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Thread: going scout

  1. #1
    Senior Member hogmister's Avatar

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    going scout

    After shooting the turk mauser the other day, i decided to start working on it for a scout rifle project. i really want to do one of these handy rifles.

    it shoots very well, but i don't focus too well with those old irons. a single point of reference is much easier on my eyes. the barrel and action are in great shape. the stock on the other hand is pretty bad. lots of knicks and dings that would make it borderline impossible to refinish and make look any better. i dug out an old stock that someone started butchering before i got a hold of it and began fitting it to the barreled action. then i spent a few evenings coming up with an idea for a scope mount to replace the rear sight. after i finish the stock, all i need is a recoil pad and a scope.

    anyone have recomendations for a ler scope?

    anyone have any thoughts before i cut the barrel down?
    i'm trying to decide between 18" and 20".


  2. #2
    Senior Member raxar's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hogmister View Post

    anyone have any thoughts before i cut the barrel down?

    yes, don't. Back when turks first started coming in they cost $39. The last one I saw was $200, like any other military rifle there aren't going to be any more of them made, so price will continue to go up. I can assure you that you'll regret it.

    There is a company that produces drop in scout mounts for military rifles, I'll need to look them up though, I think they're around $80

  3. #3
    Forum Administrator Schuetzenman's Avatar

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    My advise is don't do it. You have a military weapon and you will not improve it's value in the butchry you describe wanting to do to it. It will never be worth even as much as you spend on items you will atach to it. Better you should put it up for sale on the internet.

  4. #4
    Senior Member hogmister's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Schuetzenman View Post
    My advise is don't do it. You have a military weapon and you will not improve it's value in the butchry you describe wanting to do to it. It will never be worth even as much as you spend on items you will atach to it. Better you should put it up for sale on the internet.
    Schuetz. i really didn't see that as butchry. shortening the barrel and re-crowning it hardly seems butchering. not just chopping it off with a hacksaw and calling it a day.
    my scope mount replaces the rear sight without any changes to the original barrel band/base.
    a nice pillar and glass bed job would surely improve accuracy.
    how about the value? what are these rifles really worth?
    could i sell it and buy a factory-built scout? where is the satisfaction of a job well done?
    i would shoot it more if i shot it better.
    i don't have a lot of stuff, but i don't have stuff i don't use.

    not being hard-headed or smart. i'm really asking what you guys think?
    Last edited by hogmister; 08-10-2011 at 04:46 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member hogmister's Avatar

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    here's some pics.

    this is the stock i've been working on for the turk. might just use it for another action i want to build up.
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