Good point Alismith,
I'm not looking forward to bad times, just want to be ready and have the means to provide and protect those that depend on me.
Almost forgot to post this pic and warning sent by a friend.
He had previously bought a 20 round / 50.00 box of .45-70 at Acadeny, got it home and there were only 16 cartridges in it.
He came across some Remington green and white boxes of 22-250 there for a 'decent' price...
No, it was NOT Hondo! We don't have rusty shit guns around here
He opened every box to check the contents and found THIS
Not only was the factory loaded ammo a mix of gold and silver primers, one primer was upside down.
Needless to say, he didn't buy
that box.
The ones he did get will be checked on a digital loading scale for weight consistence before any are chambered or fired.
Just another example of the current downward spiral.
Not only are the major corporations having issues getting components, their quality control is circling the toilet bowl.