Yeah my trust took I believe longer than anything too. Seem to recall my suppressor took near a year. My SBR on paper took quite a long time, and my...
Only way to enforce their Dogshit dogma on the populace is Loss of all freedoms and re-education camps. Spoken like a true tyrant Kerry. How is lurch...
Thanks a bunch Alismith and Nobeard. I get it done Friday morning. It only takes a few hours, They slide a couple electrodes up into the spinal canal...
"“Glock switches are the number one public safety issue in our city and state,’' Mayor Randall Woodfin wrote Sunday morning on Facebook. “Converting...
Watching Yamoto again(japanese DVD) and then The great war of Archimedes, another Yamoto film. Just read an excellent book on kindle called Japanese...
If you look at the dow in 2008-09 and in 2019-20 and compare a chart of silver prices, you'll see the same crash I suspect it'll would be the same in...