaCare, and each day going forward, we must work hard to dismantle the massive government expansion that has happened over the past two years.

I hadn't heard much about what Bachmann had said but this morning on NPR all the callers were slamming Obama's speech on facts and some of the callers were pretty off the wall. The moderator kept hoping she would get a positive feedback on his speech but apparently all the liberals were busy today. Then comes on this woman who was exuding charm and happiness and was absolutely giddy with joy about the speech. I quote "I love the sound of his voice so much I could just listen to anything he had to say." I knew we had a winner here and moderator was happy. Biting her tongue but happy. Then this same gal lit into Ryan for looking like a puppet reading a script and then there was that other crazy woman and her speech.

After that I had to look it up and I couldn't see anything wild or crazy about it. She just said what I have been saying for 2 years but she said it better.

I suspect that being a Libertarian I would be classed as crazy too. Nothing like a 2 hour speech to bring out the best of us and they just had to tell it all on the radio. I loved this one guy who after the speech said if Obama does half that stuff he is moving to Australia. I had a mind to call in and let him know about gun laws and the Muslim radical problem they were having down in the land called Oz but I hated to bust his bubble. What a way to start the day.

ATAK, Inc.
01-26-2011, 04:45 PM
Reading the responses made my brain hurt! What a bunch of delusional people.

obama thinks that cutting $40b a year is going to turn the corner? That ain't even a pimple on Oprah's A$$!

And lets see, now we need to "Invest"? The new spin word for spend. The GOP, while far from perfect, at least get the basic concept that spending needs to stop, severe cuts need to be made, as well as hard choices!

I personally had to do the same to get myself out of debt, it hurts, but is a lot less painful to deal with up front than let drag on while the debt just piles on!

Libs will never get it, and when confronted, they go into attack mode.

01-26-2011, 07:23 PM

01-26-2011, 09:10 PM