Wow. The Tech Giants FACEBOOK and TWITTER are actively censoring damning information about BIDEN and continuing their FALSE attacks on Trump and Republicans. The NEW YORK POST, which dropped the story has been actually banned from posting about it from TWITTER. I see NOTHING about it on the Yahoo News Feed. Most of the major media news feeds NEVER mention Biden's corruption bombshell.

Oh, and BTW, TWITTER as of now closed down the LOCKED Trump's entire re-election campaign account. WTF???? It's not his personal account. Twitter can't shut that down because he's POTUS, but any account that tries to help his re-election campaign gets SHUT DOWN!?!?!?!? Why don't we just call ALL the legacy media and tech giants, the propaganda Arm of the Democrat party from now until the end of time....

I sure hope Trump gets re-elected and the GOP takes both houses (and Republicans grow a spine) and they PUNISH these biased corrupt Tech Companies.