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Thread: Walk, dont run, but get there, get it done

  1. #1
    Senior Member PROBASCO's Avatar

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    Walk, dont run, but get there, get it done

    I am not sure what is in the water but it must be good stuff because people appear to not really care quite enough about what is going on in our country. Sure we mumble about this and that but I look at the frence, the germans, the canadians (lower case intentional). All of these countries have had serious protests against their governments with millions in the streets over seemingly minor government indiscretions while here in the LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE BRAVE, we are allowing the current administration to dismantle our liberties, jail protestors in violation of our constitutional rights and allow the blatant murder of an unarmed protestor just to put the fear of tyrants in our hearts. EVERYTHING IS WRONG and you know it yet the likes of FB will not allow organization to protest as it goes against their socialist community standards. I am not telling any of you that pay attention anything you do not already know yet we all just sit by, and vegitate, There will be a day when the leftist media and some of the most egregious politicians will pay a price of unknown quantity which will set of a storm of a real insurrect-shun. Shun as in rejecting of the powers that be. The current indictment of Trump while Biden, Pence, Hillary all walk from the same "crimes" is clear evidence our government has turned full tyrant and needs to be put down like a rabid dog. I love my country, the one we used to have, before obvious crimes in 2020 election and all the crimes that have followed. The road to revolution is being paved as I speak. Godspeed patriots

    a special note to those of you (cant be denied) here monitoring those of us who really are patriots, please address your loyalties to God and Country . Do not follow your false gods who employ you

  2. #2
    Administrator imanaknut's Avatar

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    Indiana, a state that is trying to remain free.
    I think that the weaponization of all the alphabet soup agencies have the honest people scared out of their minds and even the thought of standing up for our rights is something that most people are afraid to start.

    Fear works.

  3. #3
    Team Guns Network Silver 04/2013 alismith's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by imanaknut View Post
    I think that the weaponization of all the alphabet soup agencies have the honest people scared out of their minds and even the thought of standing up for our rights is something that most people are afraid to start.

    Fear works.
    Until people have had enough....then it becomes a stimulant.
    "Valar morghulis; valar dohaeris."

    Commucrats are most efficient at converting sins and crimes to accidents or misunderstandings.-Oswald Bastable

    Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless.

    Freedom isn't free.

    "Attitude is the paintbrush that colors our world." TV Series, Haven.

    My Spirit Animal has rabies.

    I'd rather be an American than a Democrat.

    "If you can make a man afraid, you can control him" Netflix Series, The Irregulars

  4. #4
    Senior Member PROBASCO's Avatar

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    The power in the government is made up of American soldiers, the key word being American. Shooting Aslhy Babbit was most likely a calculated strategy or at a minimum a well placed homicide coupled with overkill of Jan 6, which was a cover up for the election. Fear works but for hundreds of years Americans have as police, firemen and obviously soldiers have stood up to , and defeated the adversary of "fear." Patriots and enlisted patriotic military far outnumber the tyrants. The only real adversary is the dissemination of information outlets. The weakest link is also the most powerful are the corrupt medias. The weakest and least defendable somehow have become the strongest ally to the takeover of America. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to ascertain these are soft targets in the political sense that can be useful in the genesis of recovering our country.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Oswald Bastable's Avatar

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    When food is scarce...

    When the power is out for days on end...

    Only then will fat, satiated Americans, rise up.
    If we refuse to rule ourselves with reason, then we shall be ruled by our passions.

    He, Who Will Not Reason, Is a Bigot; He, Who Cannot, Is a Fool; and He, Who Dares Not, Is a Slave. -Sir William Drummond

    There are some things I will not abide within my sight!

  6. #6
    Guns Network Contributor 01/2015 Altarboy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oswald Bastable View Post
    When food is scarce...

    When the power is out for days on end...

    Only then will fat, satiated Americans, rise up.

    This. We are way too comfortable to get angry enough. Well, and we may also be too fat, dumb, and lazy.

  7. #7
    Administrator Krupski's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by PROBASCO View Post
    The power in the government is made up of American soldiers, the key word being American.
    The American military has been purged of soldiers who can think for themselves and would refuse to carry out illegal, immoral orders (such as firing on US citizens). How have they been purged? Simple. The "take the ClotShot™ or else be discharged" order did the job.

    The current trannified, woke military wants soldiers who, when given an illegal order, will shout "Sir, yes sir!" and pull the trigger. If they were willing to throw their own health away by accepting the poison Covid jab, they sure as hell will be willing to throw American citizen's lives away.

    Gentlemen may prefer Blondes, but Real Men prefer Redheads!


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