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Thread: So do you think Obama will get away with his own 'Watergate' scandal?

  1. #1
    Senior Member tank_monkey's Avatar

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    So do you think Obama will get away with his own 'Watergate' scandal?

  2. #2
    Guns Network Contributor 03/2015 jakebrake's Avatar

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    320 doubt.
    he will.

  3. #3
    Administrator imanaknut's Avatar

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    Indiana, a state that is trying to remain free.
    He and his family are above the law.

  4. #4
    Team Guns Network Silver 04/2013 alismith's Avatar

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    I don't know for sure. But, all of them have really pissed Trump off and he likes to play the "long game."

    We'll just have to wait and see.....
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  5. #5
    Team Gunsnet Platinum 06/2016 ltorlo64's Avatar

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    One thing Obama has going with him is that the MSM supports him. Because of this, even if they were to find a video of him ordering the FBI and DOJ to frame Trump they would either not report it, or they would report it in such a way as to make most people believe it was legal and required. The end result is that if Obama did anything illegal, he will not held to account.
    "Nothing ever gets so bad that government "help" can't make it worse." Pat Garrett, March 22, 2014


    I tried to push the envelope, but found that it was stationery.

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  6. #6
    Team GunsNet Silver 03/2014 sevlex's Avatar

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    Don't under-estimate Trump. Read this through and you may take comfort that the bad actors will pay dearly:

    There's a lot of fear & doubt that nothing will happen to the people who tried rigging the election for HRC, & then attempted to overthrow @realDonaldTrump

    I would urge anyone worried to read @realDonaldTrump the art of the deal; focus on the 'revenge' chapter. The whole book is incredibly insightful but that chapter is most relevant here.

    One of the points the President makes us that when someone screws you, you are OBLIGATED to counter it and deliver far worse. The implications of not doing so are sending signals to your enemies you're weak & vulnerable.

    The perception becomes that you will not fight back; it goes back to the psychology of dealing w bullies. If you beat the ever loving ��out of one bully, the rest take notice. They *respect* you whether they like you or not.

    This concept scales up, too. How do far smaller units like a boat crew of SEALs or a Special Forces ODA cause so much damage to larger units? Ferocity. Determination.

    The people who undertook the effort to rig the election, then state a coup were BADLY mistaken about who @realDonaldTrump really is: they thought him low intelligence & that he wouldn't carry through on actions. Worst miscalculation in history.

    They made this personal. They went after him, but they went after his family, too. They didn't want to just remove him from office, they were setting up sham trials after impeachment. They wanted to take his freedom by framing him & family members as they did @genflynn

    We know and it's going to come out publicly McCabe & Strzok forged the FBI 302s to force a plea deal. We know they threatened to go after Flynn's family the same way.

    These people are not going to walk away from all this. This is not just about abuse of power and corruption. Not just about personal scores to settle. Those are reasons driving this but not all reasons.

    This is the first time in American History where subversive political elements within government weaponized the CIA, FBI, DOJ, our intelligence partners at MI6 & GCHQ, involved foreign heads of state like Theresa May.

    This is the first time subversive elements in the United States actively planned & attempted to overthrow The leadership of the US Govt as elected by the people.

    Everyone always worried about a military coup in America bc of our strong military but the fact is the military would not do that, ever. It's cultural. It's anathema to who/what they are.

    The leadership of FBI, CIA, and DOJ willfully andknowingly planned, and carried out surveillance, the attempted manufacture of evidence for impeachment & for subsequent show trials to overthrow a lawfully elected president.

    This went so far that @SallyQYates barred the lawful oversight and Audit of their actions at DOJ NSD by @JusticeOIG and Andrew McCabe opened a politically motivated case against AG Sessions.

    Their goal was removal of the president and anyone who could stop or prosecute the conspirators. This was a full-blown attempted overthrow of the US Govt from subversive elements within it.

    From moles planted inside team trump to CIA operatives directing and running them on US Soil. To FBI agents and leadership doing the same. From congressmen like mccain & Warner actively participating in this.

    To then president of the United States. Barack Obama knowingly allowing and overseeing it. This is not in doubt. The Strzok-page texts & emails discuss openly his knowledge and involvement.

    Other researchers have linked via Steele documents after the election that Hillary Clinton and her campaign were involved before and after.

    I CANNOT OVERSTATE the ENORMITY and SERIOUSNESS of this: it's hard for many to understand the true scope & level of danger here-

    This is DEEPLY personal to all who were targeted. AG Sessions, @DevinNunes @realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn and many others were spied on and targeted for destruction by a cabal trying to seize power.

    Because of the personal nature of this, as well as the GRAVE DANGER our country is in, extraordinary measures had to be taken to deal with this. It's not just another federal prosecution.

    This must be handled carefully, and without missing a single detail or trials will be unsuccessful at convicting. That's the goal. This cannot *EVER* be allowed to happen again.

    The *ONE AND ONLY WAY* the ENSURE it does not happen again is to punish the guilty harshly. We sent the rosenbergs to the electric chair for less. If you're pursuing capital cases, think of how complex they are and how thoroughly the T's must be crossed and I's dotted

    With all the research several of us have done and information we've shared about the DOJ OIG reports, including my analysis of McCabes lying/leaking report & his criminal referral, you should know what's coming.

    The TL is fluid because no crime or charge is being ignored. New ones are being found and the cases expand. This will be dealt with. Yesterday's meeting and the tweets by @realDonaldTrump this Sunday should leave no doubt there's going to be hell to pay.
    It seems like Sessions is doing nothing. I have no doubt he is quietly beavering away to ensure airtight cases will be presented to the grand jury.

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  7. #7
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    The fbi employees who were having affairs on their spouses referred to a "insurance policy" in their text messages to each other. many have assumed this policy referred to the pee dossier the killary campaign paid Russians to feed back to the US int agencies and fbi as the reason for a fisa warrant against the Trump campaign.

    I feel the real "insurance policy" is sessions, he ensures that nothing gets done to harm the nwo. Notice how the IG is tasked by fbi with investigating fbi, when the IG has no power to indict or refer charges, it can tell the story but it cvan't do anything about it. Why would the heads of the fbi want to give Trump the evidence and means he needs to put the guilty in prison? You can be sure they're slow walking the docs, editing everything they can, redacting their asses off, this is why it can takes years for all these docs to be delivered to Congress. Well, the nsa has all those docs, unredacted, and Trump as cic can get them any time he wants.

    But more to the point, none of this could have taken place without the ok from the top, president and agency heads on down, meaning 0bama, jarret, holder, rice, comey, mulie, bannen, clapper.
    "And how we burned in the camps later thinking, what would things have been like, if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain, whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?"

  8. #8
    Team Gunsnet Silver 02/14 - Moderator recon's Avatar

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    He's a democrap so yeah!
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  9. #9
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    [An exchange between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page quoting a redacted official saying “the White House is running this,” prompted Senator Grassley to seek the removal of remaining redactions to give more context to the conversation.

    Until now, for some mysterious reason, no-one in congress has ever asked for the redactions of the Peter Strzok and Lisa Page text messages to be removed. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is the first politician to ask for all of the text messages without redactions.

    In a letter today to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (below), Chairman Grassley cites examples of unnecessary redactions that are in place simply to avoid the embarrassment upon the DOJ and FBI. Accordingly this is not an acceptable reason for hiding information from congress and the American people.
    "And how we burned in the camps later thinking, what would things have been like, if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain, whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?"


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