View Full Version : KY teacher critically injured trying to break up fight at school

04-13-2011, 03:35 PM

He's a pretty good guy, a vet, teacher and newly elected state Rep. Word is it's touch and go over whether he will pull through. The guy has served his country and put his life on the line just to have this happen over a school fight. The really sad thing is if he dies the kids are probably looking at what involuntary manslaughter?

Helen Keller
04-13-2011, 03:38 PM
that shit's worse than jail.

Let em duke it out for a minute or 2 and they'll be done.

Time to BAN KIDS

04-13-2011, 03:53 PM
That happened to a guy I work with. He got punched and hit his head on wall when he fell. He lived but he walks with a cane and has the memory of a goldfish.

04-13-2011, 04:28 PM
That happened to a guy I work with. He got punched and hit his head on wall when he fell. He lived but he walks with a cane and has the memory of a goldfish.

Hope Karma comes back to rape the guy who did it.

04-13-2011, 07:02 PM
Part of the reason kids fight at school is they know it will be broken up. That way, they can "profile" and look bad without having to take a big risk that they might get seriously hurt.

I am always s...l....o....w.... to break up a fight and when I do, it's with a 3 gallon bucket of water. Anyone who gets wet is guilty. I've stopped a fight in mid-punch with that bucket. I always keep it handy and full.

04-13-2011, 07:36 PM
Kids today have NO respect for any thing or any one. If we would have done this in HS we would have been done. Now they cry racism and every administrator cowers.

04-13-2011, 11:56 PM
What happened to the good old days were if you were eating you would let the other person know... Hey look meet me after school in the baseball field.... :laugh:

Jr high was a big time of fighting when i was growing up... i cant deny facts that after school kids fought... helll even i fought 3 or 4 times... just to make my self look cool infront of the ladies... awww 13 an 14 years old seems so far gone now.....

1 Patriot-of-many
04-15-2011, 06:05 PM
Wonder if the dems will introduce a law prohibiting carrying your fists within 1000 yards of a lawmaker???

04-15-2011, 07:28 PM
Any update on this, did he make it?

04-15-2011, 07:51 PM
He's still in critical condition, no word on his long term prognosis

04-16-2011, 01:00 AM
He's still in critical condition, no word on his long term prognosis

Thanks for the reply, keep us posted.

04-16-2011, 01:06 AM
Wonder if the dems will introduce a law prohibiting carrying your fists within 1000 yards of a lawmaker???

The one about no guns withen 1000 yards was pushed by republican Peter King.

04-16-2011, 10:50 AM
wonder if, because he was a member of the government, they should charge these kids with a higher crime? They DID assault a member of the government. PROVE the punch wasn't meant for him is what I say. Even if it wasn't, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENT THEN IF YOU PULLED A GUN IN AN ARGUMENT, TRIED TO SHOOT SOMEONE, AND INJURED OR KILLED AN INNOCENT BYSTANDER. Its just that its FISTS and not BULLETS.

Until we reinstate consequences for our actions, REAL consequences, we will continue to see this kind of behavior in our schools and society.

04-16-2011, 10:54 AM
Yeah mriddick, its REALLY sad that these kids may suffer a severe consequence for their bad decisions......what a crock of shit. I'd say life in jail if he dies for both of them, or at least a good 25-30 years. Maybe at least, even if he revovers. They committed a CRIME. WHY feel sorry for them? Because they are kids? What about 17 and 18 year olds who do the same? Should we feel sorry for them too? 'Feeling sorry' for criminals is what has gotten us where we are in our country.

04-16-2011, 11:05 AM
Yeah mriddick, its REALLY sad that these kids may suffer a severe consequence for their bad decisions......what a crock of shit. I'd say life in jail if he dies for both of them, or at least a good 25-30 years. Maybe at least, even if he revovers. They committed a CRIME. WHY feel sorry for them? Because they are kids? What about 17 and 18 year olds who do the same? Should we feel sorry for them too? 'Feeling sorry' for criminals is what has gotten us where we are in our country.

What I was saying is it's sad that's all they were to be charged with, on social issues I'm probably one of the most conservative types around here, why you'd think I'd be defending the kids is in your own mind.... On the other point as it stands right now because he was a teacher they will face a stiffer penalty then say if another student was hurt, I hear they are being charged with 2nd and 3rd degree assault. I would assume one is being pointed out as the agressor in the fight and he's getting the slightly stiffer penalty.

04-16-2011, 02:42 PM
Sorry, but re-read your last sentence, and it can be taken the way I took it. They should spend a LONG time in jail.