View Full Version : Religion of peace , graced with many blessings ....

02-21-2011, 11:00 PM
....however Islam might not be the religion of peace ! Even though most of us Christians don't put into practice to pray for our enemies , we are the only faith that officially as rule are asked to pray for those who would do us harm.

We believe you will know them by their fruits , in other words , if someone is good you will see their works and blessings ....

.....well in the Islamic world I only see death , rebellion , violence , murder , rape and general carnage like self-martyrdom , discontent and sloth , and a lack of class and dignity !!!

Are these the signs of a religion of peace ?

During the Crusades today's anti-christian forces tell us Christians killed indiscriminently however defense was needed from the ever-barbaric Islamic world.

Until those who practice "The end justifies the means" learn that you reap what you sow (or , What goes around , comes around) we will have masses of confused idiots who believe you'll be rewarded with 72 virgins as if carnal pleasures of the flesh mean anything at all in Heaven.

Soon mankind will convince many of this world's most ignorant to embrace secular ideals of humanism and modernism and the arguments will seem correct to the feeble minded.

Could Islam be a faith of peace ? Absent are the leaders who deny violence , why ? Are they afraid of their own ?

....just ranting and really wondering ?

02-21-2011, 11:19 PM
Your in the wrong section of the board with this one!

Try it here.

02-22-2011, 02:37 AM
During the Crusades today's anti-christian forces tell us Christians killed indiscriminently however defense was needed from the ever-barbaric Islamic world.

The Christian crusaders probably killed more christians and jews than they did muslims. People talk about them killing indiscriminately because thats exactly what they did. Just about every crusade started off by killing, robbing, or attempting to forceably convert jews before they left Europe.

A number of Christian lands set up armies to make sure crusaders didn't go through their land.

When the 1st crusade got to Constantinople, you know that city that asked for help to defend it, the crusaders were such a ragged band of obvious know nothings that the king closed the gates and wouldn't even let them in except for a few at a time.

Upon crossing the Bosporus they immediately lay siege to and them destroyed an massacred everyone in the first town they found...too bad it was a christian town.

When they got to Jerusalem they damn near burned the city to the ground massacring a huge portion of the population, including most of the jews living there. The only reason they didn't slaughter the Christians there is because those who hadn't fled were kicked out before they got there.

Eventually the crusaders got back to Constantinople and sacked the city, which is essentially why it ended up becoming part of Muslim land in the end anyway.

Probably the only real positive thing about the crusades is that it eventually opened trade with the east helping to bring about the reformation, and the enlightenment helping to minimize the religious nutbaggery of the Christian lands.

I suppose if the Islamic nutbaggery is eventually minimized by Christians in return the world really will have come full circle.