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Thread: Civil War Coming To America?

  1. #1
    Team Gunsnet Silver 02/14 - Moderator recon's Avatar

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    Civil War Coming To America?

    Saw this another site today. Interesting read on his view about the up coming civil war here in the USA.

    Civil War is Coming to America
    At this late date it is inevitable. Because of a number of factors that are ongoing in the US President Trump will most likely be the last Republican President to be elected to office in the near future that is, until the next Civil War has run its course.

    Here is why:
    Illegal Immigration is one of the major catalysts that will end a free and legal election in America. The deck is being stacked right now to make sure the Democrats will win from now on. They will steal every election in the US once Trump is out of office and the only way that will end the Democrats is going to be a war. They will lose that war, but they will cheat, steal and pull every dirty trick they can think of out of the proverbial magic hat to make it happen.

    Those on the left are telling you right now what is in store for you and me once they have the power. Gun confiscations, open borders. They will pass laws to kill anyone they see as a liability and it will include the elderly who are of no further use, and they cost too much to maintain. Pedophilia legalized. Perversions on a scale we have yet to witness and it’ll be legal. No more God in anything. Churches will be boarded up unless they preach the government message. Free speech will end, and it will be replaced with what the Government decrees is now Free Speech. The next major conflict will be a false flag manufactured event to focus everyone’s attention away from what they are doing to the citizens here at home.

    The left will start it, but they will lose. There are some big reasons for that. Statistics can always be manipulated by anyone to make a point but when it comes to guns and bullets the following are pretty solid. Also, and very important, guns we all know do not kill people, people kill people. It only takes 10% of a population to pull off a revolution that will take down an established government. Right now, there are numbers that exceed those minimums.

    During the Revolutionary War 70% of the population stood by and did nothing. They remained neutral. Currently, 30% of the population in the US would support a revolution to stop their own government. That’s how discontented people in the US are right now. This is how I know this to be a true statement. 65 million people voted for Trump in 2016. That represents 27% of the adult population of the US. 10-15 million people in America have alt-right views and beliefs. 10-15 million of these people are white men, with alt-right beliefs, and are between the ages of 18-50 years old. They are armed, with better small arms than the military has, they spend more time at the rifle and pistol ranges than does active duty military personnel and spend a lot of time out in the woods camping out and doing outdoors activities.

    250 million people have guns in America. There are estimated to be more than 8 trillion bullets spread among those 250 million. A great deal of these people voted for Trump and are conservative.

    There are 2 million military in total. 1.3 million are active duty and a million are in the Navy at sea, in the Air Force on bases all over the world, the other 300,000 men and women are what we would call boots on the ground in the US. The rest are all over the place. 83% of those are men, 56% are white men. 44% are non-white and 17% are women.

    There are 20 million former military veterans. Most of those are men and most of those voted for Trump.

    There are approximately 750 thousand Police Officers in the US. That means 2 officers for every thousand people. What that leaves are around 1.75 million total police if you include the alphabet Federal Officers and civilian police all lumped together as a group that we would assume would be on the side of the left if a war broke out in America. Versus 50-60 million-armed Trump voters including 13-15 million-armed former military.

    Most of the military voted for Trump, and they are usually conservatives by and large. They go into the military with the mind set they are defending their homeland, mom and pop, sisters and brothers, friends and neighbors. They aren’t going to turn on their own people. Some will but not many. Those that do fire on their own will be fragged, which means, they will be killed by their own troops. It’s usually done by throwing a fragmentation grenade into a sleeping quarters while someone is asleep.

    What this means is the left are itching for a fight with the right, and they’re going to get one. One that they will lose, and it’ll be quick. Here are some reasons why they will lose. By and large the left lives in cities. While much of the right lives out in the country. Food is grown out in the country not in the cities. People out and away from the cities can do without electricity. It’s inconvenient but they can survive. People in the cities need electricity. It is the oxygen of a civilized society.

    Once electricity is cut off from the cities, a few over-passes have been taken out, the grocery stores will run out of food. Without electricity communications shut down. Water ceases to flow. The sewage system shuts down and so does garbage collection. Hospitals become overburdened. There is no longer 911. When the left tries to leave their cities, they will be easy pickings for snipers on the right. There will be no fuel either. People will begin to starve in the cities. Disease will begin to show its deadly self as people die in their homes. No heat either.

    The government will make an attempt, but they’ll be outnumbered even if they brought in the military. People will desert, sabotage will be rampant everywhere. The defections will be incredible. At least half of the active duty military will desert in the first 30 days. Those who stay behind will sabotage any efforts to subdue civilians. Even in the Federalized police forces there will be defections and sabotage as well.

    The left will lose because the left don’t have many guns. The conservatives do but the left doesn’t believe in them. The government will make a feeble attempt to stop things but will give up quickly. If the governments fear anything, they fear the people they govern. Foreign governments won’t intervene. They may offer military aid to one side or the other, but it will probably be to the obvious victors not to the losers, the left.
    When the war does come to an end, and it will there will be hundreds of summary executions that will happen everywhere. The trees in public parks, and neighborhoods will have traitors hanging from the branches like fruit.

    I would tell anyone and everyone, get prepared because war is coming to America. You better have lots of food, guns, ammo, medicine and any specialty drugs to keep you alive. Times will get hard. Water will become as valuable as gold. It has to come. The left is telling us, they are screaming out their messages without any reservations, and they aren’t trying to hide it any longer. They are going to sink the ship of state and attempt to turn our Republic into a Marxist/socialist gulag. Get ready folks, it is coming. Donald Trump will be the last conservative President we will have for many years to come. If you chose not to believe me, you will be one of the first casualties in the coming Civil War 2.
    Buy It Cheap!
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    Original Member-July-1999!

  2. #2
    Administrator imanaknut's Avatar

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    Indiana, a state that is trying to remain free.
    It is scary how much hate against the United States is spewed out by the left (read current democrats).

    It is also scary how blind many republicans are to how they are aiding and abetting the lying media and the hate filled left.

  3. #3
    Team GunsNet Silver 04/2015 Nobeard's Avatar

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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by recon View Post
    Saw this another site today. Civil War is Coming to America.
    In actuality, it has already started.

    1) The 0bama administration used the power of the federal government's law enforcement agencies to spy on the campaign of a political opponent. This quickly escalated to harassment, prosecutorial misconduct and attacks as the Justice Department knowingly used falsified documents to obtain FISA warrants against American citizens. All the while ignoring multiple violations of law, including the federal espionage act, perjury and destruction of subpoenaed evidence by Hillary Clinton. Then the Mueller Investigation (which could best be described as a left-handed / rotating incestuous bureaucratic circle-jerk) was initiated based on the aforementioned falsified documents. General Michael Flynn was charged with a process crime for 'mis-remembering' minor details of a months old, trivial phone conversation during an unofficial interview with members of the FBI. The fact that Peter Strzok, the FBI Chief for the Counterespionage Section was found to have sent text messages actively supporting interference with the outcome of the 2016 presidential election was also completely ignored.

    2) The media elitists completely ignored these violations of law by 0bama and his cronies. Their news broadcasts are regularly filled with questionable information and obviously false narratives while they report skewed, personal opinions as if they were absolute fact. The attempted political assassination of Brett Kavanaugh is just one example. Senator Dianne Feinstein withheld unsubstantiated (better described as ridiculous) allegations of sexual misconduct until they could be released in a public forum and vomited across the nightly news by her socialist progressive lackeys in the media. Christine Blasey Ford made 'erroneous' statements during her testimony, under oath, but was charged with neither perjury nor contempt. In the midst of this, Attorney Michael Avenatti produces another witness which he claimed would take down Brett Kavanaugh. After an extended session of strutting and bloviating, it turned out to be yet another implausible story with pathetically absurd allegations. This so-called witness was also absolved of any responsibility for 'mis-remembering' events while under oath. Having fallen out of favor with the media, Michael Avenatti's total lack of ethics and scurrilous financial activity was brought to light (Lesson: they sacrifice their own when it's expediant). Please remember: Although General Flynn had not testified under oath, he was still charged and then bankrupt by Robert Mueller's investigators, then coerced into a plea agreement.

    3) Consider the leftist elites of silicone valley. Facebook, Youtube and twitter (pronounced 'Faceplant' 'Screw-tube' and 'twit-turd') have already been caught promoting leftist ideologies by 'shadow banning' conservatives. In some instances they have demonetized or closed these accounts for arbitrary reasons. At the same time, these so called public platforms of free speech, have ignored activities by the left's attack dogs which use these sites to dox conservatives, coordinate attacks and acts of civil unrest. This is in direct violation of their own rules of conduct. Then there's Google Exec Jen Gennai, who was recently caught on hidden camera. She admitted an intent by the search engine's upper echelon to use corporate technology and resources to influence the outcome of the 2020 election. Whistle-blowers inside the company have been quoted as saying there is a direct intent of "never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power again." Of course, the video documentation from Project Veritas was quickly scrubbed from 'Screw-tube' as it does not fit their political narrative. At the very least these companies should be charged for failing to register under 501c3. The best scenario would be to have their protected status under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act revoked.

    4) Finally, there's the progressive elites' attach dogs, know as antifa. These self-appointed 'social justice warriors' violate civil rights and wage a war of terror against anyone who does not profess their ideology. At the very least their violation of rights include free speech and freedom to assemble Their war of terror includes attacks so vicious that anyone not affiliated with the leftist ideology would undoubtedly face the minimum charge of felony assault and a hate crime, if not attempted murder. They use an assortment of weapons, including caustic chemicals, and resort to cowardly mob assaults against any person that can be singled out and made an easy target. The recent events in Portland, Oregon, where journalist Andy Ngo was attached serve as a prime example. During the subsequent investigation it was learned that one of Mr. Ngo's attackers already had multiple arrests for assault with weapons during other antifa actions. It has also come to light that the acting mayor / chief of police for Portland had instructed the police to stand down during antifa's actions. These facts provide strong indication of financial backing from individuals with deep pockets and a progressive leftist agenda.

    As the 2020 election approaches, there will be an escalation of radical action, violence and overall stupidity by the leftists and their thugs. But; there are some details that these progressive elitists have failed to take into consideration, and it will be their undoing. They are a vocal, yet exceptionally small minority. This is true even in the major populations centers. All resources are limited. This includes their minions, most of which have extraordinary low intelligence.

    Conservative America is a quiet majority, our numbers grow with each outrage and usurpation, and our patience does have limits. Our resources are also limited; but we have skills, mad skills, and exceptional intelligence.

    So if push does come to shove? Are you progressive elitists absolutely certain that each accomplice and every minion will protect YOU from the wrath of an outraged America?
    Or will you be just another sacrifice, offered up to save a cause which has no chance of success?
    Last edited by Nobeard; 07-05-2019 at 09:13 PM.


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