The Case of China’s Nuclear Submarine, is Beijing Hiding A “Crash”? | From the Frontline
Unconfirmed reports hint that a Chinese nuclear submarine Type-093 crashed near the Yellow Sea. This was during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to South Africa for the BRICS summit.
After social media was full of the reports, Chinese President Xi skipped his speech.
Is china hiding the loss of its nuclear submarine. What makes them so difficult to find, and why did China say they have developed advanced technology to find submarines right after the reports of the crash.
some notes on chicom and russkii boomers
in the beginning of boomer subs the russkiis missiles (just like ours at the time) didnt have the range to hit us from their own shores so they had to get close to ours, today that is not the case for icbms
one is they tend to stay close to shore of the motherland because of the policy of bastion defense, instead of being just off our coasts they can stand off in their home waters and be covered by all the land based defenses and still hit us, theyre trading time to target for security, so the russkiis play mostly in the barents near finland and norway and just of their sub bases around murmansk, the chicoms do the same thing but in the yellow sea and environs, also because of the bastion defense, that said, they might have a few boats off our coasts with cruise missiles ready to turn dc to ash in 5 minutes or less if its worth the risk to them, also while russkii boats sail with live nukes in the tubes, the chicoms have a negative control policy where they only load warshots when actual war breaks out, so when they sail their ssbns they just might be carrying ballast rather than live nukes, but who knows