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Thread: Can we co-exist with the left? Folks I follow on twitter are starting to not think so....

  1. #1
    Senior Member tank_monkey's Avatar

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    Can we co-exist with the left? Folks I follow on twitter are starting to not think so....

    Blaire White on the attempted assassination of Trump. The Democrats and the Left are just vile .

  2. #2
    Team Guns Network Silver 04/2013 alismith's Avatar

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    I hate to say it, but an un-civil war is coming our way....

    Be prepared.
    "Valar morghulis; valar dohaeris."

    Commucrats are most efficient at converting sins and crimes to accidents or misunderstandings.-Oswald Bastable

    Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless.

    Freedom isn't free.

    "Attitude is the paintbrush that colors our world." TV Series, Haven.

    My Spirit Animal has rabies.

    I'd rather be an American than a Democrat.

    "If you can make a man afraid, you can control him" Netflix Series, The Irregulars

  3. #3
    Team GunsNet Silver 04/2015 Nobeard's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by tank_monkey View Post
    Blaire White on the attempted assassination of Trump. The Democrats and the Left are just vile .
    Not only vile; democrats, socialists and the LGBTQs are an incredibly tiny minority.
    They would be completely insignificant, were it not for social media bots, skewed polls and the leftist media hacks.
    There has been great pains taken to create an illusion that their numbers, and therefore influence, is much greater than what is the actual reality for our country.

    Ever notice how they demand 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' of all ideals that are anti-American?
    But the instant someone stands up to object?
    They begin screaming all types of outlandish charges, along with threats and doxing to get the dissenter fired, de-banked and cancelled from 'their' society.

    Once Americans finally realize we outnumber them by at least a thousand to one?...

    There WILL be a reckoning.

  4. #4
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    I was working when the atempt was made. A coworker who is known to be vehemently anti-Trump pulled into the lot and jumped out, furious about something and yelling at me that all dems must be shot. This coming from someone I knew to literally hate Trump. He was off his rocker big time. I said what are you going on about? He said someone just shot Trump! I was like are you kidding me? No! He then raved again how every mfing dem needs to be taken out and shot! I was pondering the change in outlook on this man and it dawned on me, he wanted to see if I felt the way he was espousing as he knows I'm conservative and vote that way. I said is Trump ok? He said yeah but they don't have the shooter yet. I said people need to find out who it was before they go off the rocker. Trump has a lot of enemies, iranians, off the wall never Trumper rinos, dems, blmtifa, plus someone could always want to blame someone else for something they did; a patsy. I said we've already had a civil war and I am against another one. He left me still rambling and went in the building. Later on I caught him laughing it up with some of his cronies who came in and were discussing events. Pretty sure they're just mad he missed. His politics are his own, but I'd take a hundred of him for his work ethic alone and consider him a friend still.
    "And how we burned in the camps later thinking, what would things have been like, if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain, whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?"

  5. #5
    Senior Member Oswald Bastable's Avatar

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    Within the next few years, the US will split into two countries. One will comprise the east and west coasts, and some of the upper midwest (MI, IL, MN...and unfortunately, probably WI), and the rest of the country.

    This will not, and can not, end well.
    If we refuse to rule ourselves with reason, then we shall be ruled by our passions.

    He, Who Will Not Reason, Is a Bigot; He, Who Cannot, Is a Fool; and He, Who Dares Not, Is a Slave. -Sir William Drummond

    There are some things I will not abide within my sight!

  6. #6
    Senior Member JTHunter's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oswald Bastable View Post
    Within the next few years, the US will split into two countries. One will comprise the east and west coasts, and some of the upper midwest (MI, IL, MN...and unfortunately, probably WI), and the rest of the country.

    This will not, and can not, end well.
    Split the country like that and we might as well invite the Russians, Cubans, and Venezuelans in for a modern version of "Red Dawn".
    “I have little patience with people who take the Bill of Rights for granted. The Bill of Rights, contained in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, is every American’s guarantee of freedom.” - - President Harry S. Truman, “Years of Trial and Hope”

  7. #7
    Senior Member Oswald Bastable's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JTHunter View Post
    Split the country like that and we might as well invite the Russians, Cubans, and Venezuelans in for a modern version of "Red Dawn".
    Unfortunately, the fall of empires is always history attests.
    If we refuse to rule ourselves with reason, then we shall be ruled by our passions.

    He, Who Will Not Reason, Is a Bigot; He, Who Cannot, Is a Fool; and He, Who Dares Not, Is a Slave. -Sir William Drummond

    There are some things I will not abide within my sight!


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