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Thread: give this man a CIGAR!!!

  1. #1
    Team GunsNet Silver 04/2015 Nobeard's Avatar

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    Jul 2010

    give this man a CIGAR!!!

    Looking at the news on my work computer during lunch and found a story about Rick's Repair Shop in Tallahassee Florida.

    Seems that some 'people' are a little...upset about what he put on the front sign for pride month.

    (used my cell phone to take a picture of the computer screen so the quality isn't very good)

    We don't drink beer, so Budweiser (the Queen of Tranny Fluid) wasn't getting our money to begin with.

    Have some living room furniture that was ordered from Target BEFORE they went stupid.
    Finally came in after waiting a month. Picking it up this weekend then we're done with them.

    Boycotting the turncoats is one thing but rewarding the fighters is even more important.
    Going to find this shops phone # and address when I get home.
    Plan to send the owner $100 bill and a 1 ounce silver Texas coin.

    The message hits the nail right square on the head.

    He also knew this was going to be a shit-storm but did it anyway.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Oswald Bastable's Avatar

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    Silly man...don't you know that fags and molesters are far more important than the folk who defended their right to be fags and molesters?
    If we refuse to rule ourselves with reason, then we shall be ruled by our passions.

    He, Who Will Not Reason, Is a Bigot; He, Who Cannot, Is a Fool; and He, Who Dares Not, Is a Slave. -Sir William Drummond

    There are some things I will not abide within my sight!

  3. #3
    Team GunsNet Bronze 07/2011 weevil's Avatar

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    People are fed up with this crap!

    We're tired of having this woke bullshit shoved down our throats....enough is enough!
    Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket???

  4. #4
    Senior Member Oswald Bastable's Avatar

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    Somewhere In The Troposhpere
    Quote Originally Posted by Nobeard View Post
    He also knew this was going to be a shit-storm but did it anyway.
    If you do get in touch with him, ask if he likes a good cigar now and again. If so, PM me and I'll send him a few very nice Perdomos and in, give the man several cigars.
    If we refuse to rule ourselves with reason, then we shall be ruled by our passions.

    He, Who Will Not Reason, Is a Bigot; He, Who Cannot, Is a Fool; and He, Who Dares Not, Is a Slave. -Sir William Drummond

    There are some things I will not abide within my sight!

  5. #5
    Team GunsNet Silver 04/2015 Nobeard's Avatar

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    UPDATE - things have been a little crazy here but nothing serious

    Finally contacted him and the news is not good.
    There's been hack attacks on his computers, credit cards and bank accounts.
    He's getting evicted from the building and has to be out by August 6th...
    Sounds like he can use any help we can give.

    We're sending him $100 and a one ounce Texas commemorative silver coin (forgot to ask about the cigars).

    Address is:
    Rick's Repair Shop
    11700 Mahan Dr.
    Tallahassee Florida 32309

    Recommend using FedEx because they require a driver's license to verify the sender's address. That way he has some assurance that a package (from an unknown person) probably isn't going to be anything dangerous.

  6. #6
    Team GunsNet Silver 04/2015 Nobeard's Avatar

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    Got a call back from the shop owner yesterday when he received the package...
    He was very appreciative and sounded a little overwhelmed.

    Those of you on other pro gun and conservative web sites: Please let everyone know the situation, re post the pic of his sign and address.

    I know times are tough right now, if all you can send is a card or note that says 'thank you' it will make a difference.

    The left wing degenerates and reprobates are an insignificantly small percentage of the population.
    If we ignore their shrill, frantic shrieking?
    They WILL NOT go away. A failure to stand only emboldens them to become more radical and violent.

    At the very least, we have to acknowledge, support and show appreciation to those who will take a stand.

    Better men than I have been willing to give up far more than paper money and a piece of silver.

    They were willing to risk all for their faith.

    Now history remembers them as Legends and Heroes.

  7. #7
    Administrator imanaknut's Avatar

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    Indiana, a state that is trying to remain free.
    What ever happened to freedom of speech? Don't answer, I know that the current regime doesn't believe in the constitution and prefers the subjugation of the American people.


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