As you all know, occasionally I write things that I think people will find interesting. Here is something I wrote concerning the difference between Republicans and Democrats.

I hear and read people frequently say Republicans and Democrats are the same. While they have similarities, they also have very distinct and important differences, especially in respect to freedom and liberty. For example, Democrats support unions and the requirement that if someone is to work they must belong to a union. In other words Democrats support forcing people to belong to an organization that, among other things, is very politically active, even if the people being forced don’t agree with the positions being advocated for by the union.

Take the Republicans on the other hand. They generally support the Second Amendment and the NRA. The NRA is also an organization that is politically active. The difference is the NRA is an organization that people belong to willingly, no one forces them. If they don’t like what the NRA does or what the NRA is supporting, then they end their membership. No one forces them, one way or the other.

There is one other important difference. While Republicans want to give people the option of joining, or not joining, unions (in other words Republicans support freedom and liberty), Democrats are using the power of government to scare away supporters of the NRA. Granted, giving people the freedom to choose whether to be in a union or not will most likely (and has actually been shown to) hurt union membership, but it is not forced, it is based on freedom of choice. Democrats, LA and New York are great examples, by using intimidation take away freedom of choice, speech and expression, from those they disagree with. This is quite a difference, and one that should be concerning to every American.