Democrats Kill Amendment Protecting Americans from Credit Discrimination Based on Politics, Religion
Republicans moved on Wednesday to amend the 1970 Fair Credit Reporting Act in light of the existence of the CFPB. The failed amendment would have prevented the Bureau from forcing private credit scoring companies to “make use of information related to political opinions, religious expression, or other expression protected by the First Amendment, whether obtained from a social media account of a consumer or other sources.”

U.K. Police Will Soon be able to Search Through U.S. Data Without Asking a Judge
Some of the key problems with the U.S.-U.K. Agreement include:
The agreement includes a weak standard for review, that doesn’t meet the 4th Amendment’s warrant requirement
There’s no prior judicial authorization required
The deal includes no safeguards for free expression
The people put under surveillance don’t need to be notified, on any level
The “minimization” procedures meant to protect U.S. persons are unfair, unequal, and won’t do the job
It will grant real-time access to communications, allowing foreign police to wiretap Americans’ conversations, ignoring the high requirements for a wiretap under U.S. law
These extraordinary search powers given to foreign police can be used even for relatively low-level crimes
In colonial times, the British military used general warrants to search through houses and seize property. This practice was part of what fueled the American Revolution, and formed the basis for the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

One problem with the above legislation is foreign law enforcement offices do not have to protect US citizens rights, and can share whatever they find with US law enforcement, bypassing the US Constitution. This is similar in the way echelon works, nsa shares its spying echelon network with the UK, who has no laws against spying on Americans, so it can feed whatever it finds or is directed to find back to nsa.