Black Georgia residents lining up to see Trump's motorcade as he arrives to have his mug shot taken. At this point, no one (in the public) knew if he was going to be remanded into custody or released on Bond or his own recognizance.
Black Georgia residents lining up to see Trump's motorcade as he arrives to have his mug shot taken. At this point, no one (in the public) knew if he was going to be remanded into custody or released on Bond or his own recognizance.
They might be lining up to see Trump, but I would bet the people lining up will still vote democrat. Family heritage and promises of free stuff.
That's sadly quite true for many DEMOCRAT voting households. Just voting the "D" because that's how they've always done it. But all stats show Trump is making a serious dent in actual voting patterns. He is currently running a 20% of Black voters will pull the lever for him. Though that sounds like a small amount, literally the black vote has been 98% Democrats for generations. Taking 20% away from the Democrats is a massive move. I remember a pollster who said that if you pull THAT much black support away from the Democrat Candidate, they will lose. That's why the DEMOCRATS are pulling out all the stops to lie, cheat and steal and put Trump in Prison BEFORE the elections. Whites are still 65% of the population and it's WHITE liberals who are taking all of these BLUE state strongholds. Remember, in every battleground, including stronghold like California, the Dems don't have 100% of the vote. But they do have a majority. In CA the red state voters are only 42% but it's winner take all in the electoral college in CA, so even if the Democrats only win by 1 vote in the state, all of the electors support the candidate that the 'state' chose', unlike other states.
Last edited by tank_monkey; 08-28-2023 at 09:06 PM.
if blacks, hispanics, and suburban women don't get it by now, they never will.
Except that "they" will be doing the counting. I want to be hopeful too. But, history has shown me I should be skeptical.