"The State Department just released an email showing Hillary Clinton instructing a subordinate to remove the classification heading from a document and insecurely send it to her private email account. This is the end, folks.

This is a felony. It is a felony to remove the classification header from any document and it is a felony to instruct someone to do it for you. It comes with a maximum jail sentence of ten years.

One of her staffers, Jacob Sullivan, was trying to send her a talking points memo through a secure fax, but the system was down. A secure fax is one of the ways that classified and sensitive information is shared.

In the emails, Hillary Clinton instructs him to “turn [it] into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

She is instructing him to erase the document’s heading – which lists its classification status – and send it through a nonsecure email. The only reason to remove the heading is to hide it from prying eyes and cover their tracks. Hillary knew what she was asking was a felony.

As you might remember, there were reports back in August that Hillary’s inner circle was removing classification headings from documents before emailing them to her. That they were deliberately breaking the law to illegally send classified documents to Hillary Clinton’s email address."