View Full Version : Tunisian Prime Minister announces his resignation - another one down

02-27-2011, 10:28 AM
Just saw this on Fox News.

Here's a report from CBC news: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2011/02/27/tunisia-unrest.html


And it continues but we have yet to gain any understanding as to what will result.

I did hear that Al Quaeda was being thwarted by the anti-gov forces in Libya. What about the muslim brotherhood there?

I don't know what kind of standign they or the MB have in Tunisia...

02-27-2011, 10:33 AM
Another one down to be replaced by who or what?

02-28-2011, 05:20 PM
Another one down to be replaced by who or what?

exactly. North Africa is becoming a power vacuum.

02-28-2011, 05:30 PM
exactly. North Africa is becoming a power vacuum.

Once Iran was a power vacuum. Next we get to see who takes the reins; which may or may not be good for our economy.

02-28-2011, 05:34 PM
Another guy who thought he deserved power VS earning it is forced out, what's not to like about that...

02-28-2011, 06:12 PM
Another guy who thought he deserved power VS earning it is forced out, what's not to like about that...

We don't know who forced him out????

The Shah was kicked out of Iran; the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, and others all have one thing in common; now we know what was not to like.

02-28-2011, 06:38 PM
Fear of the unknown does have it's issues, generally America has issues anywhere it's supported the dictators and there's a revolution. In Libya and Tunisia we aren't so tied to the dictators so hopefully the people won't see a reason to turn on us.