View Full Version : So, Has Anyone Here Heard of 'Project Gunwalker'?

02-16-2011, 08:38 PM
You all remember the BP agent who was killed in a December shootout with smugglers down in Arizona?

What you may not have heard was that the weapon used to kill Agent Terry was bought at a gun store in Phoenix and was walked across the border under the ever-watchful eye of the Phoenix ATF office.

It would seem that the store in question knew something hinky was going on and called the field office, whereupon the SAC there allowed the sales to proceed. In all, 769 weapons were purchased by this ring, of which only 103 have been recovered.


So far, no one outside of a couple of reporters from Arizona, a couple of bloggers (David Codrea and Mike V. at Sipsey Street). Senator Grassely from AL has jumped Melson's ass about it, but so far not much has moved.

This has the potential to get big in a hurry. Check it out.

02-16-2011, 08:48 PM
We've got the ongoing drama in this thread.

02-16-2011, 08:48 PM
It's been posted here in a couple of threads already.