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Thread: Why no purge in the United States?

  1. #1
    Guns Network Lifetime Member #2

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    Why no purge in the United States?

    I was reading a few paragraphs in a book about Vietnam for about the upteenth time. A book called "the 13th valley". Can some of you guys explain or theorize(I have my own theory here) why we've never had a purge in our history? Russia, China, Cambodia, Guatemala, Cuba, Half the African countries, Egypt, Germany, Bosnia/Yugoslavia/Croatia, Vietnam after the war all have. What is the deciding factor or factors that cause a country to purge it's citizens? Also, are we on the verge of a purge? I would love to see a good conversation from you guys on why these countries and more have had purges, why we haven't (damn forgot about the Indians, that would be a purge?) and what are the chances in the future and what would prevent it here.

  2. #2
    Team Guns Network Silver 04/2013 alismith's Avatar

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    We have the second Amendment.
    They didn't.

    We, also, had leaders who, mostly, followed the Constitution.
    They had no such leaders nor did they have a constitution like ours where the people had the power, not the government (although the Commucrats are trying to reverse that right now).
    "Valar morghulis; valar dohaeris."

    Commucrats are most efficient at converting sins and crimes to accidents or misunderstandings.-Oswald Bastable

    Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless.

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    "Attitude is the paintbrush that colors our world." TV Series, Haven.

    My Spirit Animal has rabies.

    I'd rather be an American than a Democrat.

    "If you can make a man afraid, you can control him" Netflix Series, The Irregulars

  3. #3
    Senior Member Oswald Bastable's Avatar

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    To add to what ali said, we are, or perhaps I should say, were, basically a christian nation. That whole "do unto others" ethic was much stronger at one time, but as you noted, it could be said the Indian (feathers not dots) situation could be described as a purge...not our finest moments...
    If we refuse to rule ourselves with reason, then we shall be ruled by our passions.

    He, Who Will Not Reason, Is a Bigot; He, Who Cannot, Is a Fool; and He, Who Dares Not, Is a Slave. -Sir William Drummond

    There are some things I will not abide within my sight!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Oswald Bastable's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by 308 View Post
    It is coming, but it's not going to be local, it's going to be global...and the ones being purged are going to be us, not them.
    From prophecy? And for what it's worth...I agree.
    If we refuse to rule ourselves with reason, then we shall be ruled by our passions.

    He, Who Will Not Reason, Is a Bigot; He, Who Cannot, Is a Fool; and He, Who Dares Not, Is a Slave. -Sir William Drummond

    There are some things I will not abide within my sight!

  5. #5
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    America and most Western nations in modern times have no history of purging opponents.
    During The Civil War Lincoln jailed some people, and in WWI Wilson jailed some opponents, in WWII Japanese-American citizens were locked up, but there has never been anything like a purge where people were simply killed out of hand.

    Other then the Left, I doubt American citizens would support a purge. The Left, as always would no doubt like to lock people up, and the hard Left would like to kill opponents, but unless they get the power and disarmament of the citizens they can't.
    Biden and his administration are using the Justice Department and the FBI and intelligence agencies to lock people up, but there's starting to be push back from Americans who don't like or will long accept that.

  6. #6
    Team GunsNet Silver 04/2015 Nobeard's Avatar

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    I think the primary reason, is the Americans were never subjigated like the people in countries that have endured a purge. Everyone had the right and ability to improve their social status, to build a future for their family

    Russia had the Czars for hundreds of years, so the vast majority of the populace were use to being peasants and under the boot of an authoritarian regime.

    Same for China and it's dynasties.

    Vietnam, Cambodia and the African nations had the equivalent of a caste system, where the social status you were born into was pretty much set in stone.

    When communism became the 'new' system, it promised 'equality' with 'equity and inclusion', or revenge on the previous authoritarians...

    (sound familiar?)

    Most of the people just shrugged it off "...okay, now these assholes are in charge..."

    Right now, the current administration is trying desperately to divide and subjugate Americans, while importing a serf class. Illegal immigration is supposed keep us preoccupied. It's an enemy to focus our hatred on instead of seeing the truth that the real enemies of the republic are in Washington DC.
    It also provides the elites a subservient class that's use to being at the bottom of the caste system, and can be controlled with promises of 'free stuff'.
    Eventually, they intend to rile up their new serf class, then send them out as the 'purge army' to take out anyone who will not bend the knee to their new social order.

    Quote Originally Posted by 308 View Post
    It is coming, but it's not going to be local, it's going to be global...
    Once enough people get pissed off.

    Quote Originally Posted by 308 View Post
    the ones being purged are going to be us, not them.
    No illusions here to the intended plan, but I wouldn't underestimate the American people.

    We tend to be kind, generous and a point
    Once the patience runs out?
    We've got a reputation for handing out some serious ass-whoopin'

  7. #7
    Senior Member JTHunter's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by dfariswheel View Post
    America and most Western nations in modern times have no history of purging opponents.
    During The Civil War Lincoln jailed some people, and in WWI Wilson jailed some opponents, in WWII Japanese-American citizens were locked up, but there has never been anything like a purge where people were simply killed out of hand.

    Other then the Left, I doubt American citizens would support a purge. The Left, as always would no doubt like to lock people up, and the hard Left would like to kill opponents, but unless they get the power and disarmament of the citizens they can't.
    Biden and his administration are using the Justice Department and the FBI and intelligence agencies to lock people up, but there's starting to be push back from Americans who don't like or will long accept that.
    With the "serfs" they are bringing in now, they will have plenty of "useful idiots" as cannon fodder so they don't risk their "lily white" asses.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobeard View Post
    I think the primary reason, is the Americans were never subjigated like the people in countries that have endured a purge. Everyone had the right and ability to improve their social status, to build a future for their family

    Russia had the Czars for hundreds of years, so the vast majority of the populace were use to being peasants and under the boot of an authoritarian regime.

    Same for China and it's dynasties.

    Vietnam, Cambodia and the African nations had the equivalent of a caste system, where the social status you were born into was pretty much set in stone.

    When communism became the 'new' system, it promised 'equality' with 'equity and inclusion', or revenge on the previous authoritarians...

    (sound familiar?)

    Most of the people just shrugged it off "...okay, now these assholes are in charge..."

    Right now, the current administration is trying desperately to divide and subjugate Americans, while importing a serf class. Illegal immigration is supposed keep us preoccupied. It's an enemy to focus our hatred on instead of seeing the truth that the real enemies of the republic are in Washington DC.
    It also provides the elites a subservient class that's use to being at the bottom of the caste system, and can be controlled with promises of 'free stuff'.
    Eventually, they intend to rile up their new serf class, then send them out as the 'purge army' to take out anyone who will not bend the knee to their new social order.

    Once enough people get pissed off.

    No illusions here to the intended plan, but I wouldn't underestimate the American people.

    We tend to be kind, generous and a point
    Once the patience runs out?
    We've got a reputation for handing out some serious ass-whoopin'
    It isn't limited to "illegal immigration" to keep people occupied. Look at most of what is on TV now in these "reality" shows (Naked & Afraid, Survivor, etc.) or things like "Masked Singer". It's all "bread & circuses" to keep our minds off of the illegal actions of this administration, the economy, Biden's verbal gaffes, Congressional betrayals, etc.
    “I have little patience with people who take the Bill of Rights for granted. The Bill of Rights, contained in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, is every American’s guarantee of freedom.” - - President Harry S. Truman, “Years of Trial and Hope”

  8. #8
    Team Guns Network Silver 04/2013 alismith's Avatar

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    Well, they've given us a choice....when you have nothing to lose, take as many of them with us when we go.
    "Valar morghulis; valar dohaeris."

    Commucrats are most efficient at converting sins and crimes to accidents or misunderstandings.-Oswald Bastable

    Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless.

    Freedom isn't free.

    "Attitude is the paintbrush that colors our world." TV Series, Haven.

    My Spirit Animal has rabies.

    I'd rather be an American than a Democrat.

    "If you can make a man afraid, you can control him" Netflix Series, The Irregulars

  9. #9
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    All the various people of satan have one thing common; denial of the Son of God. They can try to purge us but they forget they've already lost 2023 years ago at The Battle of Golgotha.
    "And how we burned in the camps later thinking, what would things have been like, if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain, whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?"

  10. #10
    Team GunsNet Silver 04/2015 Nobeard's Avatar

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    So much to say, so little time right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by 5.56NATO View Post
    All the various people of satan have one thing common; denial of the Son of God. They can try to purge us but they forget they've already lost 2023 years ago at The Battle of Golgotha.
    Yes, the children of darkness lost that battle...but the war is not over.

    It rages on, every single day, everywhere, all around us.

    Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

    When a voice should have been raised in unwavering objection to what others deemed a 'minor' transgression?
    We decided to look the other way, or chose to remain silent.

    Now we're all seeing how well that worked out...

    So there are no hurt feelings - I put myself at the TOP of the list titled "Guilt by Apathy".
    I fell into the trap of "it's not happening here, so it's not my problem"

    Fortunately, it looks like there's a great awakening taking place, especially in the urban areas and major cities.

    Parents that were previously preoccupied with trivial B.S. are becoming aware of the communist drivel and sexual perversion that the government controlled / union run school system has been force-feeding their kids.

    Those parents are getting pissed.

    Activists who wanted to de-fund the police are now suffering from the rampant crime their ideology (idiot-ology?) set into motion.
    They're starting to realize that 'civilized society' only works when there are legitimate consequences enforced on those who refuse to follow the rules.

    Couple of relevant quotes

    "On the plains of hesitation lie the blackened bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of their greatest victory, lay down to rest...and in resting died."
    Adlai Stevenson I

    "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one."
    Bruce Lee

    All for now, more this weekend

  11. #11
    Senior Member JTHunter's Avatar

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    Well put Nobeard.
    “I have little patience with people who take the Bill of Rights for granted. The Bill of Rights, contained in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, is every American’s guarantee of freedom.” - - President Harry S. Truman, “Years of Trial and Hope”

  12. #12
    Team GunsNet Silver 04/2015 Nobeard's Avatar

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    Apologies to 1 Pat, didn't mean to go off topic derail your thread.

    Have been thinking about this and came up with a serious question of my own.

    Are we in the early stages of a purge RIGHT NOW?

    Here's a quick summary
    Consider the most well know and documented purge in recorded history: Nazi Germany.

    It didn't start with people being rounded up and loaded into cattle cars headed for the camps.
    That was the end result of a slow process which started in the early 1930s.

    Let me explain: the Nazi's wanted to purge all 'non-Aryans' but their primary target were people of Jewish descent. The majority of them had lived in Germany for generations and were in the upper-middle class. Some were doctors, lawyers or bankers while others were shop keepers and craftsmen. They owned delicatessens, tailor shops or made jewelry and repaired watches. These people were part of a community, at a time before Walmart and Kroger's, when neighbors actually knew each other.

    The first thing that had to be accomplished was isolating them.
    Then it would be possible to demonize them
    After that, the general populace would turn against them
    Which would make it easy to roll-in anyone else the state deemed an 'undesirable' (gypsies, Polish even the Jehovah's Witness were on that list).

    So they enacted the 'cancel culture' of that era to silence their chosen target; by 1935:

    Non-Aryans couldn't practice law or hold government jobs.

    They were no longer entitled to health insurance or access to public hospitals.

    Laws blocked Jews from being reporters, editors or publishers in the newspaper industry.

    They were not allowed own farms or to work in the agricultural industry.

    A 25% tax was imposed on ALL their assets.

    Meanwhile, in the 2020's
    Would anyone disagree that the government has colluded with social media to silence conservative voices?

    Heard about 'Operation Choke Point' that went after banks to shut down firearms and ammo transactions?

    Pro-American businesses like Mike Lindell's My Pillow have been kicked out of stores for having a conservative ideology.

    Has government mandated 'diversity hiring' blocked white conservatives from access to many sectors of the job market?

    How many people lost their jobs or were denied medical treatment for refusing the government mandated shots?

    The EPA and USDA are making a concerted effort to shut down small farms and ranches, for everybody.

    The current administration is trying to go after 'unrealized capitol gains' - which will be WAY more than 25%

    Back in 1935:
    The German government started denigrating their chosen enemies to whip up public support

    Their controlled newspapers and radio began a slow but gradually escalating smear campaign against all non-Aryans with a specific focus on the Jews.

    The brown shirts were street enforcers to make sure everyone followed the laws and directives.

    Both 'Germans' and 'non-Aryans' alike would receive a beat-down if there was even suspicion of non-compliance.

    These thugs would regularly destroy the businesses and property of the states enemies, without any fear of repercussions.

    And in 2023:
    Sloppy Joe is saying 'white supremacy' and MAGA supporters are the #1 threat to national security...

    Meanwhile, gangs of black youths are smashing, looting and pillaging entire shopping districts?

    The retarded media magpies and parrots repeat Joey's every accusation and ignore any event that doesn't fit that narrative.

    Antifa, BLM and the Rainbow Mafia were foot soldiers, all through the scamdemic, assaulting people and destroying property with impunity
    (Wonder if they ever heard about 'Night of the Long Knives'?...)

    It seems to me that the same strategy has been implemented.
    Moves from the Nazi's playbook are being paralleled, to put us on a similar track...train tracks that lead to extermination.

  13. #13
    Administrator imanaknut's Avatar

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    Indiana, a state that is trying to remain free.
    Was about to say that I think it is possible we are in the purge right now, and then saw Nobeard's reply. Yes it sure looks like we are in the early stage of a purge, with the saving grace being there are enough firearm owners to make it really difficult. So far there is a group that is lucky that firearm owners are keeping off the trigger, and that the powers to be are on the side of the lawless.

    The open border sure seems like a purge from the south, and a certain group with a month and a day dedicated to them, who don't care about anyone but themselves (yet only one day to the veterans that made freedom possible) it does look like Biden wants to do away with the middle class, and a country where no one earns a living but lives with their hands out.

    Doesn't Biden realize, along with his puppeteers (not counting obama) that the color he so hates just happen to be the same color as the old guy in the mirror looking back at him?

    What ever happened to melting pot and we are all equal? Rhetorical question, I know the answer.

  14. #14
    Team Guns Network Silver 04/2013 alismith's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by imanaknut View Post
    Was about to say that I think it is possible we are in the purge right now, and then saw Nobeard's reply. Yes it sure looks like we are in the early stage of a purge, with the saving grace being there are enough firearm owners to make it really difficult. So far there is a group that is lucky that firearm owners are keeping off the trigger, and that the powers to be are on the side of the lawless.

    The open border sure seems like a purge from the south, and a certain group with a month and a day dedicated to them, who don't care about anyone but themselves (yet only one day to the veterans that made freedom possible) it does look like Biden wants to do away with the middle class, and a country where no one earns a living but lives with their hands out.

    Doesn't Biden realize, along with his puppeteers (not counting obama) that the color he so hates just happen to be the same color as the old guy in the mirror looking back at him?

    What ever happened to melting pot and we are all equal? Rhetorical question, I know the answer.
    Nope. Too much of his gray matter is gone to realize anything. He has to be told he's the Resident now every morning when he's changing his soiled Depends before his pudding breakfast.
    Last edited by alismith; 09-29-2023 at 07:13 PM.
    "Valar morghulis; valar dohaeris."

    Commucrats are most efficient at converting sins and crimes to accidents or misunderstandings.-Oswald Bastable

    Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless.

    Freedom isn't free.

    "Attitude is the paintbrush that colors our world." TV Series, Haven.

    My Spirit Animal has rabies.

    I'd rather be an American than a Democrat.

    "If you can make a man afraid, you can control him" Netflix Series, The Irregulars

  15. #15
    Guns Network Lifetime Member #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by alismith View Post
    Nope. Too much of his gray matter is gone to realize anything. He has to be told he's the Resident now every morning when he's changing his soiled Depends before his pudding breakfast.
    He's in charge of nothing. He was installed as a puppet through vote manipulation exactly for this purpose. I have no idea what or who runs our gov't at this point, But I'd guess the FBI has something to do with it.

  16. #16
    Senior Member Oswald Bastable's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by 1 Patriot-of-many View Post
    I have no idea what or who runs our gov't at this point...
    It's a combination of the WEF and the chicoms, or at least they are the corporeal agents involved. But we both know who the CIC is...some say he carries a pitchfork.
    If we refuse to rule ourselves with reason, then we shall be ruled by our passions.

    He, Who Will Not Reason, Is a Bigot; He, Who Cannot, Is a Fool; and He, Who Dares Not, Is a Slave. -Sir William Drummond

    There are some things I will not abide within my sight!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1 Patriot-of-many View Post
    He's in charge of nothing. He was installed as a puppet through vote manipulation exactly for this purpose. I have no idea what or who runs our gov't at this point, But I'd guess the FBI has something to do with it.
    A lot of people suspect this is 0bamas 4th term. His 3rd was behind the scenes when Trump was president, coaching his underlings in dod, doj, etc in betraying President Trump.
    "And how we burned in the camps later thinking, what would things have been like, if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain, whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?"

  18. #18
    Team Guns Network Silver 04/2013 alismith's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by 308 View Post
    Damn. He just predicted what he's doing now.

    However, obama is finding out it's really hard working with an idiot.
    "Valar morghulis; valar dohaeris."

    Commucrats are most efficient at converting sins and crimes to accidents or misunderstandings.-Oswald Bastable

    Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless.

    Freedom isn't free.

    "Attitude is the paintbrush that colors our world." TV Series, Haven.

    My Spirit Animal has rabies.

    I'd rather be an American than a Democrat.

    "If you can make a man afraid, you can control him" Netflix Series, The Irregulars

  19. #19
    Senior Member JTHunter's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobeard View Post
    Apologies to 1 Pat, didn't mean to go off topic derail your thread.

    Have been thinking about this and came up with a serious question of my own.

    Are we in the early stages of a purge RIGHT NOW?

    Here's a quick summary
    Consider the most well know and documented purge in recorded history: Nazi Germany.

    It didn't start with people being rounded up and loaded into cattle cars headed for the camps.
    That was the end result of a slow process which started in the early 1930s.

    Let me explain: the Nazi's wanted to purge all 'non-Aryans' but their primary target were people of Jewish descent. The majority of them had lived in Germany for generations and were in the upper-middle class. Some were doctors, lawyers or bankers while others were shop keepers and craftsmen. They owned delicatessens, tailor shops or made jewelry and repaired watches. These people were part of a community, at a time before Walmart and Kroger's, when neighbors actually knew each other.

    The first thing that had to be accomplished was isolating them.
    Then it would be possible to demonize them
    After that, the general populace would turn against them
    Which would make it easy to roll-in anyone else the state deemed an 'undesirable' (gypsies, Polish even the Jehovah's Witness were on that list).

    So they enacted the 'cancel culture' of that era to silence their chosen target; by 1935:

    Non-Aryans couldn't practice law or hold government jobs.

    They were no longer entitled to health insurance or access to public hospitals.

    Laws blocked Jews from being reporters, editors or publishers in the newspaper industry.

    They were not allowed own farms or to work in the agricultural industry.

    A 25% tax was imposed on ALL their assets.

    Meanwhile, in the 2020's
    Would anyone disagree that the government has colluded with social media to silence conservative voices?

    Heard about 'Operation Choke Point' that went after banks to shut down firearms and ammo transactions?

    Pro-American businesses like Mike Lindell's My Pillow have been kicked out of stores for having a conservative ideology.

    Has government mandated 'diversity hiring' blocked white conservatives from access to many sectors of the job market?

    How many people lost their jobs or were denied medical treatment for refusing the government mandated shots?

    The EPA and USDA are making a concerted effort to shut down small farms and ranches, for everybody.

    The current administration is trying to go after 'unrealized capitol gains' - which will be WAY more than 25%

    Back in 1935:
    The German government started denigrating their chosen enemies to whip up public support

    Their controlled newspapers and radio began a slow but gradually escalating smear campaign against all non-Aryans with a specific focus on the Jews.

    The brown shirts were street enforcers to make sure everyone followed the laws and directives.

    Both 'Germans' and 'non-Aryans' alike would receive a beat-down if there was even suspicion of non-compliance.

    These thugs would regularly destroy the businesses and property of the states enemies, without any fear of repercussions.

    And in 2023:
    Sloppy Joe is saying 'white supremacy' and MAGA supporters are the #1 threat to national security...

    Meanwhile, gangs of black youths are smashing, looting and pillaging entire shopping districts?

    The retarded media magpies and parrots repeat Joey's every accusation and ignore any event that doesn't fit that narrative.

    Antifa, BLM and the Rainbow Mafia were foot soldiers, all through the scamdemic, assaulting people and destroying property with impunity
    (Wonder if they ever heard about 'Night of the Long Knives'?...)

    It seems to me that the same strategy has been implemented.
    Moves from the Nazi's playbook are being paralleled, to put us on a similar track...train tracks that lead to extermination.
    Nobeard - It's a good thing Halloween is coming because your post is perfect for scaring the "excrement" out of people !
    “I have little patience with people who take the Bill of Rights for granted. The Bill of Rights, contained in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, is every American’s guarantee of freedom.” - - President Harry S. Truman, “Years of Trial and Hope”


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