A provisional US Patent was just awarded for a newly-discovered algorithm for creating habitat-optimal camouflage. Here is the PR: http://prlog.org/12217103

The algorithm identifies specific combinations of colors and markings--together called a "pattern"--that exist in nature in any specific habitat, and provide the best visual concealment. An interesting result is that "evolutionarily-optimal ambush camouflage" doesn’t look like a plant--plants don't hide. Apparently optimal camouflage looks more like a member of the animal (reptile) kingdom. According to one of the inventors quoted in the PR, wherever one is on Earth, indigenous in-season optimal ambush camouflage can be quickly developed and produced, based on the algorithm—no more guess-work required.

I’m want to find out more about this, and see the camo that’s optimized for SW deserts and foothills. My choices now are all bad. A gillie suit is impractical. There are few plants, so I don’t want to look like a plant, and rocks don’t hide or move. I’ll post if I hear of any news, and would appreciate the same.